Ship of fools

justlikegeo said:

This thread is a really strong insight into the differences between faith. Or as believers of a 'God, Saviour etc would tar us / you... 'Someone with a LACK of faith'.

Notice the negativity in that statement, lack.

What do I lack, I differ but somehow indefinitely lack something in comparison to those who preach about faith... I'm a minnow in comparison it would seem. Luckily, I am not made to pay with my life in these times, something that I would have in generations past.

It's something that brings me great amusement, how someone of a particular faith can be 'offended' by those who have a 'lack' of faith. When the glove is on the other hand, an atheist doesn't wish to pre-judge or chastise.

I'd take a couple of hour’s time to watch the Zeitgeist if you will...

Do some reading on the subject post-viewing, it all fits into place perfectly.

The film can be viewed through the makers website - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I disagree. Atheism is essentially parasitical. It feeds off positive belief and mirrors the theology it opposes. Nijinsky, Squirty, Matty, Stoner, Stanley, Tonea etc are within sight of the Ark of Salvation but fail to recognise it. I'm just trying to help them.
johnny crossan said:
I disagree. Atheism is essentially parasitical. It feeds off positive belief and mirrors the theology it opposes. Nijinsky, Squirty, Matty, Stoner, Stanley, Tonea etc are within sight of the Ark of Salvation but fail to recognise it. I'm just trying to help them.

Don't want or need your help. It's patronising remarks like the above, which makes you sound like a real idiot Mr Crosson. I actually pity you.
stony said:
johnny crossan said:
I disagree. Atheism is essentially parasitical. It feeds off positive belief and mirrors the theology it opposes. Nijinsky, Squirty, Matty, Stoner, Stanley, Tonea etc are within sight of the Ark of Salvation but fail to recognise it. I'm just trying to help them.

Don't want or need your help. It's patronising remarks like the above, which makes you sound like a real idiot Mr Crosson. I actually pity you.

whats going on in this thread then? just popped in, don't want to read it if it's some jahova trying to convert the masses
stony said:
johnny crossan said:
I disagree. Atheism is essentially parasitical. It feeds off positive belief and mirrors the theology it opposes. Nijinsky, Squirty, Matty, Stony, Stanley, Tonea etc are within sight of the Ark of Salvation but fail to recognise it. I'm just trying to help them.

Don't want or need your help. It's patronising remarks like the above, which makes you sound like a real idiot Mr Crosson. I actually pity you.

Sorry Mr "What this thread needs is nuns with their tits out!" Stony. I misread your username before - I've corrected it now. Thank you for your pity, we all need some. The perfectability of man project is a long way from completion I'm afraid.
johnny are you ever going to answer my question or not?

genuinely interested to what you think is proof/evidence of what us boys and girls on the ship of fools think isn't there
johnny crossan said:
squirtyflower said:
It's definitely crossan in need of help, psychiatric help.
And I neither want or need your help.

Please believe me Squirty, you really do need help, we all do.
You can't even understand English, I didn't say I didn't need help, I said I don't want or need your help.
And the reason I think you are a complete tosser is because you are always trying to twist and change what we write. First and foremost you are a liar.
tonea2003 said:
johnny are you ever going to answer my question or not?

genuinely interested to what you think is proof/evidence of what us boys and girls on the ship of fools think isn't there

I thought I covered it in my reply to you and Matty some time ago. I personally believe that the existence of God cannot be proved or refuted empirically but there are some who do and one of the most persuasive is Alvin Plantinga. His argument follow Godel, Liebniz and ultimately Anselm.
johnny crossan said:
stony said:
Don't want or need your help. It's patronising remarks like the above, which makes you sound like a real idiot Mr Crosson. I actually pity you.

Sorry Mr "What this thread needs is nuns with their tits out!" Stony. I misread your username before - I've corrected it now. Thank you for your pity, we all need some. The perfectability of man project is a long way from completion I'm afraid.

This thread definitely needs nuns with their tits out. What it doesn't need is patronising do gooders like yourself. You need to lighten up Johnny, have a spliff, get drunk, rent a hooker or something.

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