Serious question about Mancini - serious answers only please

It is clear that we are still very much a work in progress, consistency will always be an issue in such a phase. The recent apparently developing disciplinary problems can't help, it seems to me that there is still division behind the scenes, so whilst the big games perhaps force a unity in the squad, in the lower pressure games against teams fighting for their lives, the lack of unity perhaps becomes an issue.

Still a lot of work to do, i always thought title talk was extremely premature, our 4 closest rivals - Chelsea, Arsenal, United and Spurs, all look much more...together, as teams.

I think it would be ridiculous to even think of getting rid of Mancini, barring abject failure to achieve his set objectives (whatever they are), he has to be backed 100% if the club wants him to have the authority to make the required changes.

Results like Wolves will happen again i think, we're just going to have to suck it up, no way this season will be plain sailing.

Soooooooooooo, when's Mourinho due then? I'll go down to the airport and pick him up myself if someone gives me a date and time.
DD said:
The team has also showed time and time again that the spirit isn't there too. It's alright all trying their bollocks off against Chelsea but they don't show that togetherness on the road at the lesser lights. It's not showing when players are having spats on the pitch and in the tunnel. And it certainly doesn't show when any team who plays it tough knows they can get a result because we only have the stomach for a fight when it's a game we think should be tough. If we think they should be easy-beats and they don't lie down for us, our boys can't take it. Collectively, they just seem to think it's beneath them to do a physical shift against all bar the big three.

The team has had quite a while to get together now. Contrary to belief, it does not take a team a bloody year to gel. Mancini himself said that he expected it to be October before we saw us at our best. We are now at the end of October having witnessed two good performances all season.

United have tons of what we don't, passion, commitment and a huge desire to win football games. They don't take their ball home when a team gets stuck in and in their faces.

Ah you stole my thunder a bit, i think there's definitely truth in the first paragraph.

However, i think there's still a reasonable number of players who currently play a pretty important role in our side, who know that deep down, they are likely to get replaced in the not too distant future. It's hard to gel a team in that situation. Because of how far we're trying to go in a such a short period of time, such a fast change will create tension and fractures in the squad, it's Mancini's job to hold it together just enough to achieve his targets until he has the squad settled and most importantly, the players themselves know he wants them there.
his starting elevens and then his substitutions are puzzling me... 2-1 down and he takes adebayor off and puts zabaletta on. then the next sub puts jo on. wtf. should have gone balotelli, adebayor, jo, and took a defender off. thought we were in it 2 win it. anybody notice that when de jong doesnt play... WE DONT GET A RESULT!!! the guy is CLASS!!!
offer mourinho anything he wants and lets get him here before he goes to them red twats. he is the ONLY man that would make all our dreams for the club come true!!! M.C.F.C.4EVER...
I think these next couple of weeks are vital for Mancini not regarding his job thats safe for the time being more than that it is if he has all the squad behind him. So far this season in a long long time we have heard a lot of things coming out about Mancinis style of management by the players that have left the club and there hasnt been anything positive. Granted it could be sour grapes by those that left the club.
Also add into the mix the last week or so with some players on the lash. I dont think the manager minds the players having a couple of drinks on there day off but to do a all nighter and get it broken to the media is a bit disapointing for Mancini. Maybe it is a case of the players testing how far they can get away with under Mancini. I dont think he will stand for any of that shit anymore and I would of expected that he told those involved in it do it again and your gone. Be more professional when out and about.
As for what happen on the pitch between Kompany and Ade there is nothing he can do and you would want to see that coming from the pitch from the players no harm in it. We need leaders out there and if players start to give a bollocking out on the pitch it may get a good responce from that player in future games.
I think there will be a number of players at the squad and those players maybe thinking about a move to the team looking at how this all works out. I think the more professional players in the squad will not be happy with how the last couple of weeks has gone both on and off the pitch and are looking to Mancini to do his job and punish the players if need be but so far it seems he isnt willing to do that at this moment in time. He has to show the team he is the manager and wont take the shit if he fails he may well find his time at the club numbered.
Lucky Toma said:
FBloke –

Here’s what I wrote on an X-Factor forum a couple of weeks back.

‘The phone has barely stopped ringing this evening following the latest elimination.

Rest assured X-fans there are plenty more contentious decisions and controversy ahead.
And the individuals who are responsible for them are aware that such decisions will cause upset and disharmony amongst some viewers.

With the increasing competition provided by Strictly there is a tipping point on the horizon. Acts are reportedly very nervous about this and have been told to ‘up their game’ by key figures within ITV.
I am unfortunately not at liberty to reveal who these key figures may be.

Wagner is currently providing headlines and for that reason alone he will be safe for the time being. But is this the direction this year’s X-Factor wants to ultimately take?
Lets just say there are reservations high up that he may not be suitable ‘winning’ material and they would ideally prefer a more ‘mainstream’ act to triumph.

Be sure of one thing, there are further exits to follow – on an almost weekly basis – and some of them will be very surprising’

See FBloke, its easy mate to wrap something up in apparently significant and explicating prose without actually saying anything of note whatsoever beyond stating the bleeding obvious!

(And just for the record, I have never once seen an episode of The X-Factor and certainly have never been within a million cyber-miles of a fans forum connected to such a shit brain-numbing show)

Its not like that though is it.

If you were told, by way of example, that there are at least 20 people going to be fired and that one of them was a senior person for whom many held strong feelings and that some of the playing staff with long associations were to be put in theor place how would you post it?

Would you list everyone if you knew?

And if you were not privy to all the detail would you ignore what you were told and not post anything?

You see it becomes increasingly difficult to say anything too specific as we are talking about real people you know. Its complex and oftentimes second or even third hand info.

I make judgement calls all the time about NOT posting stuff, but when there is strong evidence from more than one source of things happening I like to get it out there.

Then when I get told something very specific and feel I can nail my colours to the mast I do.

That happened when I heard that all negotiations with Mourinho had been called off and the club had decided to stick with Roberto.

The date was significant as I was loathed to post it at the time, it was 1st April - a lot of other things had to be played out before people saw him move to RM but I can guarantee nobody thought to say, wow fbloke was right in the end wasn't he - no doubt putting the simple statements and the post I made on the issue down to a lucky guess.

Similar stance with the whispers I heard about Strachan at Boro, which I posted ahead of most of not all the press etc.

So being in the habit of posting info is a thankless task and I certainly dont do it for the attention as I can get that by mentioning the name of Jason Manford.

There are lots of rumours and snippets of info flying around at the minute that will no doubt play out in time and some of it will just so happen to match the overall stuff I have posted previously.

Im just a good guesser you see ;-)

And on the manager we have I have had 2 types of PM on that for the past 3 months.

Some talka bout him not lasting the season, which I dont agree with as it happens.

And some make Mancini almost bulletproof for at least 2 years which I do agree with.
The minimum amount of time Mancini should have to play with is the average of the last three managers. If he isn't producing on the pitch with the money he has spent and the methods he has employed then I think the owners will be in before we can reach a consensus on BlueMoon as to how long he has left.
Skashion said:
Really hard to say. I think he'd have to be an overwhelming failure to make me want to get rid. That or Mourinho deciding he wants to be at City.

This said, I don't think he'll be a failure. I'm not happy today with either his selection or his substitutions and I bloody hope he learns from it, but, we are yet to play at full strength even once, much less have had time to gel. I think when we have, we're going to be a force to be reckoned with. I'm not counting us out of the title race yet and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm drinking in the company of many thousands of City fans in Dublin at the end of the season either.
if we are i'll stand your first beer
warpig said:
anyone who answers 'by xmas' need their brains examining.

You're not wrong. Two years max though. I didn't like Hughes, and I found myself saying that when we sacked him, he should have had 2

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