Sheikh Mansour banner

Re: Shukran Sheikh

Kinky by name said:
It's still going but I'm not so precious as to demand permanent sticky status!
As I have already posted on here, an enquiry about size/permissions etc has gone off to the club via Bernard Halford; when I get a response I will update you all.
There seems to be enough goodwill/loot for it so it's basically down to the club granting permission.

More later.

Nice one mate.

Good work!
Re: Shukran Sheikh

I have an Arabic friend from UAE who could help with any spelling,dont want to inadvertently insult The Sheikh so think we need to be careful.

Put me in for a tenner.

Hey 13 posts now,no longer a 3 post wonder!
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Just to reassure you all that I have not forgotten about this... and that the club has communicated the following to me this morning (Thursday)..

"Just to confirm that Mr Halford is speaking with other club officials and looking into this for you. As soon as I hear anything we will come back to you."

More later, no doubt.
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Kinky by name said:
Just to reassure you all that I have not forgotten about this... and that the club has communicated the following to me this morning (Thursday)..

"Just to confirm that Mr Halford is speaking with other club officials and looking into this for you. As soon as I hear anything we will come back to you."

More later, no doubt.

Nice one mate, how do I donate??

Make this a sticky mods.
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Petetheblu said:
Kinky by name said:
Just to reassure you all that I have not forgotten about this... and that the club has communicated the following to me this morning (Thursday)..

"Just to confirm that Mr Halford is speaking with other club officials and looking into this for you. As soon as I hear anything we will come back to you."

More later, no doubt.

Nice one mate, how do I donate??

Make this a sticky mods.

all in good time mate... once we get the go-ahead, it'll be where it needs to be to get done.
Re: Shukran Sheikh


What's the latest on this.?
edit; never mind Ive just read it .. hope this happens soon. money waiting.
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Ricster said:
Ricster said:
I believe this would be hard to do, as Arabic goes on what the words sound like rather than what they are writen.

Maybe ask Ajay, or Dubai Blue, im sure they would know more about the language than myself.
i SPEAK ARABIC 2...just tell me wat do guyz want..chears :)
Re: Shukran Sheikh

Sorry to bump this thread, but is there any update on this banner? :)

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