Should aeroplane gestures be acted upon by the club?

To be honest you think we could sing something more original about Teves by now or come to that any of the new players there again it might just be me (i know it's not) just singing and getting a decent atmosphere for once and getting behind the team, it might help to inspire the players to cut out the WILKINS crab (sideways) pass and actually go for it just a thought.
i'm american and have only ever been to one game (pearce's last match away spurs - I was there when we were shit, yes) and was curious to see what would happen in regards to this. I always read on here differing stances on this subject but on that day everybody I was around had no problem singing m*****s including me admittedly but it seemed just banter that was infused in the songs sung.

maybe the away support weren't bluemooners that day...just an observation from my singular match experience. Btw, the derby was the week before.
lazerblue said:
i heard today that they are making a film about munich now and thats the thing, every time they hit a sticky patch they wheel munich out and thats what gets to people, they use it as a money making tool or to get publicity and thats wrong on every level.

lincolnblue said:
I always read on here differing stances on this subject but on that day everybody I was around had no problem singing m*****s including me admittedly but it seemed just banter that was infused in the songs sung..

This is how I always take things, just as banter.

I'm sure people who sing about Munich and other related things don't actually mean it in a disrespectful way. They just do it to get a reaction. I see similar things go on at work with the Leeds fans about Turkey.
It annoys me more when people say 'our own Frank Swift died in the crash so we shouldn't do it' to be honest.

Isn't the inference of that comment that if Frank hadn't died the pontificator would be quite happy to be up on his seat with arms aloft?

Referring to them as Munichs will never stop IMO - they have milked it for all it is worth, and fans will always give a bit back when pissed/wound up. No need to make a big deal out of it. Aeroplane gestures are a bit gay though IMO, although I see more of them doing it than I ever do City fans.
Shock fucking fans at football match sing nasty songs...

I swear that the creators of threads like these have only just started to watch football or go to games?

Gone on for a long time and it will never stop until they stop milking it!

Sssshhhhh.......dont mention the M***** word unless its the rags and they fancy making a few quid out of it.

For those that dont like it or dont sing it, fine, thats your choice but ffs, stop coming on here and creating the same old tired thread in the vain hope that it will stop. It wont and its boring.

We will go to football shortly with hands tied behind our backs and gaffer tape over our mouths and seatbelts must be worn at all times during the game :-(
Of course calling the rags "munichs" is disrespectful - the reason its done is because it annoys the f*** out of them. I've never seen people go berserk so quickly at a couple of aeroplanes in Old Trafford. I was pissing my sides laffing at them foaming at the mouth with macho bravado pretending to want to get past the stewards. What I really don't understand is how people not old enough to remember the air disaster get so worked up over it, when their club shat all over the families of the dead and then milked the fans for it years later!!!
as far back as i can remember i have always known and referred to utd as "munichs" some people (city fans) dont like it and make threads like this. it's boring this has been going on for a LONG LONG time, a couple of poxy threads on a forum wont stop it. anyway they milk it all the time. fuck em
its simple if you don't like it don't do it if you don't really give a shit then do do it. whenever i try starting a song of at an away game i never start a munich song of but i admit i do sing along it they are sung. like one post said 99% who sing it obviously don't mean harm to the dead. i think that the younger generation of blues who wasn't around in 1958 obviously weren't affected by it so it doesn't really mean much, where as the older generation seen it happen and respect it.
lazerblue said:
i heard today that they are making a film about munich now and thats the thing, every time they hit a sticky patch they wheel munich out and thats what gets to people, they use it as a money making tool or to get publicity and thats wrong on every level.

i started to watch a film called Munich but couldn't understand why it was an all jewish cast !

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