Shamima Begum

Well I'm not opposed to that.

Obviously this is such a high profile case now that it's put the government in a tough situation.

Imagine they were to bring her back, she does her time, gets out and ends up involved in some terror organisations, or even marries someome with even a link or anything like that to one, imagine the uproar. Not saying that would happen but you can't rule it out. The backlash would be insane.

That's the reason I think she's losing her appeals, not because they class her as very dangerous, but they're simply scared about the backlash on the off chance she puts a foot wrong.
She lost this appeal because technically the H.S had the power to remove her citizenship. They weren't debating her case mate. She needs to have her day in a British court. She's a British subject by any other metric.
Dog whistle politics once more rather than use the legal system and the courts to decide her fate.
Clearly being made an example of rather than posing a serious threat, but she did make the choice to set herself up as the poster girl for jihad. Limited sympathy from me although I wouldn't like the course of my entire life to be dictated by my attitudes and decisions as a 15 yr old.
Well I'm not opposed to that.

Obviously this is such a high profile case now that it's put the government in a tough situation.

Imagine they were to bring her back, she does her time, gets out and ends up involved in some terror organisations, or even marries someome with even a link or anything like that to one, imagine the uproar. Not saying that would happen but you can't rule it out. The backlash would be insane.

That's the reason I think she's losing her appeals, not because they class her as very dangerous, but they're simply scared about the backlash on the off chance she puts a foot wrong.

That’s ultimately arguing that our judicial system isn’t fit for purpose though and as a consequence we’re seemingly able to just give up that accountability and expect someone else to do it.

That’s my main issue with this particular one. I have little feeling for Begum. I do believe she should be our accountability though and should be tried as a British citizen regardless of the threat.

It’s a difficult one though as a lot of the evidence of why she is perceived as such a high threat wasn’t made public so I’m not sure anyone can have a full opinion without knowing what that evidence was. The key bit to me in that is also is that threat only valid if she were to be returned to the Uk.
It was retribution for Muslims killed by the West and she had no sympathy.

It was the half baked rationalisation of someone coming to terms that they'd wasted their whole life. Cruel and thoughtless comments but I wouldn't place much weight on it.

She's the advert against running off and becoming a Jihadi bride, hopelessly naïve and dim.

Rather ironically Sharmeena Begum (no relation) who inspired the three girls to follow her was never stripped of her citizenship, has escaped a prison camp and crowd funded for Islamic state under a new identity.

It was the half baked rationalisation of someone coming to terms that they'd wasted their whole life. Cruel and thoughtless comments but I wouldn't place much weight on it.

She's the advert against running off and becoming a Jihadi bride, hopelessly naïve and dim.

Rather ironically Sharmeena Begum (no relation) who inspired the three girls to follow her was never stripped of her citizenship, has escaped a prison camp and crowd funded for Islamic state under a new identity.

Yup, there's no helping drones is there?
One day soon, another country will follow the UKs example and revoke the citizenship of some terrorist/scumbag/ne’er do well that’s been apprehended in the UK meaning we can’t deport them, and are forced to house and feed and look after them forever and the tabloids and conservatives will have an absolute meltdown about ECHR, woke lawyers and the like.

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