Serious Question (PLEASE)

Boots_ said:
Pigeonho said:
Have a word with you mate and tell him that if he touches her just once, you'll kick absolute fuck out of him. Genuine answer to your question that too, not a funny arsed comment.

Basically, the relationship sounds fucked.

Don't follow this advice.
Why? He said 'they' are his friends, so the girl too. He would be looking out for her by doing this, not just giving some idle threat to his mate in some show of moral high ground.
I have couples as mates, and if I suspected the male friend of abusing the female one, i'd pull him aside and be having words with him. Absolutely no doubt about it.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Im not sure how i break it to my missus now that i was right and we should leave it well alone. This may well cause domestic abuse in my house

Cheers for the help guys, i think we will just see how it goes to be honest
A happy medium would be to let your mrs tell her that if she ever feels really threatened or gets hurt by him that she can come round to yours or you'd go and pick her up. That way you're not actively getting involved but you're not turning your back on her either.
Sometimes it has to be the couple that realise they have problems though, not other's telling them.

When she realises, she'll be out... many avenues such as Women's Aid and Refuge 0808 2000 247
There was a woman i used to work with who had 3 kids recently married. she used to get bad headaches and was getting tests and scans done in hospital. i'd met her husband and he seemed a great bloke. one day he drove her to get lunch and when she came back to eat it at work she couldnt eat it because she said she'd hurt her jaw, lunch went in the bin and i didnt think about it again until a few weeks later when she turned up in a right state saying she'd kicked him out

The night before they had had the next door neighbour and his wife round for dinner. When the left she had gone to lay down on the couch, he stormed in and booted he in the stomach and stated yelling at her about flirting with the neighbour ( actually just being a good host and joining in a conversation with him) he battered her and the next door neighbour hear her screams and come to help but the husband attacked him too. i turns out he'd been battering her for years, she was going dizzy and blacking out with it and thats why she was having all the tests. the reason she couldnt eat her lunch that day was because he had punched her in the jaw on the way to get it. i felf such a dick for not realising what was going on because it all fell into place right there.

she had hid it all but she realised it was over when he attacked the neighbour, it was he catylist for her to leave because it was all out in the open. she had major issues tryin to get free of hi though because her mum took pity on her husband and let him move in. she did get divorced though thank god.
Pigeonho said:
Boots_ said:
Pigeonho said:
Have a word with you mate and tell him that if he touches her just once, you'll kick absolute fuck out of him. Genuine answer to your question that too, not a funny arsed comment.

Basically, the relationship sounds fucked.

Don't follow this advice.
Why? He said 'they' are his friends, so the girl too. He would be looking out for her by doing this, not just giving some idle threat to his mate in some show of moral high ground.
I have couples as mates, and if I suspected the male friend of abusing the female one, i'd pull him aside and be having words with him. Absolutely no doubt about it.

If the OP was comfortable with threatening "to kick absolute fuck out of him" he'd have done it in the first instance rather than waiting to be advised by somebody on the internet, I reckon. Based on that, he'd probably take a beating off the bloke who would also batter his girlfriend for blabbing.
Boots_ said:
Pigeonho said:
Boots_ said:
Don't follow this advice.
Why? He said 'they' are his friends, so the girl too. He would be looking out for her by doing this, not just giving some idle threat to his mate in some show of moral high ground.
I have couples as mates, and if I suspected the male friend of abusing the female one, i'd pull him aside and be having words with him. Absolutely no doubt about it.

If the OP was comfortable with threatening "to kick absolute fuck out of him" he'd have done it in the first instance rather than waiting to be advised by somebody on the internet, I reckon. Based on that, he'd probably take a beating off the bloke who would also batter his girlfriend for blabbing.
Eh? He came on the 'internet' asking for advice, that's my advice, your advice is to not take it, (which you also gave on the 'internet').
anymore than 2sheiks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Im not sure how i break it to my missus now that i was right and we should leave it well alone. This may well cause domestic abuse in my house

Cheers for the help guys, i think we will just see how it goes to be honest
A happy medium would be to let your mrs tell her that if she ever feels really threatened or gets hurt by him that she can come round to yours or you'd go and pick her up. That way you're not actively getting involved but you're not turning your back on her either.

Yip, this would be my advice
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Last weekend me and missus were out for a few drinks with mates. Talking to one girl and it pretty much seemed she was in an abusive relationship ( the guy we are also friends with)
She was saying things like "we were arguing and he threw an aftershave bottle at me but it wasn't supposed to hit me"
"he locked me out of the house i had to call round a friends"
"He shouted at me and told me to fuck off because i hadn't painted my nails"

Now seriously lads and ladies i have never come across something like this and i have no idea what to do and neither does the missus
Was it even a cry for help or was she just talking while drunk

There was an advert about this a while back and that people tend to feel they should not get involved. How would you feel if he beat her up and you did nothing?

Let your other half get the details and if you are still worried call your local police station and have a chat. They will point you in the right direction.

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