Shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort (Las Vegas)

It's even better in HD
This may have been posted before but it seems apt to post again with this video.

'America is a Gun'

England is a cup of tea.
France, a wheel of ripened brie.
Greece, a short, squat olive tree.
America is a gun.

Brazil is football on the sand.
Argentina, Maradona's hand.
Germany, an oompah band.
America is a gun.

Holland is a wooden shoe.
Hungary, a goulash stew.
Australia, a kangaroo.
America is a gun.

Japan is a thermal spring.
Scotland is a highland fling.
Oh, better to be anything
than America as a gun.

Brian Bilston
Do they genuinely believe that people are dying from knife attacks and acid attacks on such a scale that they need to be armed to protect themselves?

I doubt it - it's a party line that they need to repeat so no one 'punishes them by taking their guns'. Yes, he did use the word 'punish'. He sounds like a child when it has its toy taken away

I'm very much in the 'fuck 'em' camp. The only issue is that normal everyday people get caught up in their ideological lunacy

The problem is, its cunts like him who are doing the killing. People who have guns.

If I want to go on a killing spree with automatic rifles, then fulfilling that bucket list wish is 100% reliant on me getting a hold of one.

Now, I'm not the sharpest currently walking the earth. I will admit that with a grudging and sorrowful acceptance, but even I know that it might be an idea that thwarting my mass murdering instincts, could be exponentially improved by making it impossible for me and my crazed mind to get the arsenal required to carry it out.

If gun and military arsenal owners turned up solely, say at NRA events and other gatherings of gun lovers and let go, then I would be persuaded to join the fuck em camp.

Tragically this isn't the case. Children have been targeted many times and it is for those that the fight must be taken to them.

Will it work? It doesn't look likely does it. Thinking about the arguments put forward by the gun lovers has one beneficial side effect.

It shows me I might not be the sharpest, but by fuck, I'm like Stephen Hawkings compared to the level of intelligence present in thier rationale.

And I failed o level physics, so that shows you the gulf between me and the bold Stephen, highlighting how mentally twatted those bellends are if they make me look better.
Would it matter much if they banned guns as from today, the country is already flooded with them.

Well, with that line of argument you may say the Slave owners had it right when they said,,well we already have millions of them and they make us a lot of money, so we want to keep them. Plus God says we can have them.

I get what you are getting at, but things that could use the same arguments that caused massive disruption, a civil war in America a prime example of removing a wrong no matter how difficult.

Removing all guns is not going to happen. Removing battlefield weapons surely is worth a shot no matter how hard fuckwits moan and threaten.

Say 100,000 Americans died in any risings by the gun nuts. That's bad, really bad, but if it prevents future head counts in excess of 30,000 every year forever then three years we have broke even.

I have no doubt people will die in any backlash against military spec weapons, but once the gun nuts who will kill for their God given right are dead, we move on.

Eggs and omelette, and if it's mostly bad eggs you are removing, everyone's an eventual winner, not least the American gene pool.
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Perhaps the answer is for Liberal states to flaunt the 2nd and ban gun ownership in their territory and invite all like minded souls to move there. That will allow the wild est fantasists and special forces fantasists and the alien abductee's etc to have a massive shoot out then in about 5 years time the anti gun people move back out and repopulate the bits that are worth doing so.

Tongue in cheek and extreme but no more extreme than some nut job spraying a crowd from a hotel window using his personal arsenal.
I could go out now and get a gun within 10 minutes and how long have they been banned in the uk?

Really? You could get a gun in the UK in 10 mins?

So you are right, I must be living in never never land because I have no idea how you would do that in the UK. A Google search on this matter was not helpful
Really? You could get a gun in the UK in 10 mins?

So you are right, I must be living in never never land because I have no idea how you would do that in the UK. A Google search on this matter was not helpful

The thing is that gun wouldn't be acquired legally and that "facility" is not one open to a third of the country ! ( one third of Americans own at least one gun ). I'd also suspect the choice of weapon available would not be from as wide a range as you can get in a US gunshop and similarly you wouldn't be able to get limitless supplies of ammunition.

America - the place where its not thought odd to want to own a fully armed helicopter gunship...............
Back to my 3% of Amercians own 50% of guns in America - which still blows my mind. Next stat. 78% of Amercians do not own a gun.

Again why anyone thinks that 3% of the population is stockpiling guns is not a problem still weirds me out but if nearly 80% of the population do not own a gun why the hell can you not get some semblance of gun control and regulation legislation passed?

I am not even talking banning guns here just have some control over it. For starters how many guns does one person need and what is the gun to be used for?

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