I Live In A Blue House said:Printed on the back the Shiek has:
Weight.Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:wtf has he been eating, put mega wait on!!!
Get with it daddyo. We only came into existence thanks to Sheikh Mansour setting us up from scratch. We had no history before that. Must be true as all the rags, dippers & tarquins tell me it is.bluemoon risin' said:Sorry to be a little pedantic OP, but our wonderful owner Sheikh Mansoor in 'OUR' colours. The colours of the team most of us supported before he invested in us, pre '08. The club that he saw fit to invest in us, largely due to our loyal and unwaivering hardcore match going support, whatever division or league position we were in, most of us were there if they were old enough to be.
jimharri said:Weight.Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:wtf has he been eating, put mega wait on!!!
LoveCity said:But was he at York aw... ahh, nevermind.
I do wish he could find time to come and see us in person again though, last time he proved to be a lucky charm when we battered Liverpool. :)
-- Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:57 pm --
bluestevei said:i hope he bought it
He bought a special edition collector's kit at £15million. Financial Fair Play are you f*cking sure?