Damocles said:
perpetualprism said:
i think you have missed my point. indeed people don't smoke on planes because it is illegal and the price is high for ignoring that fact. also a plane is in essence an enclosed and sealed tin can, flying at 40,000 foot (?! not well up on plane cruising altitudes) it is highly irresponsible in today's world to smoke in such a place. that is why i think smoking should be allowed but in special, designated places (not the toilets btw) away from others that don't smoke or wish to breathe second hand smoke.

More crap. If you were to smoke on an aeroplane, you would actually help out other passengers as the air recyclers would work harder and produce cleaner air.
Planes banned smoking way before everybody else, simply because it saved them a shedload of money (recyclers burn energy which essentially comes from fuel).
total total bolocks, its because airline companies realised that smoking in a confined space is not nice to people that dont smoke, and at 37,000ft up there isnt anywhere else to go. Just like in the stadium, if you need a piss and the toilets are all full of people smoking, there is nowhere else to go is there!!!
rickmcfc said:
Damocles said:
More crap. If you were to smoke on an aeroplane, you would actually help out other passengers as the air recyclers would work harder and produce cleaner air.
Planes banned smoking way before everybody else, simply because it saved them a shedload of money (recyclers burn energy which essentially comes from fuel).
total total bolocks, its because airline companies realised that smoking in a confined space is not nice to people that dont smoke, and at 37,000ft up there isnt anywhere else to go. Just like in the stadium, if you need a piss and the toilets are all full of people smoking, there is nowhere else to go is there!!!
Trigger said if you want to go for a piss they will let you out so you can go to Asda
Nice clean bogs in there :-))
So you've never broken a speed limit? You never bought alcohol when underage? You've never parked on double yellow lines (however briefly)?

Your point about "passive drinking" would hold some weight were it not for 2 points:

Firstly, in my post earlier this evening, I pointed out that the "Bowl" of the stadium is actually an outdoor area, and although you disagreed with this, I think most right minded people would actually find it a little outlandish to suggest that such a large space with no closing roof was "indoors". Therefore, the risks from "passive smoking" in such an area are so infinitesimally small as to be negligible.

Secondly, although you may not have considered the passive effects of other peoples drinking, I can assure you that there are plenty - drink fueled violence, drunk driving and debt to name but a few. If you can make arguments about how other peoples smoking may adversely affect your health and you should therefore not have to put up with it, then surely I can make a similar argument that other peoples irresponsible drinking can potentially affect my health, & they should be prevented from doing that in public too, in order to protect my health?[/quote]
lets stick to smoking and drinking. If you stand there having a cigarette and i am inhaling YOUR DIRTY smoke, that is very unhealthy, i may as well be smoking myself. If you stand next to me when i am drinking there are no health implication whatsoever upon yourself. Also like i have said in earlier posts, there should be an area for people to go and smoke, in an open space, like a pen attatched to the ground on the outside. So compare someone smoking to drinking and saying it will effect peoples health in the same way is just laughable.
Damocles said:
perpetualprism said:
i think you have missed my point. indeed people don't smoke on planes because it is illegal and the price is high for ignoring that fact. also a plane is in essence an enclosed and sealed tin can, flying at 40,000 foot (?! not well up on plane cruising altitudes) it is highly irresponsible in today's world to smoke in such a place. that is why i think smoking should be allowed but in special, designated places (not the toilets btw) away from others that don't smoke or wish to breathe second hand smoke.

More crap. If you were to smoke on an aeroplane, you would actually help out other passengers as the air recyclers would work harder and produce cleaner air.
Planes banned smoking way before everybody else, simply because it saved them a shedload of money (recyclers burn energy which essentially comes from fuel).

I'm sure it is healthier for the passengers to not smoke on a plane no matter how hard the air ventilation system is working?! i agree that not having them work as hard saves fuel just like in your car but i think the reasons for them banning smoking full stop are not to do with saving on air ventilation. air travel has come through a lot of safety changes over the past 40 years and banning smoking is a part of that. i agree it will save money for the airlines but this is a bonus for them. people like to feel safe and that is a selling point for the airlines.
my point is that people smoking in an enclosed space such as a plane isn't good for the other people's comfort, well being and overall safety during a flight. at city it is a totally different kettle of fish. space could be found to incorporate smokers and non-smokers alike.
rickmcfc said:
What do these people do when they go on a 9 hour flight to florida or even a 2 hour flight to spain, i bet they manage to not have a fag in the shitter then dont they. its not hard really is it!!!

well....no.. they'd need a cig after that...
rickmcfc said:
If you stand there having a cigarette and i am inhaling YOUR DIRTY smoke, that is very unhealthy, i may as well be smoking myself. If you stand next to me when i am drinking there are no health implication whatsoever upon yourself. Also like i have said in earlier posts, there should be an area for people to go and smoke, in an open space, like a pen attatched to the ground on the outside. So compare someone smoking to drinking and saying it will effect peoples health in the same way is just laughable.

it depends how many beers you have had how unhealthy it would be to stand next to you.
We can all chip together and get a banner to thank the Sheikh, but rather than lobby for smoking area's to help out fellow Blues all people want to do is lobby to get their fellow Blues chucked out and banned because "it's the LAW!!!!1<shift one, caps lock>

No non smokers on this have said I'll write to try and get a smoking area for us in the lower tier or the club to allow smokers their legal right to smoke on the spirals (programme from last game of last seaon, Points of Blue, P64 where the council clearly say the spirals are not substantially enclosed and therefore legal to smoke at, thats straight from MCC so lets not have any of this shite about its illegal there) for the other two tiers, only that they will write to City and the Council and get people thrown out.

I agree 100% about smoking in the toilets but the attitude of the OP and some of the non smokers in this thread stinks worse than the toilets they are complaining about. Instead of trying to find a solution for fellow fans you are completely intolerant and call for their banning, then you have the cheek to call people who smoke selfish. It might have escaped your attention but smoking is an addiction, I can go without one through the game, that doesnt make me bigger or better than another smoker who cant go those 2 hours without one.

If you dont like the smoke in the toilets lobby for smoking area's, dont be twats and call for Blues to get chucked out.
rickmcfc said:
Damocles said:
More crap. If you were to smoke on an aeroplane, you would actually help out other passengers as the air recyclers would work harder and produce cleaner air.
Planes banned smoking way before everybody else, simply because it saved them a shedload of money (recyclers burn energy which essentially comes from fuel).
total total bolocks, its because airline companies realised that smoking in a confined space is not nice to people that dont smoke, and at 37,000ft up there isnt anywhere else to go. Just like in the stadium, if you need a piss and the toilets are all full of people smoking, there is nowhere else to go is there!!!

You just believe anything the media tells you really, don't you?

Here's the science:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=9992" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp ... &p_id=9992</a>

That's actually the raw data as well, so you can draw your own conclusions from it. The air quality on smoking flights is between 532 and 25,000 times cleaner than the Air Quality laws require.
BlueBeenie said:
We can all chip together and get a banner to thank the Sheikh, but rather than lobby for smoking area's to help out fellow Blues all people want to do is lobby to get their fellow Blues chucked out and banned because "it's the LAW!!!!1<shift one, caps lock>

No non smokers on this have said I'll write to try and get a smoking area for us in the lower tier or the club to allow smokers their legal right to smoke on the spirals (programme from last game of last seaon, Points of Blue, P64 where the council clearly say the spirals are not substantially enclosed and therefore legal to smoke at, thats straight from MCC so lets not have any of this shite about its illegal there) for the other two tiers, only that they will write to City and the Council and get people thrown out.

I agree 100% about smoking in the toilets but the attitude of the OP and some of the non smokers in this thread stinks worse than the toilets they are complaining about. Instead of trying to find a solution for fellow fans you are completely intolerant and call for their banning, then you have the cheek to call people who smoke selfish. It might have escaped your attention but smoking is an addiction, I can go without one through the game, that doesnt make me bigger or better than another smoker who cant go those 2 hours without one.

If you dont like the smoke in the toilets lobby for smoking area's, dont be twats and call for Blues to get chucked out.

i want it to stop in the toilets, if you as a smoker want to then make arrangements with the club to smoke then thats up to you, i agree there should be an area to go but you will have to sort that out, not me.
BlueBeenie said:
We can all chip together and get a banner to thank the Sheikh, but rather than lobby for smoking area's to help out fellow Blues all people want to do is lobby to get their fellow Blues chucked out and banned because "it's the LAW!!!!1<shift one, caps lock>

No non smokers on this have said I'll write to try and get a smoking area for us in the lower tier or the club to allow smokers their legal right to smoke on the spirals (programme from last game of last seaon, Points of Blue, P64 where the council clearly say the spirals are not substantially enclosed and therefore legal to smoke at, thats straight from MCC so lets not have any of this shite about its illegal there) for the other two tiers, only that they will write to City and the Council and get people thrown out.

I agree 100% about smoking in the toilets but the attitude of the OP and some of the non smokers in this thread stinks worse than the toilets they are complaining about. Instead of trying to find a solution for fellow fans you are completely intolerant and call for their banning, then you have the cheek to call people who smoke selfish. It might have escaped your attention but smoking is an addiction, I can go without one through the game, that doesnt make me bigger or better than another smoker who cant go those 2 hours without one.

If you dont like the smoke in the toilets lobby for smoking area's, dont be twats and call for Blues to get chucked out.

Exactly mate. Where is the love?
Why not start a movement to get smokers using the spirals and not the toilets thus helping everyone out?
These same people are voting for stupid laws that further restrict individuality, freedom and civil rights.
rickmcfc I am going to personally blame you when we finally arrive at our Orwellian nightmare!

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