Should Roberto Mancini be sacked?

Should Roberto Mancini be sacked?

  • Yes

    Votes: 332 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 645 66.0%

  • Total voters
I don't understand many here, when they sing to Mancini "please don't go".

Yes, Roberto will be OK if he done this with budget which for example coach of Borussia Dortmund had, but that was not case. So he have almost unlimited budget, he spend money like Paris Hilton or Tamara Ecclestone in Paris, and still he finish 15 points behind rags, no FA cup because he lost from Wigan, and almost humiliated in Europe.

Perhaps for someone it will be OK if we next year just win a title, someone will be satisfied if we win just FA cup, but what about owner, how he will be satisfied, did he for example expect after all money he invested in club, least for example European CL quarter finals, plus a title and FA cup and did Mancini is able to deliver that?
For me i think its the right time for mancini to go, he is no doubt a fantastic manager and helped give us experiences and memories that we could only ever dream. He was the right man at that particular stage of our development as a club, in that he helped form a winning mentality and a discipline throughout the team. He has a drive and a passion for winning that us fans really appreciate and warm too.

However he does have flaws which may be his downfall, he is very stubborn and set in his ways, he struggles to adapt when things aren`t working e.g. everyone knows how narrow we are on occasions but has never adressed this problem. He also hasn`t fully integrated any youth players, he`s given some the odd game but hasn`t really committed to any of them. Therefore the new ex barcelona pair of directors may feel someone would be better with this new ethiad campus being constructed.

Mancini`s man management skills also leave alot to be desired, the way he criticises some of his players in public is rarely very productive as well as the way he tends to distance himself from the squad instead of putting an arm around the shoulder when they need it. Add to all this his naive and unsuccessful approach in the champions league which although i think would of improved steadily hasn`t been acceptable.

All in all we thanku mr mancini for everything you have done you will remain forever a huge figure in the club history but your time has come and we must go our seperate ways
With deep regret yes.
I am all for stability but the football this season has gone from bad to worse.
Change the players or the manager?
Voted no but I'm struggling to convince myself. Just feel his heart isn't in it, and we need someone who is prepared to scrap.
nashark said:
Should have been sacked at the end of last season, league title or no league title. It's been clear ever since we got beat against Arsenal, and maybe as early as the calamity that was the Bayern Munich, that he was completely out of his depth and incapable of learning from his mistakes.

Populism will not get us far. Otherwise, Sven would never have left.
Gary Neville put it perfectly after we beat QPR: "Problems don't get ironed out in the space of 6 weeks".
Voted a definate no,the greatest manager this club as ever had,Getting rid of him for a tinpot no mark will put this club back 3 years.
Gabriel said:
Voted no but I'm struggling to convince myself. Just feel his heart isn't in it, and we need someone who is prepared to scrap.

Mancini's position is untenable after he threw away the FA cup.
He obviously has no rapport with the players - at Wembley, his body language was absolutely terrible.
I don't see he has any way back from this.

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