rickmcfc said:
This season there seems to be so many more people smoking in the stadium toilets. It is fucking horrible when all i want to do is to go for a piss. As times its that bad you can barely breathe in there. Does anyone else feel the same way about this? I thought it was ILLEGAL to smoke in the stadium so why isnt it being enforced? Oh and a notice to all those that do smoke in there, cut it out as it is vile and i dont want to be breathing in your cancer ridden smoke, and dont come out with the bollocks that "you need one" you will have to wait until your are out of the stadium, not difficult!!!

i was talking to someone at the club a couple of weeks ago, they are about to clamp down on this, there is to be an increase in undercover fans supposedly using the loo, they are stewards and as soon as the smoker leaves the loo they will be taken to one side and sanctions will follow.

as a poster has said, why not use the spiral ffs, but away from other people.it seems like a police state at times but thats only because the smokers can't police themselves.
i for one love it when a smoker gets banned, love it.

Why dont you just bring a bucket to piss in?

Problem solved

Oh and you might need some tampoms as well you big tart
smoking is an addiction and some people do find it difficult going 90mins without a cig where as pissing isn't, why not go fer a piss before the game and you won't need one at half time......alternatively hold yer piss in till you get home or just deal with the smell fer 2 mins you moanin twat.......fuckin ell, the smell of sweet pipe tabacco still, to this day, takes me back to being stood on the kippax as a kid. did you never go in pubs rick until they banned smoking in em? or did you go in and moan like fuck about the smell?
colin's bell helmet said:
smoking is an addiction and some people do find it difficult going 90mins without a cig where as pissing isn't, why not go fer a piss before the game and you won't need one at half time......alternatively hold yer piss in till you get home or just deal with the smell fer 2 mins you moanin twat

tell you what, lets get rid of the toilets.

what do we need them for anyway. we can all hold it in, you bunch of soft twats.
miasma said:
colin's bell helmet said:
smoking is an addiction and some people do find it difficult going 90mins without a cig where as pissing isn't, why not go fer a piss before the game and you won't need one at half time......alternatively hold yer piss in till you get home or just deal with the smell fer 2 mins you moanin twat

tell you what, lets get rid of the toilets.

what do we need them for anyway. we can all hold it in, you bunch of soft twats.

get rid of the toilets?....don't be fuckin daft...........where the fuck would people go fer a smoke then? ;p
vonksbignose said:
Firstly, in my post earlier this evening, I pointed out that the "Bowl" of the stadium is actually an outdoor area, and although you disagreed with this, I think most right minded people would actually find it a little outlandish to suggest that such a large space with no closing roof was "indoors". Therefore, the risks from "passive smoking" in such an area are so infinitesimally small as to be negligible.

Maybe by your definition mate, but not by the laws :

It is now against the law to smoke in virtually all 'enclosed' and 'substantially enclosed' public places.
Premises are considered 'enclosed' if they have a ceiling or roof and (except for doors, windows or passageways) are wholly enclosed either on a permanent or temporary basis.

"Premises are considered 'substantially enclosed' if they have a ceiling or roof, but have an opening, which is less than half the total area of the walls. The area of the opening does not include doors, windows or any other fittings that can be opened or shut."

Therefore the fact that there is a big hole in the roof is negated by the fact that you are completely surrounded by a wall.
By the letter of the law it is even illegal to smoke in a bus shelter as they have 3 walls and a roof.


I'm a smoker and it can be a pain not being able to have a cig when you want one, but that doesn't stop me from having some common decency.
It should of never been made illegal in the first place.

the fact people HAVE to resort to smoking in toilets like the old days in high school is appalling.

If i want a cig, i should be able to have one without being forced anywhere or looked down upon. ill probably see most of you lads back in there come sunderland when im having a nice Mayfair and a pint.


Smokers always have a party at half time ;)
PaulPowerShower said:
it just baffles me how no body was that arsed about smoking in public until it was banned then it went off the scale if anyone even said the words "Embassy number 1"

Being around a smoker for 3 mins every other week whilst you have a piss isnt going to give you lung cancer

i dmit it might not be that nice but jesus, does it warrent a 4 page rant about it??


Does it?
What a load of shit. Plenty of people were arsed. If you choose not to smoke then you shouldn't have to wade through it everytime you want a piss.

Personally, i'm not that arsed because a piss takes literally 30 seconds, but i hate smelling of smoke. It's disgusting.

I can't believe people can't go 90 minutes without one. I can't get my head round smoking in the first place. It tells you on the packet that it can give you lung cancer.
de niro said:
rickmcfc said:
This season there seems to be so many more people smoking in the stadium toilets. It is fucking horrible when all i want to do is to go for a piss. As times its that bad you can barely breathe in there. Does anyone else feel the same way about this? I thought it was ILLEGAL to smoke in the stadium so why isnt it being enforced? Oh and a notice to all those that do smoke in there, cut it out as it is vile and i dont want to be breathing in your cancer ridden smoke, and dont come out with the bollocks that "you need one" you will have to wait until your are out of the stadium, not difficult!!!

i was talking to someone at the club a couple of weeks ago, they are about to clamp down on this, there is to be an increase in undercover fans supposedly using the loo, they are stewards and as soon as the smoker leaves the loo they will be taken to one side and sanctions will follow.

as a poster has said, why not use the spiral ffs, but away from other people.it seems like a police state at times but thats only because the smokers can't police themselves.
i for one love it when a smoker gets banned, love it.

It's a football match for Christ's sake! A game that, originally has been spurned from the working classes!! And there are people not only writing responses, but creating a topic to have a whinge about people smoking in the toilets?! DO ME A FAVOUR!!! Apparently the MArks and Spencers cafe sell lovely scones and Earl Grey tea that is to die for on a Saturday afternoon.....and is placed safely away from any kind of "pollution" whatsoever... Made me piss myself this thread!

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