Shamima Begum

The minute her defence in a British court it would be discredited along the lines of the statement having being given without legal guidance or under duress.

There should be one outcome and one only for anyone who has helped or supported ISIS.


But you and I should man up apparently.
If they are going to try her for specific crimes the UK would need to produce (as you intimated earlier) evidence. If they try to convict on a more general "being a member of..." or "collaborating with..." charge they would need to show that her actions after she entered Syria were voluntary. Eve if she travelled to Syria voluntarily, ISIS being what it was, it would be very difficult to prove beyond doubt that there was no coercion, especially considering her age and the definition I quoted above.
It might be an overly simplistic approach, and fatally flawed, but my answer was predicated on her formally admitting her offences and therefore pleading guilty to a substantive offence. On that basis, the evidence doesn’t have to be overwhelming, as it frequently isn’t when people plead guilty to offences at an early stage. If not, she can stay where she is, as I have no doubt she’s guilty, with the only mitigation being her age at the time. She’s old enough to make her mind up now about the best course for her to take.
I think she needs electrocution via radio accidentally falling into a bath.

Or, offered a free job as a TV aerial repair bloke and then send her out in the next storm.

Just trying to think of ways in which she hasn't been murdered on here yet....

Make her read 10 threads made by @worsleyweb back to back?

She’d want to kill herself then.
Capital punishment isn’t murder in my opinion but that’s another thread.

People are defending her, we’ve literally had someone on this thread insinuating she was too young to know what she was doing.

At 19 I reckon you’ve got a pretty good idea.

Last time I looked chucking her out of an airplane wasn’t ‘capital punishment’. And people can do both. Understand the circumstances that led her to the path she took and also recognise that it was an unusual step for a 15 y/o which indicates a deeper problem than just ‘circumstances’.

No one in this thread has argued against trial and any punishment that may follow. The violence expressed is a different matter.

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