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Re: Shukran Sheikh

ElanJo said:
I know that "Shukran" means "thanks". I also know that "humbulla" means "grenade" thanks to Battlefield 2. Who says computer games aren't educational?

Actually it is kumbulla :)
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Kinky by name said:
warpig said:
kinky, is there a paypal account set up for this yet?

Not yet but there will be very soon,

The club has written back to me today (Wed 15th July) basically welcoming the idea and saying they will do all they can to help us. They are delighted with what we are proposing to do and our suggestion has been passed on to Mubarak and Mansour who (they said) have been genuinely touched by the goodwill emanating from City fans (in general) and also particularly from this forum.

I have been asked to wait for another oifficial to contact me about sizes; then we can get it priced and then we can have the account. Ric may help us with the PayPal account on here and make it a sticky. Then we have to play our part so dig deep, it's the least we can do.

More as it comes lads and lasses,


Great work Kinky. :-) Ten ball's ready and waiting to be sent.
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Kinky by name said:
Fuck me... where's Boutros Boutros-Ghali!

1. for all those worried about the wording:

In terms of protocol, how he is addressed probably depends on who is addressing him and where; I don't think we need to worry about offending Arab sentiment when half our fans are wandering around the ground with fucking teatowels on their heads and (for all I know) arab straps elsewhere. So I think just "Sheikh" will suffice. Thank you Sheikh Mansour in Arabic and whatever else underneath in English seems fine and do-able to me; keep it simple.

2. For those who think size is important...

Well, it is. JRB rightly raised the issue and mentioned Halford clearing it... fine. Someone nominated Ric to inquire about this but perhaps someone who has Halford's ear could save Ric the trouble? He's got enough problems running this asylum. If nobody is well placed, I will do the asking myself but as Wheelsy said, isn't 20ft by 3ft enough or do you really wanna go for it?

3. Money shot:

Once we have agreed the size and got it priced at manufacturers; we can open a paypal account; maybe Ric would do it on here, I think we should be able to hit a grand pretty quickly and if there's any left over perhaps we could have one for GC and Mubarak - if there's any left, I say give it Ric for site costs or put it behind the bar at the Shambles (same thing).

But we need one for Mansour and we need it for the opening game.

For those who think it will make us look like twats or are worried about what everyone else thinks or even wants to bag the CL trophy before they get reckless and cough up two quid; I can't help you - all I can say is that you appear to know nothing about what it takes to be a real Blue you ungrateful fucking cowards!

Wheelsy; thank you.
Warpig; I salute you.

Off to get slaughtered, bye.
I don't think we need to worry about offending Arab sentiment when half our fans are wandering around the ground with fucking teatowels on their heads

That actually made me piss myself laughing!

No for Cook and no for Hughes... they may be moved on?

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