Shamima Begum

I agree with this.

I've no time whatsoever for this woman,but the government have been guilty of playing to the gallery on this matter in my opinion.
Why can't she go to Holland the birthplace of her "husband" or Bangladesh the birthplace of her Father.

I suspect they don't want her and she wants to get back to soft touch Britain and the welfare state.

I for one do not want her back the ingrate.
Why can't she go to Holland the birthplace of her "husband" or Bangladesh the birthplace of her Father.

I suspect they don't want her and she wants to get back to soft touch Britain and the welfare state.

I for one do not want her back the ingrate.
Nobody wants her back and no one wants any of the violent criminals who live here already either. Unfortunately for us, like most of the undesirables already here she was born here so under international law we will eventually be stuck with her. Holland and Bangladesh have much better reason for not letting her live in their countries. If one of them would take her that's problem solved but why would they? At some point in the future, if Syria manages to get back to some semblance of normality, their authorities will stick her on a plane to the UK and there's fuck all we can do about it.
Why can't she go to Holland the birthplace of her "husband" or Bangladesh the birthplace of her Father.

I suspect they don't want her and she wants to get back to soft touch Britain and the welfare state.

I for one do not want her back the ingrate.
Because she's British. She was born in Britain and is a British national. That's not to say anything positive or negative about her, it's just a simple fact. She might be guilty of any number of crimes, and morally reprehensible in any number of ways, but that's not the point.
Because she's British. She was born in Britain and is a British national. That's not to say anything positive or negative about her, it's just a simple fact. She might be guilty of any number of crimes, and morally reprehensible in any number of ways, but that's not the point.
It's really as simple as that, and no amount of outrage and indignation can change it.
Why can't she go to Holland the birthplace of her "husband" or Bangladesh the birthplace of her Father.

I suspect they don't want her and she wants to get back to soft touch Britain and the welfare state.

I for one do not want her back the ingrate.

To point out the bleeding obvious, because she is British.
Why can't she go to Holland the birthplace of her "husband" or Bangladesh the birthplace of her Father.

I suspect they don't want her and she wants to get back to soft touch Britain and the welfare state.

I for one do not want her back the ingrate.

What eligibility would she have to enter the Netherlands? Her marriage conducted in Islamic State territory is probably not even recognised. She doesn't speak Bengali, one reason why she might not want to go to a country she has minimal connection with who refuse to acknowledge that she is a citizen. And one which she has no travel documents for.

I wasn't aware expecting people to have a right of appeal and proper representation by means of legal aid was something exclusive to Marxist idealogy.

She should be brought back to face justice in the UK, if there is evidence she has committed crimes, she should be prosecuted. And if convicted jailed.

This young woman is a warning of the future to prospective radicalised child brides, of the misery that will come to them (3 infant deaths etc). But keeping the adults and children in camps in squalor and all together will only radicalise future generations. I hope that I am wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn in the future that men who lived in these camps as children went on to become terrorists.
The plight of this young woman breaks my heart.
As a school child she ran away and got herself mixed up with a very undesirable collection of individuals.
Quite correctly she should now answer for any alleged wrongdoing, but the argument that she should somehow lose her citizenship is dangerous, immoral, and legally extremely dubious.

We should be asking ourselves what it is about our society that running away to Syria looked like a better option than staying at home for a vulnerable child.

If she was a white male , running away to Dublin and getting mixed up with a bunch of Provisionals would there be a cry to strip Him of his citizenship? No, of course there wouldn't.

And what of the precedent being set here? What happens when we arrest a foreign national for some heinous crime or other and wish to deport them home if their home nation refuses them citizenship? Do we keep them?

Dog whistle judicial grandstanding with an eye on the Daily Mail, as per usual in this country.

This desperately vulnerable young woman needs to be brought home, looked after, educated on the error of her ways and allowed to eventually live a normal happy life.

This whole episode is a desperately sad state of affairs.
I used to work with a guy at Barclays, he was a nice guy friendly and chatty. All of a sudden he turned Islam, he would spend his shifts reading religious literature and evemn try to convert some of us. We didnt mind, he was harmless and accepted that his pov wasnt everyones.

Then 911 happened and we found out he'd been captured in Afghanistan. He was then trasferred to Guantamo Bay and stayed there for five years or so. Massive press campaign to get him released, they said he was just in the country at the wrong time, that the Americans had been over zealous in their capture of foriegn insurgents and were just locking anyone up. When he was release there was a bit of a home coming, he was awarded compensation.

The last time he was seen he was driving a suicide truck into a load of people in some terrorist incident!

We have a responsibility to humankind, we must not let these people fool us into a false sense of security because they'll exploit it as much as they can, whether theyve been groomed or not we should protect the rights of everyone to live in safety, and I believe thats what the law courts have ruled in this case - that society safety trumps human rights of one person.

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