Serious Question (PLEASE)

I'm going to say what I think here, and it may sound cruel. Women have a tendency to exaggerate when it comes to a relationship they are not happy with. Sometimes they may throw certain things into a conversation in the hope of sympathy without realising how serious the consequences could be. If she wants out she should walk out.

One thing I will say for certain is that if you get involved and start threatening people over what you have gleaned from a drunken conversation you will look back in a couple of months and think "Why the fuck did I start interfering in someone else's life".
Me and the missus agreed she should go out for a drink and see if she can get her to talk about it
In fairness she is daft as a brush but completely harmless
He is a very nice guy but you could easily see him being aggressive and he is massive
Neither of them are best mates of ours. If what she is saying is true its hard to stomach really and the way she gave him excuses is the worrying part for me

Im also not jumping into this it was just a conversation but it worries us as it just didn't sound right at all
My view is to stay out of it... I remember seeing this guy hitting his woman one time so I went over and got involved, she didn't want me there and started battering me, ahaha....

Yea, least not forget domestic violence can be a two way thing, there are men out there who have/are being abused mentally/physically by women.
Unless you witness something first hand the only thing you can do is be her confidant. Tell her to seek advice/help from a domestic abuse helpline or her GP.
I remember something similar a few years ago with one of my mates. His girlfriend had a friend who was getting knocked about by her fella but they were reluctant to involve my mate because he's a bit of a psycho. Anyway, one day the girl had got one slap too many and asked my mate to deal with him. She told him which way he walked home from work every day so my mate could drag him into an alley and tan him.
My mate waited for nearly an hour but the bloke didn't walk past. Turns out she'd changed her mind and warned her boyfriend that somebody was going to tune him in and to walk home a different way. It's probably just aswell really because my mate wouldn't have just give him a couple of digs, he'd have put him in hospital and got in a shitload of trouble.
Im not sure how i break it to my missus now that i was right and we should leave it well alone. This may well cause domestic abuse in my house

Cheers for the help guys, i think we will just see how it goes to be honest
Pigeonho said:
Have a word with you mate and tell him that if he touches her just once, you'll kick absolute fuck out of him. Genuine answer to your question that too, not a funny arsed comment.

Basically, the relationship sounds fucked.

Don't follow this advice.
Lol at all the wannabe claire raynor's! Just go out with her, be a shoulder, then destroy her anus, and tell her that as you aren't afraid of your mate, if she doesn't keep schtuuum, or come across often, you will tell him and he will give her a beating so good, she'll wish she was made of rubber.

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