Shamima Begum

I understand them perfectly I know what this supposed civilised society is, you either don’t or actually realise it’s a lie but it suits your own views. The fact you would think that people who disagree with you are not part of a civilised society just shows what we all know you can’t handle an opinion different to your own. It’s why your ilk spout cliches and slurs to shut down debate.

Have you made up the spare bed yet? Don’t forget to place a book of redemption on the bedside table and put a lock on your own bedroom door. I have this strange compassion for innocent people even deluded ones.

A monkey flicking his own shit at the walls would make more sense then this.
Your comprehension ain’t my problem fella, ask someone else to help you I can’t be arsed.

Why do you want to sleep in my spare bedroom? Is it a gay thing? No judgement. On the other hand why am I getting locks? Where do I find the rest of my ilk? Are you off your meds?
Why do you want to sleep in my spare bedroom? Is it a gay thing? No judgement. On the other hand why am I getting locks? Where do I find the rest of my ilk? Are you off your meds?

You are struggling aren’t you? which part of get someone to help you didn’t sink in:-)
It’s bluemoon off piste is hardly new or unusual. I find if you are going to throw words like empathy etc around backing it up with a cliche you are unwilling to expand on is likely to get questioned. A chap may shoot a rabid dog but love his Labrador at home. He may even show it compassion at times.

I’m not calling this young woman a dog by the way that would be unfair on dogs:-)
Do you think that children shouldn’t be treated differently by the law than adults? You appear to be unclear on this point.
What offence has she committed as an adult, other than towards you?

At 18 she was an acting member of an internationally wanted terrorist organisation and involved in suicide bombings - she made them and stitched explosives into them, was a member of Hisba within ISIS (look them up if you do not know) and was actively involved and present in atrocities to innocent Syrian civilians.

The accounts are from other Daesh members and the intelligence services.

This is a classic case of “I only worked on reception at Auschwitz” but it turns out the person was actually responsible for herding people into gas chambers.

To do this at 18 and then show absolutely no remorse nor regret for her actions says everything and whilst I appreciate as a man of the law, you wish to see it upheld, it is still contentious and any right minded individual should want this woman dead.

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