Shamima Begum

I saw this interview with an Indonesian guy (starts 1:24) who brought his whole family to ISIS and he expresses absolutely no remorse whatsoever for any of the victims of the regime. He describes it as "the biggest mistake of his life" but it's obvious that he only sees it as a mistake because they were defeated, not because of the horrific things done. He also tries to fob it off by saying "everyone makes mistakes, I'm sure you've made mistakes" as if joining a genocidal regime is the same as forgetting your anniversary.

Having said that, the video goes into the terrible situation that a lot of the kids of these cunts are now in as a result of their parents' actions.
That made me laugh.
I'm sure some husbands may disagree with you. Hell hath no fury....
I’d prefer the goofy woman to die in a Kurdish jail, preferably soon.
Rather than have a UK trial and costs - leading to 25-30 (or life) in a UK prison, I would compromise and recognise that her current 'lot' is not a holiday camp - so she can stay there and serve the 25-30 years and we can review it then
I’ve made this point previously, but if it’s such a good idea why haven’t they revoked the citizenship of Sutcliffe, Nilsen, Bamber, Bellfield, Tobin and Cregan; or is that different for some equally ridiculous reason?

Absolutely moronic idea.

Rolf Harris didn’t have his citizenship revoked either for some reason. I don’t remember any clamour for it either.
The best case scenario is the Kurds have enough of looking after her and put a bullet in her head.

I would someone spoof of her boarding a plane waving a union jack, it would send the knuckle draggers into melt down.

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