
Sorry I should have said all involved from page 3 on-wards. There were some absolute cunts on that programme, of course there were, but for people (blue81) to say you should have to be bringing in 30k a year etc. to have a child is absolutely disgusting.
SWP's back said:
cyberblue said:
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Congratulations to all involved on securing the 'Nazi-Thread of the Day' Award.
Why is it being a Nazi to expect people to behave half normal & decent ? why should people think it ok never to work but have as many children as they want funded by you & me ?.never have to pay presciption charges ? Get ther houses paid for ? & fu*k knows what other benifits .I am all for helping one & all & giving as much help .support ,benifits ,cash ,house ect if they fall on hard times & need help but not to fund the lifestyle of a generation of people who have no fu*king intrest of even atemting to look for a job
It probably struck a nerve or something.
Its a shame that now whole generations of families see not working .& getting looked after by the state (you&me) as an aceptable way of life
The problem as I see it that too much support from the government has created several types of person who expect to be rewarded for having kids. There are those at work who believe that their kids childcare should be paid for, which in turn as far as I see has pushed up the price of childcare to ridiculous prices, and also that tax credits should take their income to a level way above what they deserve. Two examples of these type are the woman at our work who was complaining that the government doesn't give her enough money for her children, she must be on at least 25k a year and her husband on at least 18K. A mate of mine when his family's tax credit was worked out put him on approx 3K a year more than me, he left school with no qualifications yet I served an apprenticeship and got a trade. Then there are those expected to be paid for staying at home breeding and doing nothing.
All are rewarded for breeding with the taxes you and I pay.
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Sorry I should have said all involved from page 3 on-wards. There were some absolute ***** on that programme, of course there were, but for people (blue81) to say you should have to be bringing in 30k a year etc. to have a child is absolutely disgusting.

Why? I think a joint income of 30k (whichever way you divide it) between two people should be the minimum needed to bring up and support a child- they are expensive after all. Plus it shows a level of aspiration, work ethic and commitment from those involved to put nappies and milk ahead of cider and silk (cut)
blue81 said:
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Sorry I should have said all involved from page 3 on-wards. There were some absolute ***** on that programme, of course there were, but for people (blue81) to say you should have to be bringing in 30k a year etc. to have a child is absolutely disgusting.

Why? I think a joint income of 30k (whichever way you divide it) between two people should be the minimum needed to bring up and support a child- they are expensive after all. Plus it shows a level of aspiration, work ethic and commitment from those involved to put nappies and milk ahead of cider and silk (cut)

Wealth has absolutely no bearing on how suitable a parent you are.
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
blue81 said:
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Sorry I should have said all involved from page 3 on-wards. There were some absolute ***** on that programme, of course there were, but for people (blue81) to say you should have to be bringing in 30k a year etc. to have a child is absolutely disgusting.

Why? I think a joint income of 30k (whichever way you divide it) between two people should be the minimum needed to bring up and support a child- they are expensive after all. Plus it shows a level of aspiration, work ethic and commitment from those involved to put nappies and milk ahead of cider and silk (cut)

Wealth has absolutely no bearing on how suitable a parent you are.
Lack of any money what so ever does not help. Hence the poverty traps shown on Skint where generation after generation will leech off the rest of us.

But in general I agree. Wealth means nothing, having zero means and zero aptitude means everything.
The Government have introduced the Family Support Provision to address issues like this. Lets hope it bears fruit because some families are in a mess yet know no other life.
blue81 said:
mancitymick said:
I love going to work each day, paying taxes knowing i am helping others out

Me too- I'll happily pay taxes for those who NEED the benefit system due to ill health or genuinely are out of work but desperately looking. That lot on 'skint' last night are a drain on us all though and will never contribute because they simply don't want to!!

There will always be people like that and in the overall scheme of things it doesn't effect us, it may seem unfair and I don't understand how anybody could be happy to take handouts without wanting to find work but the only people who are really suffering here are them poor kids who see it as normal. We live in an inclusive society where everybody is treated the same and long may it continue. The alternative isn't pleasant.

BTW your list didn't mention gambling addiction or food addiction to name but two....or do you just oppose certain vices? Tut tut
Perhaps this is why they're currently removing legal aid?

Lock up the working classes, they can't afford to defend themselves and they can't reproduce if locked up.

It's that or we kill every new born baby in case it grows up to be on benefits, disabled, foreign or a Muslim.

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