birchwoodgingerste said:
AdamoTheGreat said:
full quote, both Spanish and English :)
Gran compromiso de todo el equipo para un partido en el que había que ganar si o si. Una importantisima victoria para seguir en la pelea. Gracias a todos por tantos mensajes de aliento. Me harán estudios para determinar el grado de la lesión pero sepan que no voy a aflojar. Lo que lamento es no poder estar para ayudar a mis compañeros dentro de la cancha pero hasta que me recupere alentaré a full desde afuera.
Great commitment from the whole team to a match that we had to win. A vital victory to stay in the race. Thanks for all the support. I’ll get checked to determine the severity of the injury but don’t think I’ll waver. My regret is not to be able to help my team-mates inside the field but until I’m better I’ll support them from the sidelines!
Arent grade 2 strains usually 5-6 weeks a grade 3 is 3 months hope its a grade one .
You always know when you have torn the muscle , its only a matter of how bad the tear that determines the recovery time.
He probably doesn;t want to say how bad it felt at the time but like you say hope its only a strain but I would say its at least a partial tear and its minimum of 6 weeks where he could return in 4 and risk further damage if it was life or death for us at that stage as far as the title or a top four spot was concerned etc.
Unfortunately I am now confident it will be at least as long as we lost Silva for.