Should John Terry be dropped.

Bearing in mind we have Jamie Fucking Carragher in defence, I think dropping Terry would be suicide.

The guy gets a lot of stick for allegedly poking a team mates ex whilst Gerrard is hailed as the second coming despite punching fuck out of some bloke in a bar and getting away with it because he's 'Stevie G'.

Then there's the most objectionable bag of wank to ever walk the earth, Wayne Rooney.
By all rights, what he did was out of line, he's put everyone in an akward spot (putting it lightly) he's created more tension, if there wasn't any existing all ready, in the camp and there's just a real negative vibe around the place.
IF they'd half a decent player to replace him I'd drop him, he needs to know his pace and these days, these "special players" don't know their place and they think they are better than they are, as you'll see here if you watch it here.
[youtube][/youtube] They bring up some excellent points imo.

The English team is very tiring just to be around. That many big egos in one room, and honestly it's not most of their priorities, for a lot of those players, it's me myself and I.
But is but at the end of the day though, you've got a very long tiring season in England at the top level and that carries out for the top 4 into Europe, and bang straight into the world cup, no time, no recovery. Is there any wonder there's tension. Frustrated players, in a group that they don't gell with, after a very long season, with all the media on their backs and all the expectations of the country on their shoulders. That would shorten anyones fuse.

The talent, to an extent is there, I don't think they are good enough to win it, but certainly do better than ye are doing. At the end of the day, when you look for the best manager for the English side, you're only settling, the best managers are at Untied, they're at Barca, they're taken.
Hate them all ye want, things would have been a lot different if the likes of Fergie or Wenger were managing the team.

It's not going to happen though, and so you are settling. It's not an attractive job, despite everything.
Man, I'm really surprised by some of the posts on here! When Terry did what he did to Bridge, how many of you thought HE should have been the one to miss out on the World Cup?

When he was caught p*ss*ng on the dance floor on a night out, how many of you thought he was a disgrace as a Captain?

When he was caught selling his status, how many thought he was a disgrace then?

Now he 'speaks for the squad', when it was Capello that saved his international career, and when he is no longer Capt. What the fook is Gerrard doing?? Is he scared of Terry? Act like a fooking Capt., man!

Who the hell is Terry to speak for anyone and why hasn't anybody distanced themselves from it?

Terry is divisive as a character, whether he is good or not for the team.

Many of you are hypocrites as when we look at our own club, you clamoured to get rid of these type of characters as the team was more important.

Make your fooking minds up!
Let's be honest here, if a player like Milner, SWP, Dawson or Defoe had done what Terry did yesterday then they'd be on the first plane home.
If Capello picks Terry for the Slovenia game then he's finished as England manager in the longer term, other players will soon start sounding off if they feel Terry is being treated as a special case within the squad.
Terry isn't the captain , he's just a sqaud member like everyone else.
Thought Graeme was spot on in that clip. The modern athletes, not just in football, is incredibly spoiled. The other gentleman said that top players like structure, they like leadership. I'm not sure when Capello suddenly became unstructured and lost his ability to lead. As an outsider, it would seem to me that there is a divisive presence in the England camp and I'm not one to name names, but I'd believe that he had a press conference on Sunday in which he made some pretty divisive comments. The problem isn't that Capello has led his ability to lead, it's the divisive presences who have gotten into other players ears and have corrupted thier view of the situation. If I was Capello, I'd drop Terry and any other of his cronies. It would just be a symbolic show of course because Capello would likely be relieved of his job and the first thing 'Arry will do is give Terry back the arm band, but at least then Capello would have taken a stand against this twat of the highest order.
Terry should have been put on the first plane home. And thrown out over the Atlantic. Horrible, arrogant little chav.

The trouble is there's so much commercial pressure on the England team that it's virtually impossible not to play Lampard, Terry, Rooney & Beckham, whatever they do or say and however little they actually contribute.
for me john terry spoke with passion and that is what the england team lack, they are good enough players to win tournaments but are too comfortable in life to have the big desire to become legends
also although good players in the premier league they are not clever players on the international pitch when you need intelligence to change games if all is not going well
but i hope they come good, ive got a ticket for the final !!!

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