Shamima Begum

The legal system? So any person wanting a stronger punishment than this so called society(I would like someone to define society to me) must suffer from a lack of compassion? I don’t believe in the death penalty strangely enough but for a long time in this country the majority were in favour. By your argument millions of people must be incapable of compassion or humanity.

There are 2 main problems with both our way of seeing things. Yours would be that even though you know that innocent people will suffer the most dire consequences of this civilised society you accept this. In this respect you are showing less humanity than me. Possible future victims are your collateral damage and a price worth paying.

People and society evolves. Our attitudes towards a great many things have become less punitive, although our justice system is still partly stuck in the dark ages. Countries where the emphasis is on non custodial sentences and rehabilitation have lower crime rates. People sometimes resent this because they want offenders to ‘suffer’ even if this leads to higher crime rates. The wish for revenge or inflict suffering on those that bring suffering is a natural instinct but it is counter productive.

People on here refuse to show Begum compassion or empathy in part because she shows no compassion or empathy. How much this is due to her shutting down psychologically or a feature of her natural personality or whatever I have no idea but most people in horrorfic situations tend to cauterise themselves emotionally in order to survive.
That is very harsh considering you don’t know my circumstances in full, maybe you should be trying to rehabilitate and understand me rather than hurt me. In a civilised society insults and retribution are no longer considered a correct way to deal with people.

I forgive you though. Hopefully you can grow from this interaction and refrain from insults in the future.

You're right of course, I shouldn't have rushed to judgement based on such little evidence, I have should have tried to consider the context of such a shitty post. I was guilty of black and white thinking and if I'd given it a little more thought I would have reflected on some of your posts in the Greta Thurnberg thread for example which would tell me that you're not all bad.

I'm glad to hear you are open to the idea of being rehabilitated. I'll amend my view to say that while I think some of your posts on here demean you I think that with the right care and attention you might be able to become a more rounded human being.
People and society evolves. Our attitudes towards a great many things have become less punitive, although our justice system is still partly stuck in the dark ages. Countries where the emphasis is on non custodial sentences and rehabilitation have lower crime rates. People sometimes resent this because they want offenders to ‘suffer’ even if this leads to higher crime rates. The wish for revenge or inflict suffering on those that bring suffering is a natural instinct but it is counter productive.

People on here refuse to show Begum compassion or empathy in part because she shows no compassion or empathy. How much this is due to her shutting down psychologically or a feature of her natural personality or whatever I have no idea but most people in horrorfic situations tend to cauterise themselves emotionally in order to survive.

Like I said you would have to define society to me otherwise it’s a cliche trotted out by soft saps who don’t have to live with the consequences of their views.
What do you think is a fair sentence then and when should she be up for parole?

Sometimes something requires clear thinking and leaving caliphate members to die in the ditch where they are is one of them.

Not for me to recommend an appropriate sentence and when she should be up for parole. I think that would be the job of the legal system who might be privy to more information than can be gleaned from a sky tv interview.

Sometimes something requires objective thinking. Your knee jerking isn't an example of it.
You're right of course, I shouldn't have rushed to judgement based on such little evidence, I have should have tried to consider the context of such a shitty post. I was guilty of black and white thinking and if I'd given it a little more thought I would have reflected on some of your posts in the Greta Thurnberg thread for example which would tell me that you're not all bad.

I'm glad to hear you are open to the idea of being rehabilitated. I'll amend my view to say that while I think some of your posts on here demean you I think that with the right care and attention you might be able to become a more rounded human being.

I’m walking an inch taller already fella, bounding down the street head held high whispering to myself don’t kick her out don’t kick her out :-)
Like I said you would have to define society to me otherwise it’s a cliche trotted out by soft saps who don’t have to live with the consequences of their views.

I don’t have to define anything. I’m just pointing out empirical evidence that people reject because they don’t want other people to think they are ‘soft saps’.
Not for me to recommend an appropriate sentence and when she should be up for parole. I think that would be the job of the legal system who might be privy to more information than can be gleaned from a sky tv interview.

Sometimes something requires objective thinking. Your knee jerking isn't an example of it.

Believe me I was objective. I went into the footage expecting to see a 19 year old who was at least pretending to be sorry and regretful, I was actually on the side of bringing her back before I listened to what she said.

I’m not sure why you’re trivialising the fact it’s a Sky interview, it doesn’t matter if it’s Sky or not, this was her chance to have her say to the British public and authorities.

My whole position on this is allowing the legalities to take their natural course, as ever there’s wrestling from both sides and whatever the legal findings of her appeal decides, I shall support it as it’s the law. It’s quite clear there’s a case to argue about this dual nationality and it will be decided.

What I’m arguing is what she deserves and whether or not we should have sympathy and I’m sorry but for all I really care, she can die there today.
She went of her own free will, she went to support a terrorist state, she witnessed at the very least and did fuck all about it horrific crimes against humanity and at worst possibly participated, she was responsible for the untimely and extremely sad deaths of her children because she refused to take them out of the environment that resulted in their sad deaths and she refused when asked to say she had any regrets or remorse about what she had done.

Let her fucking rot!

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