Shootings in Paris

Citizen in Pakistan said:
BlueHammer85 said:
I hate the usual conspiracy theories after every major news story. But this one is bugging me a little ...
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ns/200732/</a>

Why is there no blood at all ? I get it's not Hollywood, but even if the bullet hit him elsewhere the footage would show blood ?

Sky news was reported saying blood has been put there <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
what i dont understand is after the lies you have been sponken though i really appreciate how people in uk stood up against the war in iraq ,why do you continue to belive everything which main stream media says,why cant you just may be think on the other lines,people ignore the fact that "who benifits from it ? " even if you disregard that,why not just think there is something more to it

Blood or no blood he was still fucked murdered by fucking cowards
Citizen in Pakistan said:

False flags my arse fella.

In the same way you urge us all to start to understand the issues surrounding this one big mess, you do the same and acknowledge you have some fucking idiots going around murdering innocent people all over the world in the so called name of your prophet!

He has many times on this very thread.[/quote]

yea mate may be the only people who speak the truth in this world are the likes of bush , blair , nethanyahou etc and channels like fox cnn etc as per the terrorist they are as much muslim as much as i am a christian , jew or an atheist , you know how i can say that because i know the teachings of islam, For crtics of islam i think the history of islamic history begain post 9/11 ,Here is a bit of an insight.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e_in_Spain</a>
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed[/b].

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... in_1.shtml</a>

Islamic Spain (711-1492)

Islamic Spain was a multi-cultural mix of Muslims, Christians and Jews. It brought a degree of civilization to Europe that matched the heights of the Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance. (so much for a religion of hate )

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... amic_world</a>
Scientists within the Muslim ruled areas were of diverse ethnicities. Many were Persians,[2][3][4][5] others were Arabs, Assyrians and Kurds.[4] and Egyptians. They were also from diverse religious backgrounds. Most were Muslims,[6][7][8] but there were also some Christians,[9] Jews[9][10] and irreligious.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ic-science</a>
What is only now becoming clear (to many in the west) is that during the dark ages of medieval Europe, incredible scientific advances were made in the Muslim world.What the medieval scientists of the Muslim world articulated so brilliantly is that science is universal, the common language of the human race.(so much of a 1400 year old backward religion)

if your more interested watch this bbc documentary for a good viewing <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
you would be surprised .[/quote]

not even a one reply so far on the above content by people who are always looking to bash islam unless you deny the above as well,anyhow the point i do wana make is , isis ,al qaeda boko horam ,etc are not islam or anywhere close to islam,i can say this because i am a follower of islam,how could people consider it a part of islam when you dont know islam?how could you judge something when you dont know something ? would you like your lives to be judged by a person who doesnt know about you or your values?it would be cynical to say the least

Here is an article to give you some more insight

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... an-coexist</a>
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, western observers have had harsh words to say about European Muslim communities. Ann Coulter, the right-wing pundit declared on Fox News that, maybe, it was a time for a “pause in Muslim immigration” to Europe. Pegida, a German group, has intensified its campaign against what is sees as the “Islamisation” of Germany. Meanwhile, Panorama, the UK current affairs programme, recently aired a show titled The Battle for British Islam. Everywhere, it seems, the question of how Islam and Europe can coexist is being raised.

A few years ago, I published a book called The ‘Other’ Europeans: Muslims of Europe. It took several years to write, but it only scratches the surface of the Muslim European story. It’s commonplace to talk about the input of Muslim Spain to European history. There is much to teach about that period, not least the contribution of Spanish and Portuguese Muslims to Europe’s Renaissance.

But there is far more Muslim influence to see in European history. While some politicians have been keen to define contemporary European society as rooted in only a Judeo-Christian framework, even the most cursory reviews of history would disavow that perception.

In southern Europe, Muslim Spain is well known, but Muslim Sicily is not. It was ruled by Muslim leaders for more than 150 years, beginning in the 9th century.

Roger I conquered Sicily at the end of the 11th century, and unlike other parts of Europe, where the Christian Reconquista meant an end to the existence of Muslim communities (and often Jews as well), Roger and his successor, Roger II, continued to rule over Muslim communities for many decades.

In northern and eastern Europe, Muslim communities have existed for centuries. The Tatar communities of Lithuania, for example, date back to at least the 14th century, when the Lithuanian Duke Witold took many Tatars as prisoner. Even after these Lithuanian Tatars lost their language, Islam continued to be a force of unity for them, through to the present day.

In Poland, there were many more Muslims – a 1631 census listed more than 100,000.

More than a century later, many of their ancestors swore on the Quran to fight for Polish independence in 1795, and opposed the Russians in 1830 and 1863 during the uprisings – a history that earned them respect and a favoured place in the country.

No historical overview of Muslims in Europe would be complete without considering the long period of Ottoman administration in the south-east of Europe. But there are other, less well-recorded chapters of history as well.

Take the UK, where the historical links are extensive. Records indicate that the king of England in the 13th century had considerable contact with the Sharif of Morocco – with some reports that at one point, he wrote to the Sharif discussing marriage with his daughter.

Another historian notes that for his role in the Magna Carta rebellion, an Englishman who is recorded as “Master de London” was banished. When he returned to Europe, he had converted to Islam, and was instrumental in spreading his new-found faith on the continent.

Even during the 19th and 20th centuries, many well-known converts to Islam can be found in the UK. The most famous of these in the Victorian era was Abdullah Quilliam, who was even recognised by the then Ottoman Sultan. Quilliam was quintessentially English, as were the members of the community of believers he led. There were others still, such as Murad Rais, formerly Peter Lyle, an Admiral in Nelson’s fleet in the 19th century. There is scarcely a country in Europe today that does not have such individuals in its history books, if one looks deep enough.

The same remains in contemporary history. Yusuf Islam, the musician formerly known as Cat Stevens, converted in the 1980s. Lord Stanley of Alderly, Lord Headley, Lord Khalida Hamilton-Buchanan – those are just a few of the members of the House of Lords in the UK who converted to Islam.

Director of Research at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, Bruno Guiderdoni, is another noted Muslim on the continent, as is the famed Cambridge University lecturer, Timothy Winter, recognised throughout the Muslim world for his wisdom.

The temptation is strong, particularly after a tragedy such as the Charlie Hebdo attack, to recreate our realities as so separate, between Muslim and non-Muslim, the West and Muslim communities. But that’s simply not historically accurate.

There is a long and vibrant history that is dynamic and very real, that shows these communities were – and are – intertwined.

When the likes of right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders, for example, says he wants “less Islam” in Europe, he is denying his own heritage and history. For, indeed, without Islam, writing our history as Europeans would be very difficult indeed.

Dr HA Hellyer is an associate fellow of the Royal United Services Institute in London, and the Centre for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC
I'd be interested to know what CIP thinks of ISIS and AQ?

What he also thinks of the executions of gay men and adulterous women by stoning, being hurled off tall buildings or head shots? All whilst filmed on phones

Is that acceptable?
BlueHammer85 said:
I hate the usual conspiracy theories after every major news story. But this one is bugging me a little ...
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ns/200732/</a>

Why is there no blood at all ? I get it's not Hollywood, but even if the bullet hit him elsewhere the footage would show blood ?
The physical damage a bullet will do to someone depends on how much of the kinetic energy is imparted to the target when it hits it. If you shoot someone at close range with a high-powered assault rifle, the bullet will probably just go straight through them. You'll only get blood splattered all over at close range if they were shot with a smaller calibre hand-gun or an exploding bullet, where the design ensures that the energy is passed onto the tissue, rather than remaining with the bullet.

As I understand the mechanics, if the bullet doesn't expand or fragment a high-velocity bullet entering at close range will produce a shock wave that creates a temporary cavity around its track. The more kinetic energy, the bigger the cavity. However this is temporary (unless the bullet fragments or stays in the body) and I believe the bullet may not even have to hit you to kill if it passes close enough at high enough velocity. Therefore the shock on the brain alone would be enough to kill, without any blood loss at all.

The further away you are from your target, the more the bullet will slow down in flight and the more chance of it stopping and fragmenting when it enters the body.
Citizen in Pakistan said:
BlueHammer85 said:
I hate the usual conspiracy theories after every major news story. But this one is bugging me a little ...
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ns/200732/</a>

Why is there no blood at all ? I get it's not Hollywood, but even if the bullet hit him elsewhere the footage would show blood ?

Sky news was reported saying blood has been put there <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
what i dont understand is after the lies you have been sponken though i really appreciate how people in uk stood up against the war in iraq ,why do you continue to belive everything which main stream media says,why cant you just may be think on the other lines,people ignore the fact that "who benifits from it ? " even if you disregard that,why not just think there is something more to it

He clearly says you can see the candles and the presents and blood that have been put there. He meant to finish after candles and presents and its a simple faux pax. People jump on these things and cling to them as they love a conspiracy theory. We saw now blood on the pavement for two seconds of the video and I'm 100% certain that if the camera stayed on the policeman for a few more seconds you would see the blood you desperately crave.
Citizen in Pakistan said:
BlueHammer85 said:
I hate the usual conspiracy theories after every major news story. But this one is bugging me a little ...
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ns/200732/</a>

Why is there no blood at all ? I get it's not Hollywood, but even if the bullet hit him elsewhere the footage would show blood ?

Sky news was reported saying blood has been put there <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
what i dont understand is after the lies you have been sponken though i really appreciate how people in uk stood up against the war in iraq ,why do you continue to belive everything which main stream media says,why cant you just may be think on the other lines,people ignore the fact that "who benifits from it ? " even if you disregard that,why not just think there is something more to it

Yes or No. Do you think that cop was shot dead ?
Citizen in Pakistan said:
Citizen in Pakistan said:

False flags my arse fella.

In the same way you urge us all to start to understand the issues surrounding this one big mess, you do the same and acknowledge you have some fucking idiots going around murdering innocent people all over the world in the so called name of your prophet!

He has many times on this very thread.

yea mate may be the only people who speak the truth in this world are the likes of bush , blair , nethanyahou etc and channels like fox cnn etc as per the terrorist they are as much muslim as much as i am a christian , jew or an atheist , you know how i can say that because i know the teachings of islam, For crtics of islam i think the history of islamic history begain post 9/11 ,Here is a bit of an insight.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e_in_Spain</a>
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed[/b].

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... in_1.shtml</a>

Islamic Spain (711-1492)

Islamic Spain was a multi-cultural mix of Muslims, Christians and Jews. It brought a degree of civilization to Europe that matched the heights of the Roman Empire and the Italian Renaissance. (so much for a religion of hate )

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... amic_world</a>
Scientists within the Muslim ruled areas were of diverse ethnicities. Many were Persians,[2][3][4][5] others were Arabs, Assyrians and Kurds.[4] and Egyptians. They were also from diverse religious backgrounds. Most were Muslims,[6][7][8] but there were also some Christians,[9] Jews[9][10] and irreligious.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ic-science</a>
What is only now becoming clear (to many in the west) is that during the dark ages of medieval Europe, incredible scientific advances were made in the Muslim world.What the medieval scientists of the Muslim world articulated so brilliantly is that science is universal, the common language of the human race.(so much of a 1400 year old backward religion)

if your more interested watch this bbc documentary for a good viewing <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
you would be surprised .

not even a one reply so far on the above content by people who are always looking to bash islam unless you deny the above as well,anyhow the point i do wana make is , isis ,al qaeda boko horam ,etc are not islam or anywhere close to islam,i can say this because i am a follower of islam,how could people consider it a part of islam when you dont know islam?how could you judge something when you dont know something ? would you like your lives to be judged by a person who doesnt know about you or your values?it would be cynical to say the least

Here is an article to give you some more insight

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... an-coexist</a>
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, western observers have had harsh words to say about European Muslim communities. Ann Coulter, the right-wing pundit declared on Fox News that, maybe, it was a time for a “pause in Muslim immigration” to Europe. Pegida, a German group, has intensified its campaign against what is sees as the “Islamisation” of Germany. Meanwhile, Panorama, the UK current affairs programme, recently aired a show titled The Battle for British Islam. Everywhere, it seems, the question of how Islam and Europe can coexist is being raised.

A few years ago, I published a book called The ‘Other’ Europeans: Muslims of Europe. It took several years to write, but it only scratches the surface of the Muslim European story. It’s commonplace to talk about the input of Muslim Spain to European history. There is much to teach about that period, not least the contribution of Spanish and Portuguese Muslims to Europe’s Renaissance.

But there is far more Muslim influence to see in European history. While some politicians have been keen to define contemporary European society as rooted in only a Judeo-Christian framework, even the most cursory reviews of history would disavow that perception.

In southern Europe, Muslim Spain is well known, but Muslim Sicily is not. It was ruled by Muslim leaders for more than 150 years, beginning in the 9th century.

Roger I conquered Sicily at the end of the 11th century, and unlike other parts of Europe, where the Christian Reconquista meant an end to the existence of Muslim communities (and often Jews as well), Roger and his successor, Roger II, continued to rule over Muslim communities for many decades.

In northern and eastern Europe, Muslim communities have existed for centuries. The Tatar communities of Lithuania, for example, date back to at least the 14th century, when the Lithuanian Duke Witold took many Tatars as prisoner. Even after these Lithuanian Tatars lost their language, Islam continued to be a force of unity for them, through to the present day.

In Poland, there were many more Muslims – a 1631 census listed more than 100,000.

More than a century later, many of their ancestors swore on the Quran to fight for Polish independence in 1795, and opposed the Russians in 1830 and 1863 during the uprisings – a history that earned them respect and a favoured place in the country.

No historical overview of Muslims in Europe would be complete without considering the long period of Ottoman administration in the south-east of Europe. But there are other, less well-recorded chapters of history as well.

Take the UK, where the historical links are extensive. Records indicate that the king of England in the 13th century had considerable contact with the Sharif of Morocco – with some reports that at one point, he wrote to the Sharif discussing marriage with his daughter.

Another historian notes that for his role in the Magna Carta rebellion, an Englishman who is recorded as “Master de London” was banished. When he returned to Europe, he had converted to Islam, and was instrumental in spreading his new-found faith on the continent.

Even during the 19th and 20th centuries, many well-known converts to Islam can be found in the UK. The most famous of these in the Victorian era was Abdullah Quilliam, who was even recognised by the then Ottoman Sultan. Quilliam was quintessentially English, as were the members of the community of believers he led. There were others still, such as Murad Rais, formerly Peter Lyle, an Admiral in Nelson’s fleet in the 19th century. There is scarcely a country in Europe today that does not have such individuals in its history books, if one looks deep enough.

The same remains in contemporary history. Yusuf Islam, the musician formerly known as Cat Stevens, converted in the 1980s. Lord Stanley of Alderly, Lord Headley, Lord Khalida Hamilton-Buchanan – those are just a few of the members of the House of Lords in the UK who converted to Islam.

Director of Research at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, Bruno Guiderdoni, is another noted Muslim on the continent, as is the famed Cambridge University lecturer, Timothy Winter, recognised throughout the Muslim world for his wisdom.

The temptation is strong, particularly after a tragedy such as the Charlie Hebdo attack, to recreate our realities as so separate, between Muslim and non-Muslim, the West and Muslim communities. But that’s simply not historically accurate.

There is a long and vibrant history that is dynamic and very real, that shows these communities were – and are – intertwined.

When the likes of right-wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders, for example, says he wants “less Islam” in Europe, he is denying his own heritage and history. For, indeed, without Islam, writing our history as Europeans would be very difficult indeed.

Dr HA Hellyer is an associate fellow of the Royal United Services Institute in London, and the Centre for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC

johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
Fair play. I've never known anyone who has such a keen interest in religion without themselves being religious. So, on a serious note, you must see good and bad in every religion and given you are interested in all religions you must know that given all the different theories they all can't be correct and likely therefore than none are and religion is merely a vehicle.

Now you have. Nice to meet you. I'm sure there are many of us out there. Many non religious students even study Theology, weird eh.?

I don't necessarily see good and bad in every religion per se. Although looking at some of it through modern westernised eyes. It is enough to raise an eyebrow or two but that is why I have spoken about moderation so much in previous posts.

Obviously those who take religion to the extreme and use it to hurt others should be dealt with swiftly. I do see this as vital for human cohesion in the future.

I am yet to meet a single fanatical religious person from any faith in all my years on earth. I wouldn't mix with somebody who would deliberately go out of their way to offend somebody for their beliefs. Or use their beliefs as a reason to hurt others (the extremists). Freedom of speech is essential to a free and democratic society. I would just hope we could show some restraint and not lampoon others just because it is legal to do so.

Do you now admit I said "I wasn't aware of any definitive evidence, that is universally accepted, of somebody being born gay?." I never once said it was somebody's choice to be gay?.

I guess you must do as you have failed to show me where I have said otherwise (even though you accused me of this on more than one occasion.)

Nice to meet you too. In my eyes, the very sentence "I'm not aware of any definitive evidence" is the same as saying you are unsure and you couldn't commit either way. Again in my eyes, this notion is ludicrous. The very fact that many people have hidden their homosexuality out of shame shows its not a choice people make freely. But that's my opinion and we will leave that there if you want with specific regard to that subject.

Connected but not on the exact sanme topic is you not committing to your own view as there is the absence of studies and a universally accepted view. I find that comment from a religious student like yourself fairly strange. Is there a universally accepted view with regards religion. Are any of the mainstream religions bourne out of absolute fact?

I think you've misunderstood me there I have never personally been a Theology student.

You're questions are irrelevant as I do not follow any religion and they only seek to make a link between your assertion that I said somebody isn't born gay. Despite me asking you to show me where I said this (I even reposted the post proving I said no such thing).

If there was a religion that was born out of absolute fact. Then I'm sure we would all be following it. Me included!. But there isn't, I guess that's why they call it faith.

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