Shootings in Paris

goalmole said:
west didsblue said:
Not sure what wibble means. I'm guessing it means this post does not fit in with my one eyed narrative and agenda therefore i'll make a stupid comment and ignore it.
Wibble is a term used by Rowan Atkinson in Blackadder denoting a state of insanity.

CiP has spent the majority of this thread copying huge chunks of Wikipedia which aim to show that Islam is great and the world owes Islam a huge debt. That may all be true but it's hardly relevant to a terrorist attack in Paris.

He has also tried to convince those that are prepared to read his ramblings that Muslims did not carry out this attack or any other terrorist attack. In fact, in his opinion, it's most likely that the whole thing was a false flag staged by government agencies, the media, foreign intelligence services etc. in order to justify the persecution of Muslims around the world.

You, on the other hand, have rightfully condemned the attack but spent the first half of this thread saying they brought it on themselves by insulting the prophet and that every action provokes a reaction. You have been asked on a number of occasions what action provoked the murder of shoppers in the Kosher supermarket but you've chosen to ignore that question because it doesn't appear to fit in with your narrative. Perhaps you could suggest what action provoked the murder of the shoppers. I would be interested to hear your opinion.
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
Now you have. Nice to meet you. I'm sure there are many of us out there. Many non religious students even study Theology, weird eh.?

I don't necessarily see good and bad in every religion per se. Although looking at some of it through modern westernised eyes. It is enough to raise an eyebrow or two but that is why I have spoken about moderation so much in previous posts.

Obviously those who take religion to the extreme and use it to hurt others should be dealt with swiftly. I do see this as vital for human cohesion in the future.

I am yet to meet a single fanatical religious person from any faith in all my years on earth. I wouldn't mix with somebody who would deliberately go out of their way to offend somebody for their beliefs. Or use their beliefs as a reason to hurt others (the extremists). Freedom of speech is essential to a free and democratic society. I would just hope we could show some restraint and not lampoon others just because it is legal to do so.

Do you now admit I said "I wasn't aware of any definitive evidence, that is universally accepted, of somebody being born gay?." I never once said it was somebody's choice to be gay?.

I guess you must do as you have failed to show me where I have said otherwise (even though you accused me of this on more than one occasion.)

Nice to meet you too. In my eyes, the very sentence "I'm not aware of any definitive evidence" is the same as saying you are unsure and you couldn't commit either way. Again in my eyes, this notion is ludicrous. The very fact that many people have hidden their homosexuality out of shame shows its not a choice people make freely. But that's my opinion and we will leave that there if you want with specific regard to that subject.

Connected but not on the exact sanme topic is you not committing to your own view as there is the absence of studies and a universally accepted view. I find that comment from a religious student like yourself fairly strange. Is there a universally accepted view with regards religion. Are any of the mainstream religions bourne out of absolute fact?

I think you've misunderstood me there I have never personally been a Theology student.

You're questions are irrelevant as I do not follow any religion and they only seek to make a link between your assertion that I said somebody isn't born gay. Despite me asking you to show me where I said this (I even reposted the post proving I said no such thing).

If there was a religion that was born out of absolute fact. Then I'm sure we would all be following it.
Me included!. But there isn't, I guess that's why they call it faith.

Oh but we already do mate................
Manchester_lalala said:
dronefromsector7g said:
Manchester_lalala said:
It's kicking off again in Paris, another hostage situation.
This one seems like a robbery though.

Does it? Don't know much detail apart from a hostage situation, armed with grenades and an Ak-47.

reading the same... still not being reported on BBC or Sky...been about half hour
mancityvstoke said:
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
Nice to meet you too. In my eyes, the very sentence "I'm not aware of any definitive evidence" is the same as saying you are unsure and you couldn't commit either way. Again in my eyes, this notion is ludicrous. The very fact that many people have hidden their homosexuality out of shame shows its not a choice people make freely. But that's my opinion and we will leave that there if you want with specific regard to that subject.

Connected but not on the exact sanme topic is you not committing to your own view as there is the absence of studies and a universally accepted view. I find that comment from a religious student like yourself fairly strange. Is there a universally accepted view with regards religion. Are any of the mainstream religions bourne out of absolute fact?

I think you've misunderstood me there I have never personally been a Theology student.

You're questions are irrelevant as I do not follow any religion and they only seek to make a link between your assertion that I said somebody isn't born gay. Despite me asking you to show me where I said this (I even reposted the post proving I said no such thing).

If there was a religion that was born out of absolute fact. Then I'm sure we would all be following it.
Me included!. But there isn't, I guess that's why they call it faith.

Oh but we already do mate................

I don't understand your point mate!
ArdwickBlue said:
mancityvstoke said:
ArdwickBlue said:
I think you've misunderstood me there I have never personally been a Theology student.

You're questions are irrelevant as I do not follow any religion and they only seek to make a link between your assertion that I said somebody isn't born gay. Despite me asking you to show me where I said this (I even reposted the post proving I said no such thing).

If there was a religion that was born out of absolute fact. Then I'm sure we would all be following it.
Me included!. But there isn't, I guess that's why they call it faith.

Oh but we already do mate................

I don't understand your point mate!

What do you spend a great deal of your life watching, supporting, commenting on, spending time with, worshipping, adoring, analysing, giving money to, encouraging others to could well be classed as a religion to many.

The Religon Utd fans call it
mancityvstoke said:
ArdwickBlue said:
mancityvstoke said:
Oh but we already do mate................

I don't understand your point mate!

What do you spend a great deal of your life watching, supporting, commenting on, spending time with, worshipping, adoring, analysing, giving money to, encouraging others to could well be classed as a religion to many.

The Religon Utd fans call it

Ahh silly me I get it now.

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