Ship of fools

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
Is this still going on?????? Bloody hell!!!!

If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories,or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
Is this still going on?????? Bloody hell!!!!

If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories,or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...

Probably most things mate.
I had a bad day and you got both barrels upstairs.
I feel an apology coming on.
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
Is this still going on?????? Bloody hell!!!!

Us atheist twats must stick together...

You initially start a thread that by its very title has already decided the fate of those who don't share your worldview.
You then patronisingly castigate anyone who has the temerity to oppose your infantile beliefs.
At no point do you ever rationalise or attempt to quantify the existance of a superior being,other than a few random throwaway soundbites condemning Dawkins - a man of great intellect and intelligence who could run rings around you and your mystical hocus-pocus.
You quote some ageing and increasingly irrelevent rock star who has "found" more different "gods" in his life than i've had hot dinners - who exactly gives a toss what some drone-voiced old fart has-been thinks about god or indeed anything else.
You sign off with some pious diatribe oozing crocodile tears regarding our religious "blindness" - here's the news mate - we neither worry nor care about you ludicrous Narnia of fairy stories.
Your irrational and supine belief system is responsible for more premature deaths in this world than any single cause other than the mosquito. It is behind the suppresion of women,it is homophobic,it has created civil unrest since time began.
We have not had one second of civilization free from a religious conflict somewhere in the world since the inception of your nonsensical and hate-filled doctrinal toilet-paper,sorry,the bible.
Has there ever been a war declared by atheists on believers?
No - and yet you allegedly "superior" christians have commited wholesale massacres on almost every civilization on the planet for the simple crime of disagreeing with you.
Carry on your juvenile suspension of logic if it makes you happy - just don't expect those of us who deal in reality to join your happy-clappy bandwagon.

So kindly toddle back off to Eden or Narnia and live with your promise of a happy afterlife.
Because frankly I am getting tired of reading your sanctimonious,half-baked drivel.

Oh,and you should hear the soundtrack blasting out on deck,Johnny.
Its all those nasty,twisted,hard-drinkin' drug takin' rock 'n rollers that I assume devout Christians like you have no time for. You know - like all the good stuff.
Shit,but I forgot - you God-botherers have got MC Hammer,Vanilla Ice and all those other great born-again Christian rockers.
I may well be on a ship thats doomed for Hades in your blinkered eyes mate,but the music will be pounding,the drinks will be endless and i'll be doing lines of Charlie that would make your head spin off the stomach of the hell-bound working girl straddling me.
So you stay on board the Flanders yacht.Leave the fun stuff to the unbelievers.

Crossan,you are nothing but an irritating moron.
Again,you have selectively chosen some random irrelevent text from some fatuous tome that suits your worldview.
You have absolutely no chance whatsoever of converting me to your baseless beliefs - I have listened to far greater intellects than you could ever be,and they have failed miserably.
I have actually met Dawkins twice,and he is an eloquent,intelligent human being who has come to his position on theology and evolution through years of dedicated study and research.
How you have the audacity to think you know better,whilst demonstrating the debating skills of a primary school child,is breathtaking.I have friends who are adherents of many of the major faiths,and they practise them with devotion and quiet dignity.
What they have never done is harangue,insult and ridicule anyone who fails to share their beliefs.
I would actually suggest to you that the best way to further the cause of religion in general is for you not to post any more of your convenient Wickipedia-trawled gibberish.
You are boring,predictable and pious beyond reason.Why not find yourself some god-bothering website where you can share your infantile worldview with like-minded sheep?
Because I am sick of your pathetic posturing,you attention-seeking clown.

Oh fuck me - religious repeats now.
Can't we just have an "omnibus" edition of your reheated homilies on a Sunday,so that anyone sad and deluded enough to give you credence and headspace can tune in then?
Have you run so short of soundbites that you have resorted to repetition already?
Well,thats one hell of a theological case you present.
A few pages of interweb debate,and your rationale is spent.
Oh,and the evidence of god that one poster asked for previously?
Thats on its way,I assume?

In your own time - don't want to rush you,seeing as we've seen nothing whatsoever to substantiate your nonsense in 2000 years or so.

Why do you religious imbeciles insist on flogging your discredited agenda?
Oh,and whilst we're on the subject,you supposedly kind and compassionate god-followers have a pretty piss-poor track record of respecting the beliefs of those who "walk to the beat of a different drum",don't you?
Or do you fail to acknowledge the atrocities commited in the name of god such as the Inquisition,the Crusades and the colonization and desecration of the Inca,Mayan ,Aztec and numerous other civilizations?
My childhood was very nearly ruined at the hands of one of your "men of god".
In short,because I am tired of debating with you hypocrites and in words that even you will understand,just fuck off and leave me alone.

Best to stop trying to oppose the pseudo-religious claptrap espoused by Crossan - he is a sad,deluded hypocrite engaged in some futile conversion quest. His doctrine has more holes than Swiss cheese and seems to be ratified solely by random irrelevant quotes. He cannot engage in theological debate in any meaningful way and is actually one of the best reasons I have seen recently for atheism. "Intelligent Design" certainly seems to have given him a bodyswerve.

If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories, or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...

Just so you're clear about what you're agreeing with.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
Is this still going on?????? Bloody hell!!!!

If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories,or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...

Probably most things mate.
I had a bad day and you got both barrels upstairs.
I feel an apology coming on.


I was equally bad. I hate bickering - especially among fellow blues over the flippin' internet!

I'm willing to bury it in the sand and move on if you are?
johnny crossan said:
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
Is this still going on?????? Bloody hell!!!!

Us atheist twats must stick together...

You initially start a thread that by its very title has already decided the fate of those who don't share your worldview.
You then patronisingly castigate anyone who has the temerity to oppose your infantile beliefs.
At no point do you ever rationalise or attempt to quantify the existance of a superior being,other than a few random throwaway soundbites condemning Dawkins - a man of great intellect and intelligence who could run rings around you and your mystical hocus-pocus.
You quote some ageing and increasingly irrelevent rock star who has "found" more different "gods" in his life than i've had hot dinners - who exactly gives a toss what some drone-voiced old fart has-been thinks about god or indeed anything else.
You sign off with some pious diatribe oozing crocodile tears regarding our religious "blindness" - here's the news mate - we neither worry nor care about you ludicrous Narnia of fairy stories.
Your irrational and supine belief system is responsible for more premature deaths in this world than any single cause other than the mosquito. It is behind the suppresion of women,it is homophobic,it has created civil unrest since time began.
We have not had one second of civilization free from a religious conflict somewhere in the world since the inception of your nonsensical and hate-filled doctrinal toilet-paper,sorry,the bible.
Has there ever been a war declared by atheists on believers?
No - and yet you allegedly "superior" christians have commited wholesale massacres on almost every civilization on the planet for the simple crime of disagreeing with you.
Carry on your juvenile suspension of logic if it makes you happy - just don't expect those of us who deal in reality to join your happy-clappy bandwagon.

So kindly toddle back off to Eden or Narnia and live with your promise of a happy afterlife.
Because frankly I am getting tired of reading your sanctimonious,half-baked drivel.

Oh,and you should hear the soundtrack blasting out on deck,Johnny.
Its all those nasty,twisted,hard-drinkin' drug takin' rock 'n rollers that I assume devout Christians like you have no time for. You know - like all the good stuff.
Shit,but I forgot - you God-botherers have got MC Hammer,Vanilla Ice and all those other great born-again Christian rockers.
I may well be on a ship thats doomed for Hades in your blinkered eyes mate,but the music will be pounding,the drinks will be endless and i'll be doing lines of Charlie that would make your head spin off the stomach of the hell-bound working girl straddling me.
So you stay on board the Flanders yacht.Leave the fun stuff to the unbelievers.

Crossan,you are nothing but an irritating moron.
Again,you have selectively chosen some random irrelevent text from some fatuous tome that suits your worldview.
You have absolutely no chance whatsoever of converting me to your baseless beliefs - I have listened to far greater intellects than you could ever be,and they have failed miserably.
I have actually met Dawkins twice,and he is an eloquent,intelligent human being who has come to his position on theology and evolution through years of dedicated study and research.
How you have the audacity to think you know better,whilst demonstrating the debating skills of a primary school child,is breathtaking.I have friends who are adherents of many of the major faiths,and they practise them with devotion and quiet dignity.
What they have never done is harangue,insult and ridicule anyone who fails to share their beliefs.
I would actually suggest to you that the best way to further the cause of religion in general is for you not to post any more of your convenient Wickipedia-trawled gibberish.
You are boring,predictable and pious beyond reason.Why not find yourself some god-bothering website where you can share your infantile worldview with like-minded sheep?
Because I am sick of your pathetic posturing,you attention-seeking clown.

Oh fuck me - religious repeats now.
Can't we just have an "omnibus" edition of your reheated homilies on a Sunday,so that anyone sad and deluded enough to give you credence and headspace can tune in then?
Have you run so short of soundbites that you have resorted to repetition already?
Well,thats one hell of a theological case you present.
A few pages of interweb debate,and your rationale is spent.
Oh,and the evidence of god that one poster asked for previously?
Thats on its way,I assume?

In your own time - don't want to rush you,seeing as we've seen nothing whatsoever to substantiate your nonsense in 2000 years or so.

Why do you religious imbeciles insist on flogging your discredited agenda?
Oh,and whilst we're on the subject,you supposedly kind and compassionate god-followers have a pretty piss-poor track record of respecting the beliefs of those who "walk to the beat of a different drum",don't you?
Or do you fail to acknowledge the atrocities commited in the name of god such as the Inquisition,the Crusades and the colonization and desecration of the Inca,Mayan ,Aztec and numerous other civilizations?
My childhood was very nearly ruined at the hands of one of your "men of god".
In short,because I am tired of debating with you hypocrites and in words that even you will understand,just fuck off and leave me alone.

Best to stop trying to oppose the pseudo-religious claptrap espoused by Crossan - he is a sad,deluded hypocrite engaged in some futile conversion quest. His doctrine has more holes than Swiss cheese and seems to be ratified solely by random irrelevant quotes. He cannot engage in theological debate in any meaningful way and is actually one of the best reasons I have seen recently for atheism. "Intelligent Design" certainly seems to have given him a bodyswerve.

If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories, or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...

Just so you're clear about what you're agreeing with.

And which part of this do you take issue with,exactly?
Or is mindlessly quoting the words of others with no theological rationale of your own your default setting?
johnny crossan said:
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
SambaBoys said:
Is this still going on?????? Bloody hell!!!!

Us atheist twats must stick together...

You initially start a thread that by its very title has already decided the fate of those who don't share your worldview.
You then patronisingly castigate anyone who has the temerity to oppose your infantile beliefs.
At no point do you ever rationalise or attempt to quantify the existance of a superior being,other than a few random throwaway soundbites condemning Dawkins - a man of great intellect and intelligence who could run rings around you and your mystical hocus-pocus.
You quote some ageing and increasingly irrelevent rock star who has "found" more different "gods" in his life than i've had hot dinners - who exactly gives a toss what some drone-voiced old fart has-been thinks about god or indeed anything else.
You sign off with some pious diatribe oozing crocodile tears regarding our religious "blindness" - here's the news mate - we neither worry nor care about you ludicrous Narnia of fairy stories.
Your irrational and supine belief system is responsible for more premature deaths in this world than any single cause other than the mosquito. It is behind the suppresion of women,it is homophobic,it has created civil unrest since time began.
We have not had one second of civilization free from a religious conflict somewhere in the world since the inception of your nonsensical and hate-filled doctrinal toilet-paper,sorry,the bible.
Has there ever been a war declared by atheists on believers?
No - and yet you allegedly "superior" christians have commited wholesale massacres on almost every civilization on the planet for the simple crime of disagreeing with you.
Carry on your juvenile suspension of logic if it makes you happy - just don't expect those of us who deal in reality to join your happy-clappy bandwagon.

So kindly toddle back off to Eden or Narnia and live with your promise of a happy afterlife.
Because frankly I am getting tired of reading your sanctimonious,half-baked drivel.

Oh,and you should hear the soundtrack blasting out on deck,Johnny.
Its all those nasty,twisted,hard-drinkin' drug takin' rock 'n rollers that I assume devout Christians like you have no time for. You know - like all the good stuff.
Shit,but I forgot - you God-botherers have got MC Hammer,Vanilla Ice and all those other great born-again Christian rockers.
I may well be on a ship thats doomed for Hades in your blinkered eyes mate,but the music will be pounding,the drinks will be endless and i'll be doing lines of Charlie that would make your head spin off the stomach of the hell-bound working girl straddling me.
So you stay on board the Flanders yacht.Leave the fun stuff to the unbelievers.

Crossan,you are nothing but an irritating moron.
Again,you have selectively chosen some random irrelevent text from some fatuous tome that suits your worldview.
You have absolutely no chance whatsoever of converting me to your baseless beliefs - I have listened to far greater intellects than you could ever be,and they have failed miserably.
I have actually met Dawkins twice,and he is an eloquent,intelligent human being who has come to his position on theology and evolution through years of dedicated study and research.
How you have the audacity to think you know better,whilst demonstrating the debating skills of a primary school child,is breathtaking.I have friends who are adherents of many of the major faiths,and they practise them with devotion and quiet dignity.
What they have never done is harangue,insult and ridicule anyone who fails to share their beliefs.
I would actually suggest to you that the best way to further the cause of religion in general is for you not to post any more of your convenient Wickipedia-trawled gibberish.
You are boring,predictable and pious beyond reason.Why not find yourself some god-bothering website where you can share your infantile worldview with like-minded sheep?
Because I am sick of your pathetic posturing,you attention-seeking clown.

Oh fuck me - religious repeats now.
Can't we just have an "omnibus" edition of your reheated homilies on a Sunday,so that anyone sad and deluded enough to give you credence and headspace can tune in then?
Have you run so short of soundbites that you have resorted to repetition already?
Well,thats one hell of a theological case you present.
A few pages of interweb debate,and your rationale is spent.
Oh,and the evidence of god that one poster asked for previously?
Thats on its way,I assume?

In your own time - don't want to rush you,seeing as we've seen nothing whatsoever to substantiate your nonsense in 2000 years or so.

Why do you religious imbeciles insist on flogging your discredited agenda?
Oh,and whilst we're on the subject,you supposedly kind and compassionate god-followers have a pretty piss-poor track record of respecting the beliefs of those who "walk to the beat of a different drum",don't you?
Or do you fail to acknowledge the atrocities commited in the name of god such as the Inquisition,the Crusades and the colonization and desecration of the Inca,Mayan ,Aztec and numerous other civilizations?
My childhood was very nearly ruined at the hands of one of your "men of god".
In short,because I am tired of debating with you hypocrites and in words that even you will understand,just fuck off and leave me alone.

Best to stop trying to oppose the pseudo-religious claptrap espoused by Crossan - he is a sad,deluded hypocrite engaged in some futile conversion quest. His doctrine has more holes than Swiss cheese and seems to be ratified solely by random irrelevant quotes. He cannot engage in theological debate in any meaningful way and is actually one of the best reasons I have seen recently for atheism. "Intelligent Design" certainly seems to have given him a bodyswerve.

If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories, or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...

Just so you're clear about what you're agreeing with.

Thanks for that mate... but I really cannot be arsed going through all that as of now!

The gist of it (which I gathered from a few posts) was that NF was brought up as a Catholic (like myself) and turned his back on religion altogether, as by and large it's an enormous mound of cow dung.

Anyhow, my post was more of an attempt at a ceasefire than anything else!
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
*singingtheblues* said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
If that comment is meant to be about theological debate,then yes,I guess it is still "going on",and probably will do for the next 2000 odd years or until such a day that people no longer believe in infantile fairy stories,or put their misplaced faith in paedophile priests,or Popes who were members of the SS.
Until then,pointless wars will continue to send innocent folk to an early grave as fools like Crossan compete with each other as to who has the best imaginary friend.

So we agree on something then...

Probably most things mate.
I had a bad day and you got both barrels upstairs.
I feel an apology coming on.


I was equally bad. I hate bickering - especially among fellow blues over the flippin' internet!

I'm willing to bury it in the sand and move on if you are?

No worries mate.
The beers are on me in Mary D's.
Unless Adebayor bangs in a derby match winner,in which case you can buy 'em!
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No worries mate.
The beers are on me in Mary D's.
Unless Adebayor bangs in a derby match winner,in which case you can buy 'em!

Fair do's, although the drinking will have to take place elsewhere, seeing as Mary D's is no more!
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnny crossan said:
So we agree on something then...

Just so you're clear about what you're agreeing with.

And which part of this do you take issue with,exactly?
Or is mindlessly quoting the words of others with no theological rationale of your own your default setting?[/quote]
If he has a 'default setting' does that mean we can reboot him? There's obviously a terminal error occurred here that needs working on.

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