September 11

I was in school, remember finding out about it in a science class then going home and watching the news for hours and hours.

Just horrific. And avoidable.

Lawrence Wright’s ‘The Looming Tower’ is amazing (and very long - I read it in lockdown) book of the years leading up to 9/11 and includes a lot of detail into the infighting, poor cooperation and dick swinging that went on between the CIA and FBI that led to the terrorists slipping through the net.
It’s absolutely brilliant. As is the tv series.
There is a very good series called 'The Looming Tower' with Jeff Daniels which is effectively about the years leading up to 9/11. Tracks the rise of al-qaida and the complete cluster fuck the US made between the CIA and FBI that should of ensured this never happened. Really good series.

Not seen that but assuming it’s based off the book which is absolutely fantastic.
I went to Ground Zero on Independence Day this year. Every name on the memorials had a little US flag placed on them. It was quite moving.
That whole area was pretty mind blowing imagining what went on there, from walking through lower Manhattan looking up, to coming around the corner to the area where the towers once stood, and how impressive it all is now.

Also, O'Hara's Pub near by, we loved it in there. The walls are covered in thousands of emergency services badges from all across the world and it was a cracking pint of Guinness.

had two weeks off work starting that Monday. The attacks, if I remember, we’re on the Tuesday.

Watching Sky and it broke on the channel I was watching to go to Sky News. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I don’t think I changed channel or moved the rest of that day. It was around half 1pm our time.

Each anniversary it still never feels real. I can’t see there will be anything that exceeds that in terms of shock.

A slight aside, the conspiracy nuts are fucking relentless with this. Most of them weren’t even born. They have it all wrapped up though. What I watched that day was CGI with crisis actors on the floor. I despise these type of people.
There is a very good series called 'The Looming Tower' with Jeff Daniels which is effectively about the years leading up to 9/11. Tracks the rise of al-qaida and the complete cluster fuck the US made between the CIA and FBI that should of ensured this never happened. Really good series.
Great programme, I think it is on Amazon.
And just to think Osama Bin Laden feared throughout the world for these dreadful attacks was found and killed years later in a one bedroom bedsit with a Amazon Fire stick… Unbelievable
As a lot of people have said, that day really did change the world.

But the specific moment that changed the world was the second plane hitting the South Tower. For 15 minutes we all thought there had just been a nasty accident. There's a video on YouTube of three guys filming the towers from their apartment about 5 or 10 blocks away, and as soon as the second plane hits a guy runs up behind them and starts screaming "That's terrorists! That's fucking terrorists, bro!" There's no better way to sum up that sinking feeling.

A fascinating and deeply troubling day in modern history.
There’s a video on YouTube of aboit 15 different views of the second plane going in, the one that gets me is the bloke in the street who’s camera is facing up and it comes in above them and hits the tower! Always think of the 343 that died that day, the first was killed by a woman who jumped from a tower, poor guy never even got into the tower :(
Recently reas the book Where men win glory by John Krakauer. It gives a great overview of the events leading up to 9/11, I was only 7 at the time but remember my parents reaction to the news so vividly.

I’ve read several of Krakauer’s books and articles - wasn’t aware he wrote one about 9/11, I’ll have to seek that out.
And just to think Osama Bin Laden feared throughout the world for these dreadful attacks was found and killed years later in a one bedroom bedsit with a Amazon Fire stick… Unbelievable

I can just imagine the realisation of his final few minutes.

He must’ve known the game was up as soon as the sound of attack helicopters were in the distance and he’d have known there was no way in hell a load of Navy SEAL’s were letting him out without a bullet in the head.

Must’ve been fucking class to have been picked for that mission. Imagine being an elite special forces operative and told you’d been selected for a mission to go and whack Bin Laden of all people. Best job in the world. Proper James Bond stuff.

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