
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
SWP's back said:
He often says things like that then fails to back it up. You may be waiting a while.

Do i?
Yes and you have yet to explain the irony.
I believe that he is referring to the prevailing snobbery on this thread, which if displayed by someone from the middle-classes towards the working-classes would be (rightly) rounded upon as a naked form elitism.

I might be wrong though.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
SWP's back said:
Josh Blue said:
Yes and you have yet to explain the irony.
I believe that he is referring to the prevailing snobbery on this thread, which if displayed by someone from the middle-classes towards the working-classes would be (rightly) rounded upon as a naked form elitism.

I might be wrong though.
He'd be wrong though. No one on skint works.
It's easy to go through life blaming everyone but the reality is at some point you have to take personal responsibility. 5 children at 21 by different men then blaming society and government is a cop out. There was that 16 year old who could barely read this is 2013 school is free. The mother of 5 was crying about not having any money for food while a grown able man who had children by her sat there playing COD on a 50inch screen in the middle of the day. This is wrong and not why benefits were created.

There should not be a reward for idleness except breeding that is not a talent and does nothing to benefit society. Children who are raised poorly do not often become productive adults without a massive effort. I cannot understand anyone defending this behaviour this is why these people have no remorse in their actions they feel entitled.
SWP's back said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
SWP's back said:
Yes and you have yet to explain the irony.
I believe that he is referring to the prevailing snobbery on this thread, which if displayed by someone from the middle-classes towards the working-classes would be (rightly) rounded upon as a naked form elitism.

I might be wrong though.
He'd be wrong though. No one on skint works.
My point remains.
The demonisation of the poor continues unabated.

The nutjobs lap it up and the disenfranchised become more remote from normality as they enter the precariat.

You are all in the race to the bottom throwing wild accusations at others whilst the rich get off with causing the banking crisis and rake more and more cash in to add to there Billions.

The UK is a strange place nowadays and all rhyme and reason has left its people.
Rascal said:
The demonisation of the poor continues unabated.

The nutjobs lap it up and the disenfranchised become more remote from normality as they enter the precariat.

You are all in the race to the bottom throwing wild accusations at others whilst the rich get off with causing the banking crisis and rake more and more cash in to add to there Billions.

The UK is a strange place nowadays and all rhyme and reason has left its people.
Yes no rhyme nor reason in not liking the scrotes on Skint.
blue81 said:
metalblue said:
blue81 said:
Listen mate, Im not heartless- I have my vices/problems like eveyone else. I feel sorry for the people on Skint in a way but also know I'd never allow myself to get in that position.

I hear you mate. No easy solutions. I was chatting with an Italian at work today and he told me he envied us in UK, yes we had some folk who just take piss but he said being here you feel part of the state whereas in Italy the state is an almost mythical entity like royalty. They have no feeling of society and its everyone for themselves, you have no social security model so folk out of work basically end up with starving kids or doing a favour for the mafia to get a few bob to get by. I guess what I'm saying is that the alternative to what we have might not be what we want, what we need to do is make sure the kids have the want to work.

Cool- glad you understand where I'm coming from, as I said I love we have a system that allows people who are in hard times to get money for essentials and I am happy to pay for that. But also it annoys me when people who can work just piss their lives away when others with nowt got of their arses and made something of themselves. Cheers for reading my post and not just seeing my name and going on the attack!

Haha, I've always thought you are alright mate, I "get you"
There were times last night when I genuinely question ed shat home we have as a race, obviously these people are an exception rather than the rule and the majority of people are hard working and want the best for themselves and families. However we seemed to be breeding a sub culture of scum, the poor kids that they are dragging up have no chance.

I really fear for the future, at times I wonder if a big fuck off asteroid is just what we need and give nature the chance to start again.
Rascal said:
The demonisation of the poor continues unabated.

The nutjobs lap it up and the disenfranchised become more remote from normality as they enter the precariat.

You are all in the race to the bottom throwing wild accusations at others whilst the rich get off with causing the banking crisis and rake more and more cash in to add to there Billions.

The UK is a strange place nowadays and all rhyme and reason has left its people.

How are they being demonised when it is their actions we find repulsive. I am far from rich but there was a time my brother and sisters had to wait for my parents to get back from work so we could eat. There was not enough food to store any this was in the UK my parents never blamed the government nor told us to blame society. They always said work hard, try hard, help and support one another.

I have friends who decided it was better to sell weed and have random sex who now after stints in jail are unemployable in corporate but still now do building, cleaning, security work. There are jobs everywhere this is why immigrants flood here if you have children to feed be willing to do whatever it takes. The problem is now why should anyone work for £800 a month when can get double for doing nothing but shagging?

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