Ship of fools

Religion sucks.

Seriously though, a magical man in the sky that created everything out of nothing. Can't religious people take a step back and actually see what a ludicrous idea they are devoting their lives to?

Decide what values you want to live your by, and live it that way, you don't need to invent a mythical devine being to justify your actions, just behave the way you think is right.

As for explaining the origin of the Universe, why feel the need to invent a neat fit solution such as God? Just accept that it's something you can't really explain or understand.

And stop arguing so much, see the trouble that religion causes? It's only a forum and it's starting fights already, relax.
paphos-mcfc said:
johnny crossan said:
For the record this wasn’t a post, it was a pm. I did think June 24 was my last contibution to this thread and was wrong. I may also be wrong about any or all parts of the subject. I just don’t believe I am. Sorry I'm such a disappointment to you Paphos, but you can be assured the feeling is reciprocated.

How can you be wrong if you BELIEVE??? Blind faith methinks!

johnny crossan said:
stonerblue said:
can't believe he's still at it.

Me, and almost everybody else on this thread, couldn't give a shit about your imaginary friend. Believe what you want JC (coincidence?) but save the bible bashing for the gullible souls at <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;">http://www.ispendmywholelifebeleivingin ...</a>

I think at heart you are what they call an Apatheist. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Perhaps you should recall that, though I started this thread, it was a response to an earlier debate about Dawkins' version of Darwinism not initiated by me. I'm not surprised that the overwhelming majority of contributors are hostile to my position but if it gives even one of you a moment's pause to reflect on the arid consequences of your unbelief, then it is worthwhile IMO. I'd rather be Billy-no-mates than fall in with this empty, godless society.

I think i already know the, "Arid consequences of my belief". It's called turning to dust in a box. It will happen to you too, and where will your 'god' be then?
johnny crossan said:
Matty said:
Ah, I see you went with a banal quote apertaining to nothing.

If you've absolutely nothing to back up your position then how about you just stop posting it?

Actually I took some trouble to find a form of theistic argument that exactly met your criteria. It is ironic that you do not recognise it, given your reverence for all things scientific.
I hope you may find its source and context an interesting subject at sometime in the future. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ical_proof</a>
I have never claimed to understand all the scientific explanations for things believers claim as proof of God's existance. The important thing isn't that I understand them but that they actually exist. This not being 2000 years ago I don't feel the need to understand absolutely everything and, where I'm unable to, create a mythical, all powerful, being to provide me with that understanding.

I have absolutely no clue how a microwave works, none. However I know it does work, and that it's function is scientificaly provable. Just because I've no idea how it actually works doesn't mean some magical force is watching over me and making sure I get my food piping hot.

I put my faith in Science, because it's visible, it's quantifiable and it's provable. You put your faith in God with none of those things to back it up, ALL you have is your faith in God's existance, that's it. I need more than blind faith to believe in something, that's why I also don't believe in Father Christmas, The Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.
Matty said:
johnny crossan said:
Actually I took some trouble to find a form of theistic argument that exactly met your criteria. It is ironic that you do not recognise it, given your reverence for all things scientific.
I hope you may find its source and context an interesting subject at sometime in the future. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ical_proof</a>
I have never claimed to understand all the scientific explanations for things believers claim as proof of God's existance. The important thing isn't that I understand them but that they actually exist. This not being 2000 years ago I don't feel the need to understand absolutely everything and, where I'm unable to, create a mythical, all powerful, being to provide me with that understanding.

I have absolutely no clue how a microwave works, none. However I know it does work, and that it's function is scientificaly provable. Just because I've no idea how it actually works doesn't mean some magical force is watching over me and making sure I get my food piping hot.

I put my faith in Science, because it's visible, it's quantifiable and it's provable. You put your faith in God with none of those things to back it up, ALL you have is your faith in God's existance, that's it. I need more than blind faith to believe in something, that's why I also don't believe in Father Christmas, The Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy.

Don't say that you won;t get any pressies, it says so in the song. You better be good for goodness sakes.
this thread has been running for quite a while now and despite numerous requests
i see not one shread of evidence and been provided
by johnny or his fellow believers for the existance of anything remotely akin to a higher being

come on join the ship of fools
tonea2003 said:
this thread has been running for quite a while now and despite numerous requests
i see not one shread of evidence and been provided
by johnny or his fellow believers for the existance of anything remotely akin to a higher being

come on join the ship of fools

Apparently Johnny has us over a barrel on this one, if God does indeed exist he wouldn't actually provide us with any proof, as that would mean there was no need for 'faith'.

Or, to put it another way, "there is no proof so religious people have come up with some farcical get out clause".
Matty said:
tonea2003 said:
this thread has been running for quite a while now and despite numerous requests
i see not one shread of evidence and been provided
by johnny or his fellow believers for the existance of anything remotely akin to a higher being

come on join the ship of fools

Apparently Johnny has us over a barrel on this one, if God does indeed exist he wouldn't actually provide us with any proof, as that would mean there was no need for 'faith'.

Or, to put it another way, "there is no proof so religious people have come up with some farcical get out clause".

be interesting to hear what it was that made johnny believe then , that defining moment( not read every reply so he may have revealed all already)
tonea2003 said:
Matty said:
<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Apparently Johnny has us over a barrel on this one, if God does indeed exist he wouldn't actually provide us with any proof, as that would mean there was no need for 'faith'.<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">Or, to put it another way, "there is no proof so religious people have come up with some farcical get out clause".
<BR itxtvisited="1"><BR itxtvisited="1">be interesting to hear what it was that made johnny believe then , that defining moment( not read every reply so he may have revealed all already)

Probably just got brainwashed as a child. There's not many people brought up without religion then suddenly think the magical man in the sky theory is a good one then convert.
tonea2003 said:
Matty said:
Apparently Johnny has us over a barrel on this one, if God does indeed exist he wouldn't actually provide us with any proof, as that would mean there was no need for 'faith'.

Or, to put it another way, "there is no proof so religious people have come up with some farcical get out clause".

be interesting to hear what it was that made johnny believe then , that defining moment( not read every reply so he may have revealed all already)

I'm done with this futile,one-sided discussion.
I've had more stimulating theological debates with pre-school kids than Crossan.
Can we finalise the crew and arrange a time for embarkation,as I need to know just what we require in terms of booze,drugs and loose women?

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