Ship of fools

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
tonea2003 said:
be interesting to hear what it was that made johnny believe then , that defining moment( not read every reply so he may have revealed all already)

I'm done with this futile,one-sided discussion.
I've had more stimulating theological debates with pre-school kids than Crossan.
Can we finalise the crew and arrange a time for embarkation,as I need to know just what we require in terms of booze,drugs and loose women?

Just go with the loose term "lots" and knock yourself out, I'm sure your imagination can come up with something worthwhile. As long as there's a scantily clad Megan Fox on this ship, willing to do whatever I ask, then I'll be happy.....
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
tonea2003 said:
be interesting to hear what it was that made johnny believe then , that defining moment( not read every reply so he may have revealed all already)

I'm done with this futile,one-sided discussion.
I've had more stimulating theological debates with pre-school kids than Crossan.
Can we finalise the crew and arrange a time for embarkation,as I need to know just what we require in terms of booze,drugs and loose women?

Ah the familiar poisonous tones of Nijinsky’s Fetlocks, competing as ever for the best blasphemy, the most contemptuous put-down, the most telling personal insult. I’ll add this latest effort to the long list of your Ranting Highlights. Remember writing:
I have friends who are adherents of many of the major faiths, and they practise them with devotion and quiet dignity. What they have never done is harangue,insult and ridicule anyone who fails to share their beliefs.

So unlike your good self.
What this thread needs is nuns with their tits out!

johnny crossan said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I'm done with this futile,one-sided discussion.
I've had more stimulating theological debates with pre-school kids than Crossan.
Can we finalise the crew and arrange a time for embarkation,as I need to know just what we require in terms of booze,drugs and loose women?

Ah the familiar poisonous tones of Nijinsky’s Fetlocks, competing as ever for the best blasphemy, the most contemptuous put-down, the most telling personal insult. I’ll add this latest effort to the long list of your Ranting Highlights. Remember writing:
I have friends who are adherents of many of the major faiths, and they practise them with devotion and quiet dignity. What they have never done is harangue,insult and ridicule anyone who fails to share their beliefs.

So unlike your good self.

Wahey, it's another quote, albeit this time a quote from a Bluemoon member rather than some random internet sourced quote.
johnny crossan said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I'm done with this futile,one-sided discussion.
I've had more stimulating theological debates with pre-school kids than Crossan.
Can we finalise the crew and arrange a time for embarkation,as I need to know just what we require in terms of booze,drugs and loose women?

Ah the familiar poisonous tones of Nijinsky’s Fetlocks, competing as ever for the best blasphemy, the most contemptuous put-down, the most telling personal insult. I’ll add this latest effort to the long list of your Ranting Highlights. Remember writing:
I have friends who are adherents of many of the major faiths, and they practise them with devotion and quiet dignity. What they have never done is harangue,insult and ridicule anyone who fails to share their beliefs.

So unlike your good self.

No,you brain donor - what I meant by that is that they don't come on an internet forum calling anyone who doesn't share their beliefs "fools".
YOU came on here,full of your own baseless,unproveable pompous toss and started a divisive thread for no good reason.
I didn't ask you to come on here and call me a "fool",and nor did anyone else.
Maybe god told you to do it,did he?
It couldn't possibly have been your doing,could it,because you are never wrong,are you?
THEY get on with quietly believing in their god,and I get on quietly with not believing.
But you couldn't do that,could you?
You have to insult others without provocation,and then whine when some of us respond and destroy your delusional wendy-house of make-belief.
If you had kept your faith to yourself,and refrained from calling me a "fool",you would have my respect.
Now,like almost everyone else on this thread,I consider you to be a prize clown and ludicrous figure of fun who has done more to further atheism than I ever could.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No,you brain donor - what I meant by that is that they don't come on an internet forum calling anyone who doesn't share their beliefs "fools".
YOU came on here,full of your own baseless,unproveable pompous toss and started a divisive thread for no good reason.
I didn't ask you to come on here and call me a "fool",and nor did anyone else.
Maybe god told you to do it,did he?
It couldn't possibly have been you doing,could it,because you are never wrong,are you?
THEY get on with quietly believing in their god,and I get on quietly with not believing.
But you couldn't do that,could you?
You have to insult others without provocation,and then whine when some of us respond and destroy your delusional wendy-house of make-belief.
If you had kept your faith to yourself,and refrained from calling me a "fool",you would have my respect.
Now,like almost everyone else on this thread,I consider you to be a prize clown and ludicrous figure of fun who has done more to further atheism than I ever could.

Hear Hear
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnny crossan said:
Ah the familiar poisonous tones of Nijinsky’s Fetlocks, competing as ever for the best blasphemy, the most contemptuous put-down, the most telling personal insult. I’ll add this latest effort to the long list of your Ranting Highlights. Remember writing:

So unlike your good self.

No,you brain donor - what I meant by that is that they don't come on an internet forum calling anyone who doesn't share their beliefs "fools".
YOU came on here,full of your own baseless,unproveable pompous toss and started a divisive thread for no good reason.
I didn't ask you to come on here and call me a "fool",and nor did anyone else.
Maybe god told you to do it,did he?
It couldn't possibly have been your doing,could it,because you are never wrong,are you?
THEY get on with quietly believing in their god,and I get on quietly with not believing.
But you couldn't do that,could you?
You have to insult others without provocation,and then whine when some of us respond and destroy your delusional wendy-house of make-belief.
If you had kept your faith to yourself,and refrained from calling me a "fool",you would have my respect.
Now,like almost everyone else on this thread,I consider you to be a prize clown and ludicrous figure of fun who has done more to further atheism than I ever could.

couldn't have put it better myself
nice one

This thread is a really strong insight into the differences between faith. Or as believers of a 'God, Saviour etc would tar us / you... 'Someone with a LACK of faith'.

Notice the negativity in that statement, lack.

What do I lack, I differ but somehow indefinitely lack something in comparison to those who preach about faith... I'm a minnow in comparison it would seem. Luckily, I am not made to pay with my life in these times, something that I would have in generations past.

It's something that brings me great amusement, how someone of a particular faith can be 'offended' by those who have a 'lack' of faith. When the glove is on the other hand, an atheist doesn't wish to pre-judge or chastise.

I'd take a couple of hour’s time to watch the Zeitgeist if you will...

Do some reading on the subject post-viewing, it all fits into place perfectly.

The film can be viewed through the makers website - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

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