Serious question about Mancini - serious answers only please

Lucky Toma said:
fbloke said:
I was thinking back to a thread I started a while ago, where I passed on the general sense of some stuff I was told.

In essence it was about the painful decisions that are likely to be made (I preempted it with the news that Weiss was going and isn't likely to come back).

I also predicted that we, the fans would be likely to argue about what was to be done for a while.

And its not all on the pitch either.

Having revisited what I was thinking at the time I fully believe three things today.

1. There are going to be some serious changes at City that could cause disruption to this season.

2. There is an acceptance that this year is hugely significant but that failure to qualify for CL does not directly mean Mancini goes.

3. Depending on how bad the surgery at City turns out to be will inform what happens and not merely what happens on the pitch. And that City's fan base WILL be poles apart when some decisions are made.

All of that of course is just my opinion and nothing more.

Fbloke, I like you but Jesus man, how many times are you going to write over-blown guff where you state the absolute bleeding obvious....but package it as if you are alluding to some hugely important state-secrets.

You write with such self-importance. But dont ever actually say anything at all.

Try including some actual substance to your nose-tapping wink-wink nonsense.

Here is what I was saying a while back -

I have had a very busy night contacting and being contacted by all manner of Blues and have been staggered by what I have pulled together.

The papers are starting to run with stories that we will all find difficult to read, and for once I find quite a bit of substance in there as well as speculation.

In essence what is happening is a fight for the dressing room and the future direction of the club.

So this tipping point will cause far more distress amongst the fans than the previous one where everything was rosy, with new players and new facilities on offer.

In blunt, simple terms then City are seeing the very last hurrah for the 'just about' type of players.

City are to be about the very best only.

From now on players will be paid very well indeed but will be expected to behave and perform as a well paid professional should.

Bellers is exactly what the new City wont employ as are Ireland, Onuoha,Robinho or Santa Cruz.

We may well be in for a far,far messier transition to the 'new City' than I personally expected but according to at least one person the problems run quite deep and the surgery is going to be painful.

We might also see some further new faces with none expected in January (which I have posted previously).

Be sure of one thing City fans are going to be arguing about these changes for quite some time.

If you want specifics then I am afraid I don't do them too well as very often what I get told is generalised mood music etc.

Here is the way I passed on info I received about Weiss -

Just a thought here so don't go shouting at me. I am a fragile little thing you know.

So how pished off would you be if City sold Vlad Weiss?

Marks out of 10?

So even when I know something specific I apparently have a way of posting that that many don't like, but I can live with that ;-)_
Danamy said:
I sent out a PM to a few on here the day after we beat Newcastle (Oct 4th) and went second in the League saying that RM wont see the season out and nothing has changed.
The timing of the PM was due to info received but also sent out as not to be seen as a knee jerk reaction in my comments.
As the season pans out i think things might become clearer...................

I love the way you say..."As the season pans out I think things might become clearer..."

Seeing as, according to you, Mancini is leaving before the season ends, then I would suggest this is bordering on the fucking obvious!

We demand more detailed timelines...
FBloke –

Here’s what I wrote on an X-Factor forum a couple of weeks back.

‘The phone has barely stopped ringing this evening following the latest elimination.

Rest assured X-fans there are plenty more contentious decisions and controversy ahead.
And the individuals who are responsible for them are aware that such decisions will cause upset and disharmony amongst some viewers.

With the increasing competition provided by Strictly there is a tipping point on the horizon. Acts are reportedly very nervous about this and have been told to ‘up their game’ by key figures within ITV.
I am unfortunately not at liberty to reveal who these key figures may be.

Wagner is currently providing headlines and for that reason alone he will be safe for the time being. But is this the direction this year’s X-Factor wants to ultimately take?
Lets just say there are reservations high up that he may not be suitable ‘winning’ material and they would ideally prefer a more ‘mainstream’ act to triumph.

Be sure of one thing, there are further exits to follow – on an almost weekly basis – and some of them will be very surprising’

See FBloke, its easy mate to wrap something up in apparently significant and explicating prose without actually saying anything of note whatsoever beyond stating the bleeding obvious!

(And just for the record, I have never once seen an episode of The X-Factor and certainly have never been within a million cyber-miles of a fans forum connected to such a shit brain-numbing show)
People have to understand what went on this time last season and why Mancini is here so I'll go over it again.

As I understand it, the owners liked Hughes but he was not their man and they were not convinced that he could deliver what he had said he would. So they started looking for a new manager who was respected worldwide and who had an unquestioned record of success.

Hughes, with more than a season and a half to run on his contract, got wind of this and had a show-down with Cook & Marwood. They smoothed things over and assured hm his position was safe but that wasn't the case.

So they made arrangements with Mancini for a temporary manager to step into the breach for the second half of the season in case it blew up again and sure enough Hughes found out Hiddink had been approached formally and went ballistic. In short, his message was "back me or sack me". So Khaldoon had to jump onto a plane on Friday night and come over to sack him. It was a ham-fisted sacking, from Garry Cook and Vicky Kloss's point of view.

Mancini came in but knew he was not first choice. Hence the "6 months plus 3 years" contract. That wasn't lost in translation; that was exactly the way it was.

Hiddink & Mourinho (at least) had been formally approached. The former turned us down (and almost certainly the revelation that he had been and had turned us down was a bit of mischief by Abramovich). The latter gave us good reason to believe he would come to us, but he certainly wanted away from Inter was possibly using us as insurance in case Real Madrid didn't come off. Certainly the club hierarchy was optimistically putting out the message that JM to City was a "done deal", which was premature, to put it mildly. (Interestingly they seem to have fallen for the same trick over Rooney, when Paul Stretford was playing all ends off against the middle. A few ITK's that I trust told me that City "were the only game in town" when I know they weren't for a cast-iron fact).

By April this year, the club realised they had been naive, fooled or used and abandoned attempts to get him to commit. Mancini, despite being, at best, Plan C initially, was therefore left in place. They really had no choice. Failing to get 4th last aseason, when it was easily in reach, didn't help his cause and his position so far this season, behind the "trajectory" that supposedly got Hughes the sack and with dressing room problems, hasn't advanced it either.
The thread is pointless no offence Prestwich Blue the fact is if we do not finish top 4 he is gone

Irish_Blue said:
Mancini has played, coached and been schooled - in the footballing sense - in Italy. His philosophy or way of playing the game is essentially Italian - how could it be anything else ?

Whenever Goals on Sunday have foreign coaches on (Jol, Guillit, Grant, etc.) quite a lot of them mention this word "philosophy". RM is a deep thinker and clearly from the coaching document he wrote (posted on here a while back) has his own - deep-seeted IMHO - system of playing.

The big question is then: can RM's philosophy be a winning one in England ?
That's really is the big question and I thought he could, but now I'm not so sure especially when he brought in Platt to assist him.
All I've looked at yesterday is reputations and assumptions.I took my blue tinted specs off and looked at the facts as an objective outsider would.Hart is regarded as one of the best keepers in the country.Richards has improved and is being touted for a return to the England team.Kolo more than played his part in Arsenals "invincibles".Kompany is widely regarded as one of the leagues best CBs.Boateng voted bundesligers best defender.You can go through the whole team and listen to all the accolades given to every single player from outsiders who have no connection with City.So on paper and reputation,there wasn't a single weakness from 1-11. I've then asked myself the question,why,as a collective unit,things went so badly wrong? The only conclusion I can draw is that it is down to attitude and application.Some of our players are not showing the required will to win to compliment their obvious talents.The only ones I have seen up to now who do have the right attitude are ,Kompany,DeJong,Zabaleta,Johnson,Silva and Tevez.I don't really want to blame Mancini for what's happening at the moment because I think two things have surprised him.One is the culture difference between Italy and Britain.The other surprise is how badly he's been let down by some players with big reputations.
Soulboy said:
Danamy said:
I sent out a PM to a few on here the day after we beat Newcastle (Oct 4th) and went second in the League saying that RM wont see the season out and nothing has changed.
The timing of the PM was due to info received but also sent out as not to be seen as a knee jerk reaction in my comments.
As the season pans out i think things might become clearer...................

I love the way you say..."As the season pans out I think things might become clearer..."

Seeing as, according to you, Mancini is leaving before the season ends, then I would suggest this is bordering on the fucking obvious!

We demand more detailed timelines...

I apologise for stating the fucking obvious!!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Despite the fact I (and a lot of other City fans) have no confidence in Mancini, I have said he needs two seasons before we can really be sure he's not the right manager.

We hear the refrain "The team is gelling" from people defending him (and I accept there may be something in that) but if we carry on playing games like todays, when are people going to accept his time is up?

1) Xmas?
2) End of the season?
3) Next Xmas?
4) End of next season?

I want a serious discussion please.

Fucking hell anyone would think we're mid table. We're 4th in the league, 2 points ahead of spurs
Danamy said:
Soulboy said:
I love the way you say..."As the season pans out I think things might become clearer..."

Seeing as, according to you, Mancini is leaving before the season ends, then I would suggest this is bordering on the fucking obvious!

We demand more detailed timelines...

I apologise for stating the fucking obvious!!

Being a mod on here has it's advantages, now get the F off here, we know who you are and you are taking the piss,

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