Smart gas meters?

Very true but if they make it cheaper to use some energy at 3am say, then this has 2 effects a) you are using energy that would usually be wasted (because of poor or no storage available) and b) using this energy then would, probably, not be being used during the day. This would allow, to a certain extent, energy Companies, to ’flatten’ the curve of demand. Will not always work, of course, because you only make your dinner at dinner time and not the middle of the night but for other things, charging your car, dishwashing, washing machine etc it works fine which is exactly how I use mine.
I prefer to follow the advice of the fire service and NOT run washers, dryers or dishwashers while I’m asleep.

fanks musty, the elec meter is in cupboard low down at a unreadable angle, i cant do it , gay dan would probably do it though
If they are estimating it incorrectly you could be in debt. If Dan can get readings, before you do anything else, check his readings against the estimated ones. That will tell you who might owe who.

They usually estimate in their favour and they could owe you.
If they are estimating it incorrectly you could be in debt. If Dan can get readings, before you do anything else, check his readings against the estimated ones. That will tell you who might owe who.

They usually estimate in their favour and they could owe you.
I will get it done x
Ive got a fart meter in my house and it tells me how much gas I've expelled - or as I call it - the Wife
The latest attempt by EDF to get us to have a smart meter fitted is a letter saying they need to make an appointment to fit it in order to comply with government requirements.

Nice try but it has ended up in the bin as all previous ones have.
The latest attempt by EDF to get us to have a smart meter fitted is a letter saying they need to make an appointment to fit it in order to comply with government requirements.

Nice try but it has ended up in the bin as all previous ones have.
The recycling bin I hope.
Part 46 of my battle with Ovo. ( they refunded me £1100 but a month later said I owed them £683)
An online exchange took place yesterday where they were very apologetic 'I will send an engineer round on Monday to get a reading and have it sorted by Wednesday'
10 minutes later I twigged and asked if they intended installing a smart meter . They were. The sneeky devious lying bastards.
They have cocked up but don't want to admit it and presumably also get a bonus every time they install a meter.
Heads up. Smart meters are to start sending a signal every half hour which will report your use.
This means you will be charged more as most people use electric and gas during the peak times, i.e. the high charging period.
At the moment, unless you opt in for that service, they cannot do it. Very soon they will override it
To be fair it's as much of a problem there being insufficient demand as there is being too much as you can end up with instability of the grid, where the mains frequency and voltage starts to rise and the have to switch in loads to bring it back within tolerance.
The push towards electric vehicles with the right type of chargers may allow you to store the energy in you car's batteries overnight at a low rate and then if not used for travel, you could then use it to power your home to some extent during the day. I know this has certainly been talked about but as yet it's not available to the general public.
There is an American electric truck/SUV that does exactly that. Can't remember the model now though.

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