Shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort (Las Vegas)

Something I found bizarre (assuming it's not fake) and that is 3% of Americans own 50% of guns in the US. It does tally with something else I was told and that gun ownership is reducing in that the number of gun owners is going down but the number of guns is going up.

I can get owning a gun if you hunt or live in an area with dangerous animals or something. But I have no idea why you would own a gun if you live in a city or where there is no practical need. I also have no idea why you would own assault type weapons or why you would own multiple weapons. Not sure I would be comfortable with the idea of a small number of people stockpiling guns. To be honest I would be questioning the mentality of people who do that.
The average police response time in the U.S. is eleven minutes for emergencies. It can be longer if you live out in the country.
The average police response time in the U.S. is eleven minutes for emergencies. It can be longer if you live out in the country.

I am not disputing there can be practical reasons for owning a firearm especially in remote areas (although I am sceptical of the self defense arguments given the number of accidental shootings). My point is why do 3% of American adults need to stockpile 50% of guns in America? Why does anyone need to posses multiple weapons?
I am not disputing there can be practical reasons for owning a firearm especially in remote areas (although I am sceptical of the self defense arguments given the number of accidental shootings). My point is why do 3% of American adults need to stockpile 50% of guns in America? Why does anyone need to posses multiple weapons?

In 2016, the Pew Research Center conducted a survey which showed 44% of households owned a gun. An additional 5% refused to answer. I'm not sure how the 3% fits. I'm not saying you are wrong. I just haven't read that yet.
The Constitution of the USA is supposed to protect its citizens. Unfortunately I think more people die because of the Constitution than would die without it. Obviously just my opinion, but the Second Amendment has done that Country no favour's whatsoever.

The 2nd Amendment is fine. It is just as dangerous as the 3rd Amendment (No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by law). It is also just as relevant to this whole debate. They both are anachronistic and should be generally ignored.

The 2A exists because after the Revolution, the new nation needed a way to defend itself. It did not have a standing army. We used militias instead. The only way that works is if each Militia member had a gun to bring when called up. That context actually makes the entire text of the 2A make a little more sense:

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The 2A does NOT say that anyone who wants to own a gun can own one. It says you have the right to own a gun for the purpose of serving in your militia.

Since we have a standing army, we no longer generally need militias. The US still has one though just in case. Its called the Selective Service (the draft). If the security of the free state was at risk and the standing army could not suffice, the draft would be instituted and millions of young men would be called up to fight, just like they were in a militia....with ONE BIG EXCEPTION. They wouldn't need to bring their own gun...
The 2A does NOT say that anyone who wants to own a gun can own one. It says you have the right to own a gun for the purpose of serving in your militia.
What it actually says is irrelevant though, because decisions tend to be made on precedent, and legal precedent seems to favour a reading of the 2nd amendment that basically says that the government can't restrict access to firearms. At least that's what I've been led to believe.
I am not disputing there can be practical reasons for owning a firearm especially in remote areas (although I am sceptical of the self defense arguments given the number of accidental shootings). My point is why do 3% of American adults need to stockpile 50% of guns in America? Why does anyone need to posses multiple weapons?
Can't answer that, different societies an all but I could ask why there was, maybe still is an epidemic of glassing people in the face when I lived over there. There were literally tens of people with half moon shaped scars around their faces and it was a very regular called my pint a poof kinda stuff.
Not trying to defend the gun owners, just curious about it as I've never heard of such a thing over here
The 2nd Amendment is fine. It is just as dangerous as the 3rd Amendment (No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by law). It is also just as relevant to this whole debate. They both are anachronistic and should be generally ignored.

The 2A exists because after the Revolution, the new nation needed a way to defend itself. It did not have a standing army. We used militias instead. The only way that works is if each Militia member had a gun to bring when called up. That context actually makes the entire text of the 2A make a little more sense:

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The 2A does NOT say that anyone who wants to own a gun can own one. It says you have the right to own a gun for the purpose of serving in your militia.

Since we have a standing army, we no longer generally need militias. The US still has one though just in case. Its called the Selective Service (the draft). If the security of the free state was at risk and the standing army could not suffice, the draft would be instituted and millions of young men would be called up to fight, just like they were in a militia....with ONE BIG EXCEPTION. They wouldn't need to bring their own gun...

If I remember correctly, you live in Virginia. Therefore, if you are able bodied the state law considers you part of the militia. Unorganized militia but part of it all the same.

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