Settle an argument...

Corky said:
east2 said:
Incorrect,offside as they were goalside of the last defender,therefore as there was only the goalkeeper between them the ref was correct,no goal!

The goalkeeper is the last defender, but that is another point.

How can you watch football and not have a clue about the laws?

The goalkeeper is 'neutral' in the offside law..
Since when has the goalkeeper been neutral in the offside rule!!!!

Always thought he counted as one off the two!!
levets said:
Corky said:
The goalkeeper is the last defender, but that is another point.

How can you watch football and not have a clue about the laws?

The goalkeeper is 'neutral' in the offside law..
What?????? He is one of the two defenders.
levets said:
Corky said:
The goalkeeper is the last defender, but that is another point.

How can you watch football and not have a clue about the laws?

The goalkeeper is 'neutral' in the offside law..
No, as posted earlier:

Fifa laws of the game:

A player is in an offside position if:
• he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent

In most cases the 2nd last opponent is a defender and the last opponent is the keeper but it doesn't have to be that way, it could be 2 outfield players inf the keeper has rushed off his line.
levets said:
Corky said:
The goalkeeper is the last defender, but that is another point.

How can you watch football and not have a clue about the laws?

The goalkeeper is 'neutral' in the offside law..


The goalkeeper is usually the last defender but sometimes comes out of his net so far that he isn't even important in the rule.

Example if the keeper comes to collect a corner and misses it and there are two defenders on the line it is those two defenders who are the key players.
Its amazing the number of people who struggle with the offiside laws, possibly as they change them almost every season.

To the best of my knowledge a number of things have remained true throughout the modern era.

There has to be 2 opposition players between the attacking player receiving the ball and the goal line if the ball is passed forward and the attacking player receiving the ball is in the oppositions half when the ball is struck

1. You can only be offside to a forward pass. So if the ball is pulled back you can never be offside.

2. You cannot be offside if you are in your own half when the ball is struck by your own player

3. Yo cannot be offiside if the ball strikes an opposing player whilst you are in an offside position, as long as you were in an onside position when your team last touched the ball.

4. You cannot be offside from a throw-in

The idea of active and non-active is for another conversation.

IN the OP's description the player passed the ball back and is, under no conditions off-side.

I hope that all helps and as I didnt read the full thread that I havent repeated everything.
fbloke said:
IN the OP's description the player passed the ball back and is, under no conditions off-side.
He didn't though. He passed it forwards.

But it's still onside as the receiving player was behind the ball when it was played.
fbloke said:
1. You can only be offside to a forward pass. So if the ball is pulled back you can never be offside.

Not true.

If the ball is pulled back and you run back from an offside position when the ball is hit to retrieve it then you are offside.

The direction the ball travels in has no bearing on whether a person is offside or not.

If they are closer to the opponent's goal-line than the ball and the second last opponent when the pass is played they are offside. That is regardless of whether the pass goes backwards or forwards.

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