mct said:
der bomber28 said:
I'm a smoker but have to say it doesn't take much to wait for 90 minutes, I have one before I go in then I'm sound till full time. I wouldn't want to be taking my kid into a wall of second hand smoke, and have to say even as a smoker it can take you back a bit the amount of shit in the air. I agree with an earlier poster that it should be allowed on the spirals, but the poster who called smokers vile scum needs a reality check just because I smoke I'm not scum. I always consider those around me before lighting up and if I don't feel it's the right place to light up I wont, and even if a non smoker visits my gaff I'll go to the back door, hardly the behaviour of vile scum that is it.

Bomber who called smokers vile scum ,i`ve done a search and can`t find it, are you making it up ?


Haha it was on one of the first pages of the thread, think it was smoking scum, sorry to whoever posted if I've taken it out of context but looked pretty blatant to me.
Boots_ said:
Mike D said:
A few burly policeman bouncing the offenders out followeed up with a game ban followed by a 3 game then season long ban would do the trick. You have to remember your not dealing with a rational human beings, therefore zero tollerance is unfortunatly the only way.

You're refering to the policemen, right?

No the iliterates that can't understand smoking laws
supercity36 said:
law74 said:
Since when has it been against the law of the land to smoke in a public place?

Answer NEVER.
It is against the Law to smoke in a largely enclosed public area, hence why I am suggesting the club cater for the customers needs and wants and provide a smoking area for half time (the same as Derby County do & the same that the vast majority of Pubs do), so I feel that it is hardly ridiculous to suggest that MCFC treat that section of their "customer base" in such a manner.

ok if the smokers wish to pay for this themselves then fair does.... but the majority shouldnt pay for people to kill themselves slowly

I have read this thread for a while now but promised myself not to bother entering into arguments with fuck-wits.

But now I have - it must be amazing be so perfect as you. Complain, moan, fart, fiddle.

Yes smoking is illegal in public places, but watching pirate movies, driving over 30 or 70 on a motorway are also illegal, do you have the same moral outrage then? Give it a bloody break.
mct said:
law74 said:
Since when has it been against the law of the land to smoke in a public place?

Answer NEVER.
It is against the Law to smoke in a largely enclosed public area, hence why I am suggesting the club cater for the customers needs and wants and provide a smoking area for half time (the same as Derby County do & the same that the vast majority of Pubs do), so I feel that it is hardly ridiculous to suggest that MCFC treat that section of their "customer base" in such a manner.

like i said ,who pays for this ? i pay enough N.I. contributions, smokers cost the NHS between 1.5bn to 1.7bn per year,the toilets at the coms is`nt a large publc place .
i know let all the smokers on the pitch at half time. NOT.

And contribues over £6 BILLION in taxes you mug. £6.50 for a packet of fags and over £5 of that is tax that the NHS simply loves and couldnt survive without. Get your facts right before you embarrass yourself.
Listen Kids, Smoking is highly addictive. There are a lot posting on here who have probably never had an addiction, or are just pious dicks. I smoke, but like 'der bomber', consider myself to be sensitive to those around me, and could last quite a few hours without one, (yes a FEW hours).
When going to a game, adrenalin levels rise which trigger a reponse to have a fag (don't know why), and as an opportunist, will try and have a crafty one, outdoors, on the spiral.
Am I Satan?
P.S. Hope to give up soon and did for a year, but please cut your Blue brothers and sisters a bit of slack.
SWP's back said:
mct said:
like i said ,who pays for this ? i pay enough N.I. contributions, smokers cost the NHS between 1.5bn to 1.7bn per year,the toilets at the coms is`nt a large publc place .
i know let all the smokers on the pitch at half time. NOT.

And contribues over £6 BILLION in taxes you mug. £6.50 for a packet of fags and over £5 of that is tax that the NHS simply loves and couldnt survive without. Get your facts right before you embarrass yourself.
Fucking hell SWP are you still paying shop prices
blue John said:
SWP's back said:
And contribues over £6 BILLION in taxes you mug. £6.50 for a packet of fags and over £5 of that is tax that the NHS simply loves and couldnt survive without. Get your facts right before you embarrass yourself.
Fucking hell SWP are you still paying shop prices

Funnily enough I am not but it defeats my argument somewhat if I put 2Euro for a packer of red fortuna.

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