Small Observation on a couple of Spurs players.

Kyle walker - extra off the film adulthood. Thinks he's gangsta
Assou akotto- poncy attention seeking twat. Hate him
Defoe- top player, and good finisher.
Bale - top player, raw talent. Monkey of pg tips advert though
Lennon- taking the piss with that look, shaved eyebrows, tramlines, are you twelve. Runs like a constipated duck
Vdv- sulky, Moany, arrogant twat, did nothing today.
Modric- rat, poor mans silva
King- bad luck with injuries, brilliant defender
Scott Parker- thinks he's gods gift, always has his fucking head up trying to show off. Arse
I like Bale, not only is he a quality player but has a classiness about him off the pitch. Do you ever hear of him battering women or booting team-mates in the face? He comes across as completely down to earth in his interviews.

Look at his comments after the game, no bitching unlike that disgusting tw@t who manages the club:

"Everyone's devastated," the Welshman told the club's official website.

"We can take heart from the performance, but we all feel sick that we've lost the game that way."

"I don't think we deserved to lose the game."

"We showed our character to come from 2-0 down and I thought we should have won the game. We can't quite believe it."

Defoe missed a glorious late chance to put Spurs 3-2 ahead before Balotelli grabbed what proved to be the winner and Bale rued the wasted chance, insisting the Italy international's late effort "was a massive blow".

"I was waiting for the ball to hit the back of the net," Bale said.

"For them to then go up the other end, get a penalty and win the game was a massive blow."

"That's football. It bites back when you think you are on top. I thought we were fantastic and we'll pick ourselves up."
LoveCity said:
I like Bale, not only is he a quality player but has a classiness about him off the pitch. Do you ever hear of him battering women or booting team-mates in the face? He comes across as completely down to earth in his interviews.

Look at his comments after the game, no bitching unlike that disgusting tw@t who manages the club:

"Everyone's devastated," the Welshman told the club's official website.

"We can take heart from the performance, but we all feel sick that we've lost the game that way."

"I don't think we deserved to lose the game."

"We showed our character to come from 2-0 down and I thought we should have won the game. We can't quite believe it."

Defoe missed a glorious late chance to put Spurs 3-2 ahead before Balotelli grabbed what proved to be the winner and Bale rued the wasted chance, insisting the Italy international's late effort "was a massive blow".

"I was waiting for the ball to hit the back of the net," Bale said.

"For them to then go up the other end, get a penalty and win the game was a massive blow."

"That's football. It bites back when you think you are on top. I thought we were fantastic and we'll pick ourselves up."
The wager between journos on who takes him down must be massive
LoveCity said:
I like Bale, not only is he a quality player but has a classiness about him off the pitch. Do you ever hear of him battering women or booting team-mates in the face? He comes across as completely down to earth in his interviews.

Look at his comments after the game, no bitching unlike that disgusting tw@t who manages the club:

"Everyone's devastated," the Welshman told the club's official website.

"We can take heart from the performance, but we all feel sick that we've lost the game that way."

"I don't think we deserved to lose the game."

"We showed our character to come from 2-0 down and I thought we should have won the game. We can't quite believe it."

Defoe missed a glorious late chance to put Spurs 3-2 ahead before Balotelli grabbed what proved to be the winner and Bale rued the wasted chance, insisting the Italy international's late effort "was a massive blow".

"I was waiting for the ball to hit the back of the net," Bale said.

"For them to then go up the other end, get a penalty and win the game was a massive blow."

"That's football. It bites back when you think you are on top. I thought we were fantastic and we'll pick ourselves up."

they did deserve to lose though.

we were the better side and gifted them a chance right back into it.

where the fuck is everyone getting this "spurs played so well" bollocks from? they were alright but hart had fuck all to do other than the two goals.
If they had not spent the last 12 mins of normal time rolling about the turf time-wasting they would have got a point. Serves them right.
mccity said:
Bale - When things Bale attempts work, they work brilliantly, to the extent they almost always result in goals or at the very least good goalscoring chances. But his positioning is questionable, and he's a bit hit and miss in games. For every single thing he does brilliantly he does at least three or four things poorly.

Agree with this, his air shot a case in point. He is a good player but that is all (at present).

Generally I thought, and was surprised to see, Spurs passing was often a little wayward.
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
Friedel. Geriatric but a pretty good one.

Walker. Inarticulate gobshite.

Essou-Ekotto Odd coloured boots? Attention seeking wanker. Self confessed mercenary.

Scott Parker. Dirty bastard, hope Mario did stamp on him on purpose. He was kicking Berkovic and Benarbia in the air years ago and he's still doing it today. Has a face like a slapped arse. I truly despise the bastard.

Feel free to make you own additions.

Scott Parker belongs to that group of players, Scholes, Charlie Adam, Mark van Bommel, who seem to have an immunity to the referees' wrath so swiftly administered to a sky blue shirt. Scholes regularly got booked around the 75th min, four bookable offences later, match won, and then the 'pundits' traipse out the claptrap about not being able to tackle. If you do not tackle according to accepted orthodoxy the likelihood is that you will appear to be a right dick, or it will be a foul. But the two former are English internationals. VK Belgian, Mario Italian. Dirty Johnny Foreigners who cannot expect fair treatment from the FArce. I live in hope that I will at some time be able to write FAir and not FArce!

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