vonksbignose said:
rickmcfc said:
but its not illegal to drink in an enclosed public place.

If it was, would you just accept it & stop doing it, whilst also vehemently hounding those who believed the law to be an ass?
yes i would as its illegal! just 1 more point, ive never actually heard of passive drinking, correct me if im wrong but if you walk into a room full of people drinking, you dont start to suddenly feel drunk do you???
The strangest I have seen pre ban was Bolton went there to watch a Great Britain V New Zealand Rugby League International they allowed smoking on the concourse but not in the seats couldn't figure that one out at all.
rickmcfc said:
RobbieBrewer said:
I hate going for a piss at half time-it's sick in those bogs near 111.Like all the school bullies you've ever known put in one place,all looking for someone to have a pop at for suggesting they wait till after the match for their fix.....

But-I suppose I like a beer at HT and the same argument could be used against me by someone who doesn't drink.I could do without it,but I choose not too.
So reluctantly,I guess it's live and let live.

Smokers are still smelly 'orrible fuckers though...;-)
but its not illegal to drink in an enclosed public place.

I'm saying that I understand the reason why people smoke in the bogs......not that I support it.I fekkin hate it!But I tolerate it,just like others in society tolerate drinking even though they may find it abhorrent.
And millions of people no doubt break "the letter of the law" every day when they travel at 32mph in their cars....and they cause way more pollution than smokers!!!!

Come on man,lighten up....(not literally though.)
vonksbignose said:
miasma said:
the difference is that toilets are meant to relieve oneself in, not to smoke. i am sure that is what they were designed for, in every building in the world.

if the club sells beer then it would be helpful to provide a place for a piss. they don't sell fags as far as i know.

And Boots sell condoms!

Do you insist that they provide you with an acceptable environment in which to fuck?

er yes, your analogy is correct to a point but beer drunk before the game might produce the effect of wanting to go to the toilet in the next hour or so (in between watching the game), whereas i've never had the impulse to fuck the nearest person when i've just bought a packet of durex pleasuremax. Ever wondered why pubs have toilets?
non smoker view - option one . hold breath , piss quick, get out, watch city draw , go home slightly depressed .
option 2. go in , get gassed , piss, yell 'fire' -get 47,000 evacuated, miss possible WIN result, go home even more depressed!
miasma said:
vonksbignose said:
And Boots sell condoms!

Do you insist that they provide you with an acceptable environment in which to fuck?

er yes, your analogy is correct to a point but beer drunk before the game might produce the effect of wanting to go to the toilet in the next hour or so (in between watching the game), whereas i've never had the impulse to fuck the nearest person when i've just bought a packet of durex pleasuremax. Ever wondered why pubs have toilets?

To fuck in, surely?

rickmcfc said:
perpetualprism said:
rickmcfc, why are you being so aggressive over this issue? i think you have a valid point but you have ruined your entire argument by resorting to calling people names and giving under hand digs.
people shouldn't have to breathe other peoples smoke and smokers should be given a designated area in which to smoke.
personally i'm pro choice. i think there should be smoking and non-smoking pubs and other areas.
we are all adults and so if you want to smoke you should be able too but in a place away from those that do not wish to smoke.
i think it is a case of don't hate the player, hate the game when it comes to the policies regarding smoking at large public places like our ground.
because hundreds of people are en masse breaking the law by smoking in the toilets, a toilet it there to relieve yourself, not to gang up and have a fag and turn the place into a toxic fume box. if people cant go for 2 hours max without having a fag, then you have very serious issues, and will probably die a very young ill person. At present there isnt another option so tough, live with it. What do these people do when they go on a 9 hour flight to florida or even a 2 hour flight to spain, i bet they manage to not have a fag in the shitter then dont they. its not hard really is it!!!

i think you have missed my point. indeed people don't smoke on planes because it is illegal and the price is high for ignoring that fact. also a plane is in essence an enclosed and sealed tin can, flying at 40,000 foot (?! not well up on plane cruising altitudes) it is highly irresponsible in today's world to smoke in such a place. that is why i think smoking should be allowed but in special, designated places (not the toilets btw) away from others that don't smoke or wish to breathe second hand smoke.
at the end of the day smoking is a form of addiction. addicts have certain rights just like other people. i feel that the blanket ban on smoking in the stadium was always going to cause problems between people.
they should have little booths or areas. i saw these little sealed rooms in germany in the airports where people could smoke. they looked like sophisticated greenhouses with ventilation pipes coming ot of the top which cleared the air.

like i said before i'm pro choice. personally i don't smoke but also don't like the bullshit nanny state this country is turning into through legislation such as the smoking ban. if people want to smoke let them. if people don't want to smoke that is equally valid. hence why i propose separate areas.

grassing people up and pandering to the authorities is a bit weak. if you have a problem you should confront the people who are smoking or go somewhere else.

maybe a good solution and maybe an end to these silly threads would be to agree between people on this forum at least which toilets are smoking and which aren't so that everyone has somewhere to go.
nothing will change with the way the system is at present with people smoking in the ground. i can understand why people smoke in the toilets and i agree with your point rickmcfc about the situation.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz its going to happen whether you speak to the club or not!i sit in 111 and if any stewards came in to try and stop it they couldnt purely because the ampunt of people doing it is to great to throw them all out!I smoke but I don't smoke at half time unless I've had a few beers before hand and really fancy one!And it is horrible even for a smoker but its going to happen so deal with it its 2 mins out of your day(minute and half if you get a trot on)!
perpetualprism said:
i think you have missed my point. indeed people don't smoke on planes because it is illegal and the price is high for ignoring that fact. also a plane is in essence an enclosed and sealed tin can, flying at 40,000 foot (?! not well up on plane cruising altitudes) it is highly irresponsible in today's world to smoke in such a place. that is why i think smoking should be allowed but in special, designated places (not the toilets btw) away from others that don't smoke or wish to breathe second hand smoke.

More crap. If you were to smoke on an aeroplane, you would actually help out other passengers as the air recyclers would work harder and produce cleaner air.
Planes banned smoking way before everybody else, simply because it saved them a shedload of money (recyclers burn energy which essentially comes from fuel).
rickmcfc said:
vonksbignose said:
If it was, would you just accept it & stop doing it, whilst also vehemently hounding those who believed the law to be an ass?
yes i would as its illegal! just 1 more point, ive never actually heard of passive drinking, correct me if im wrong but if you walk into a room full of people drinking, you dont start to suddenly feel drunk do you???

So you've never broken a speed limit? You never bought alcohol when underage? You've never parked on double yellow lines (however briefly)?

Your point about "passive drinking" would hold some weight were it not for 2 points:

Firstly, in my post earlier this evening, I pointed out that the "Bowl" of the stadium is actually an outdoor area, and although you disagreed with this, I think most right minded people would actually find it a little outlandish to suggest that such a large space with no closing roof was "indoors". Therefore, the risks from "passive smoking" in such an area are so infinitesimally small as to be negligible.

Secondly, although you may not have considered the passive effects of other peoples drinking, I can assure you that there are plenty - drink fueled violence, drunk driving and debt to name but a few. If you can make arguments about how other peoples smoking may adversely affect your health and you should therefore not have to put up with it, then surely I can make a similar argument that other peoples irresponsible drinking can potentially affect my health, & they should be prevented from doing that in public too, in order to protect my health?

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