Shootings in Paris

blueinsa said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION. Islam carries followers from different races and countries just like Christianity. Surely those crying racist, are for stereotyping what a muslim should look like..

Funny that nobody cries racism when there are endless criticism of the Christian church.

Its all they have mate.

Scream RACIST, repeat ad nauseam.

I think it gives them some form of satisfaction to make them feel better about themselves, kind of a false platform to think they are morally superior because they've thrown a false accusation in completely the wrong context.
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION.
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?
That was a negative racist stereotype about an entire group of people.

He was correctly punished (if a little leniently in my book) but IMHO I couldn't see anything where he was making critical comments of the religion of Judaism itself. I myself am critical of circumcision (and FGM); I don't believe it makes me 'a racist' to question the logic or purpose of such a practice held within the religion.
(Of course I may be incorrect that Jewish law states that all male Hebrew babies must undergo the procedure (having never read the Torah) but that is my current understanding unless someone wishes to enlighten me about the connection between circumcision and Judaism)
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION.
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?

That was proper offensive.

Let's hope there's no Jewish extremists out there who want revenge.
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION.
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?
Hang on.

I said Jews were a race and you said that was bollocks.

The Jews are a set apart though. You can be a non-religious or atheist Jew. You'd still be ethnically a Jew, hence my point regarding te nazis not giving a shite if they were practicing or not and that the nazis tried to wipe out the Jewish race for racist ideological reasons. However you can't be an atheist Muslim or atheist Christian. That wouldn't make any sense.

You're a smart bloke and you are well aware of that. I think you are just playing silly buggers with the above.
Mëtal Bikër said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION.
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?
That was a negative racist stereotype about an entire group of people.

He was correctly punished (if a little leniently in my book) but IMHO I couldn't see anything where he was making critical comments of the religion of Judaism itself.
That's fair enough but the point was there is a fine line between criticising a religion and mocking it for the sake of upsetting its followers or inciting others.

It's ike someone making a comment on here and two posters answering it. One gives a reasoned critique backed up by a oherent argument and the other calls the comments a load of shite and the OP a fucking moron. One is acceptable whereas the other isn't.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?
That was a negative racist stereotype about an entire group of people.

He was correctly punished (if a little leniently in my book) but IMHO I couldn't see anything where he was making critical comments of the religion of Judaism itself.
That's fair enough but the point was there is a fine line between criticising a religion and mocking it for the sake of upsetting its followers or inciting others.

It's ike someone making a comment on here and two posters answering it. One gives a reasoned critique backed up by a oherent argument and the other calls the comments a load of shite and the OP a fucking moron. One is acceptable whereas the other isn't.
Both are fine. Depends if one is in a rush and whether the mouth breathing OP is worth the trouble, or Johnsonontheleft.
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION.
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?

When did I say that Colin? That's stereotyping and offensive. I've clearly not stereotyped any religion or race. I used the term "criticize" not "slur". Again you make a shit comparison which has nothing to do with the point/comment I've made.

Criticizing a religion or belief has been done by the press, media news channels for years. Schools critique religions, the differences between conservative and liberal followers, do they take the bible literally. We blast Catholics for their attitude towards homosexuals. We mock and stereotype that Catholics ban the use of contraception so they have huge fucking families, a common running joke. Is that racist? Nope it isn't

In this thread, posters have critiqued how daft it is that a cartoon of an ancient prophet has offended conservative Muslims. I've done this and questioned why in society we should critique one religion and not the other...

You've pointed out that tact should be used when critiquing Islam due to potential consequences. It was some what of a civil debate. It seems bastard posters are quick and eager to pull the "you are a racist" trigger to their own enjoyment because the subject of Islam is being discussed.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?
That was a negative racist stereotype about an entire group of people.

He was correctly punished (if a little leniently in my book) but IMHO I couldn't see anything where he was making critical comments of the religion of Judaism itself.
That's fair enough but the point was there is a fine line between criticising a religion and mocking it for the sake of upsetting its followers or inciting others.

It's ike someone making a comment on here and two posters answering it. One gives a reasoned critique backed up by a oherent argument and the other calls the comments a load of shite and the OP a fucking moron. One is acceptable whereas the other isn't.
This is the crux of the whole issue isn't it and there's confusion on all sides.

Some who see all religions as, not necessarily 'evil', but whose doctrine is regressive to a progressive society whereas there are those who are critical of religion who do see it as evil, like militant atheists who have a serious negative view of organised religion and seek to demonise and patronise religions and those who follow them. Do you feel people have a correct understand of Jews and Hebrews and their uses as synonyms to describe those who practice Judaism?

I'm sort of muddled myself in this area; I think I have the right understande because I have been informed that my grandmother on my mothers side was Jewish and that apparently makes me Jewish, but am I jewish as in the religious connotation or Hebrew in the racial sense? Does Jewish mean Hebrew and vice versa? If asked should I say 'Jewish heritage' or 'Hebrew heritage'?
SWP's back said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
For the fucking idiots out there, IT IS NOT RACIST TO CRITICIZE A RELIGION.
So Whelan's comments that Jews chase money more than most weren't racist then?
Hang on.

I said Jews were a race and you said that was bollocks.

The Jews are a set apart though. You can be a non-religious or atheist Jew. You'd still be ethnically a Jew, hence my point regarding te nazis not giving a shite if they were practicing or not and that the nazis tried to wipe out the Jewish race for racist ideological reasons. However you can't be an atheist Muslim or atheist Christian. That wouldn't make any sense.

You're a smart bloke and you are well aware of that. I think you are just playing silly buggers with the above.
No I'm not. I don't recognise the term "ethnically Jewish". I'm ethnically British, bring born in Britain to British parents. However, by dint of the fact that my mother was the product of Jewish parents, who married in a recognised synagogue in a legal and religious ceremony, and who herself took part in a similar ceremony before I was born, I am considered to be automatically Jewish. Whether I choose to believe in the religion and practice it is an entirely different matter. Even if I were to die choking on a bacon butty, I would still be buried as a Jew. Whereas there is, I understand, no such linear basis in Islam and Christianity. As pointed out, I may share my DNA with 80% of other Jews but that does not mean I have anything else in common with them.

And I consider racism to be something that can be directed against a distinct group, whether that distinction is based on race, ethnicity or religion.

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