BurnCK said:
vonksbignose said:
Firstly, in my post earlier this evening, I pointed out that the "Bowl" of the stadium is actually an outdoor area, and although you disagreed with this, I think most right minded people would actually find it a little outlandish to suggest that such a large space with no closing roof was "indoors". Therefore, the risks from "passive smoking" in such an area are so infinitesimally small as to be negligible.

Maybe by your definition mate, but not by the laws :

It is now against the law to smoke in virtually all 'enclosed' and 'substantially enclosed' public places.
Premises are considered 'enclosed' if they have a ceiling or roof and (except for doors, windows or passageways) are wholly enclosed either on a permanent or temporary basis.

"Premises are considered 'substantially enclosed' if they have a ceiling or roof, but have an opening, which is less than half the total area of the walls. The area of the opening does not include doors, windows or any other fittings that can be opened or shut."

Therefore the fact that there is a big hole in the roof is negated by the fact that you are completely surrounded by a wall.
By the letter of the law it is even illegal to smoke in a bus shelter as they have 3 walls and a roof.


I'm a smoker and it can be a pain not being able to have a cig when you want one, but that doesn't stop me from having some common decency.

Please see newly highlighted section of my original post. This should hopefully clear up your confusion!
vonksbignose said:
Please see newly highlighted section of my original post. This should hopefully clear up your confusion!

No confusion...I actually agree with your sentiment, except that it's not up to us to decide, and the toilets are most certainly an enclosed area.
QUESTIONS FOR YOU VILE SMOKERS: if you have children do you smoke at home in the same room as them ?

if not why not ?
mct said:
QUESTIONS FOR YOU VILE SMOKERS: if you have children do you smoke at home in the same room as them ?

if not why not ?

Why are we all classed as vile ? I'm sure even non-smokers have some disgusting habits.....and not all of us smoke in the toilets like the selfish few.
rickmcfc said:
Citycitytid said:
You will get no where. I'll smoke when I wanna smoke thankyou. People don't need you telling them what to do. No matter what you say to the club, its been said hundreds of times before.
1) I will get somewhere
2 you wont smoke where your not allowed
3) You will be told and threatened with a ban
4) Dont be such a selfish fucker!!!

FE*in soft Twut
I smoke and have done for years.I can't smoke in the pub anymore,i don't in the house now so i'm used to not smoking for a few hours.

Have one before you go in...and then one when you come out.Surely anyone can last 2 hours without?
BurnCK said:
mct said:
QUESTIONS FOR YOU VILE SMOKERS: if you have children do you smoke at home in the same room as them ?

if not why not ?

Why are we all classed as vile ? I'm sure even non-smokers have some disgusting habits.....and not all of us smoke in the toilets like the selfish few.

Your right,i will refrase the statement not all smokers are vile,the habit they have is.
mct said:
BurnCK said:
Why are we all classed as vile ? I'm sure even non-smokers have some disgusting habits.....and not all of us smoke in the toilets like the selfish few.

Your right,i will refrase the statement not all smokers are vile,the habit they have is.

I dont smoke - but i do think your a prick

Get down off your high horse you melon
BurnCK said:
vonksbignose said:
Please see newly highlighted section of my original post. This should hopefully clear up your confusion!

No confusion...I actually agree with your sentiment, except that it's not up to us to decide, and the toilets are most certainly an enclosed area.

But my point is that it IS up to us to decide! I know this may sound slightly dramatic, but the best way I can put over my sentiments about this are to use the words of Edmund Burke, who once said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". I'm not suggesting that this is a battle between good & evil, but what I am suggesting is that the reason ridiculous, Orwellian legislation continues to end up on the statute books is because ordinary, sensible people keep refusing to stand up & say "no more"!

This is an unnecessarily punitive law, & because it was drafted in such a way, those affected by it have seen it as an attack on their freedoms, which is why there is such entrenched feeling on both sides of the argument. There were plenty of less stringent measures open to the powers that be when the legislation was formulated, and had a more common sense approach been taken from the outset, you would not have such bad feeling surrounding its implementation & people could quite easily go about indulging their pleasures without affecting other peoples health & comfort.

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