Shootings in Paris

Mëtal Bikër said:
ArdwickBlue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Yet you defend Islam with more fervour than the Muslims have done so. It's a not a "White Guilt Complex" is it?

I am white but no guilt or complex. Keep guessing though after all you guessed the white bit right.
Then you've certainly displayed the 'guilt complex' part, it seems.

You have been filed under genocide!.
blueinsa said:
Citizen in Pakistan said:
" Psychological terrorism is a form of attack which may leave no physical marks or impact upon a person or group of people, but ultimately leaves psychological injuries or traumas that have a lasting impact".
"Psychological terrorism is typically a form of terrorism that primarily targets people’s psychological well being and state of mind, with the intent of having a negative impact on those people ".

These are definition of Psychological Terrorism and when Muslims say they feel offended but apparently close to 2 billion people then its not freedom of speech of which we have seen a lot of double standards its "psychological terrorism " which have been given the color of freedom of expression .
People are quick to ridicule the idea and concept of false flag attacks as conspiracy theories but the truth is history is filled with false flags attacks ,some glaring examples are Second sino japenese war which resulted in Japan leaving the league of nations or The world war 2 ,it might be surprising but it did started with Germans false flag. This is just the list from Wikipedia ,no conspiracy theorist
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

In many or if not all criminal case investigation(chief investigating officer committing suicide in this case ) the first question that is worked on " who benefits from it ?" Was it Muslims who benefited ? i think the answer could genuinely be a big NO ,War lords ,probably yes ,Far right is already on the rise across europe ,USA is already getting more and more strict with their policies on their own citizen,the nsa scandal comes to mind,and Cameron just issued a statement he wants more scrutiny on internet usage etc,if you agree with more scrutiny policy i am sorry for bringing it up,and Their are so many questionable things in this attack ,
Cheif investigating officer commits suicide
Officer gets shot by a ak 47 on the street with no blood
Attackers committed such a sophisticated operation but left the id card in get away car ,like how they managed to find a passport from the ruble of Trade Towers but a building a good few yards away goes down due to heat .
And others.

The internet had a good laugh on fox news claiming birmingham "muslim only "city ,it was a blatant lie by a so called expert ,what makes you think that main stream media haven't lied before (iraq wmds) or are not lying now ,It could very well not be a false flag and all of these things could be a coincidence but at least we can think on other lines as well


False flags my arse fella.

In the same way you urge us all to start to understand the issues surrounding this one big mess, you do the same and acknowledge you have some fucking idiots going around murdering innocent people all over the world in the so called name of your prophet!

He has many times on this very thread.
ArdwickBlue said:
Did it bother you to read my thoughts on intermarriage with the enemy?.

After I mentioned intermarrying with Muslims, you could see the anti Islamic posters getting very upset with such a notion. I don't think they had ever considered that their children could intermarry and how it could be a very distinct possibility.

Where was this - I obviously missed it. Can you tell me where I will find posters getting upset with the notion of intermarrying
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION. Islam carries followers from different races and countries just like Christianity. Surely those crying racist, are for stereotyping what a muslim should look like..

Funny that nobody cries racism when there are endless criticism of the Christian church.
Does it fill you with more hate and anger that I would defend the evil Muslims?.

Not at all. But we're critical of evil extremists, not "evil Muslims". I just don't get why you're seemingly filled with such anger and hatred against those who choose to criticise Islam with perfectly logical and justifiable complaints.

Do you feel I'm siding with the enemy?

The 'enemy' which has been eluded to during this debate is violent extremist doctrine, so only you can answer that. There is a sense that you are attempting to shift blame away from the perpetrators of the act by agreeing with the notion that antagonising others which results in a heinous crime can be explained as inevitable and therefore understandable.

Did it bother you to read my thoughts on intermarriage with the enemy?.

Haven't read it.
After I mentioned intermarrying with Muslims, you could see the anti Islamic posters getting very upset with such a notion. I don't think they had ever considered that their children could intermarry and how it could be a very distinct possibility.

Again haven't read it nor does it bother me if you are insinuating what you're insinuating. Although you are beginning to confirm the suspicions I have about you that you feel about other posters who have made their comments on this particular topic, and I feel your accusatory stance is not only misguided but also damaging and also an example you have nothing left to add to the debate.

This was probably the reason you accused me of having a "white guilt complex".
You're just typical of the archetype, which you are again living up to. It doesn't appear that you understand what having a White Guilt Complex means.

They were soon disappearing from the thread with their little worlds crumbling at the thought. You could hear the collective gulp... It was wonderful, I just hope it was running around in their heads all night as they struggled to reconcile such a thought. I also hope it was the first thing they thought about this morning. ;-)

Your accusation of "white guilt complex" in this scenario is no different to being labelled a n****r lover growing up, just because I hung around with Black and Asian lads. (Well if it was a toss up between their kind and your kind.)

I did the same. Yet i'm not the one attempting to justify the actions of the extremists or attempting to place some of the blame for what happened at the feet of the cartoonists. What exactly is 'my kind'? Human? Egalitarian?

Thankfully the world has moved on, people like you are quickly being left behind. Your world is finished the Muslims are coming, BM will soon be under sharia law and our children/grandchildren will be intermarrying.

And there we have it. Confirmation of your bigotry at last. You think those who criticise religion as being small minded bigoted racists don't you. Oh the hypocrisy. "People like me"? You honestly think I judge people based on differences such as skin colour, sexual orientation or gender? Religion is a belief, a choice, a choice I don't happen to agree with but I don't criticise the person, I criticise the philosophy. I see people who follow religion with a passion as a 40 year old man who still believes in Father Christmas. Do I show sensitivity about his beliefs or do I hold the view that it's time for him to readdress his view of the world and his belief? You're still focused on skin colour, i'm not.

If you aren't mature enough to accept other peoples opinions then you're just a big as part of the problem as the one you claim to want to eradicate. I trust you are happy in your sanctimonious sense of grandeur. But if you ever attempt to refer to me as something which I am not, or make any sort of connotations as being so, you can consider any further dialogue between the two of us as finished. I have no time for closed minded bigots like yourself who throw accusations and insults around because they have no logical argument to make.

I for one cannot wait. It's practically the dream MLK had. Beautiful.
As does everyone. Its just a shame that our methods differ in achieving that goal. Dialogue and understanding replaced by your ideals of demonisation and censorship.
ArdwickBlue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
ArdwickBlue said:
I am white but no guilt or complex. Keep guessing though after all you guessed the white bit right.
Then you've certainly displayed the 'guilt complex' part, it seems.

You have been filed under genocide!.
Not very mature are you.
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION. Islam carries followers from different races and countries just like Christianity. Surely those crying racist, are for stereotyping what a muslim should look like..

Funny that nobody cries racism when there are endless criticism of the Christian church.

foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION. Islam carries followers from different races and countries just like Christianity. Surely those crying racist, are for stereotyping what a muslim should look like..

Funny that nobody cries racism when there are endless criticism of the Christian church.

Its all they have mate.

Scream RACIST, repeat ad nauseam.

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