How this debate is still going on, is amusing really. I'm a smoker, I don't smoke at the stadium and am annoyed by people who do. It's a sporting event and in the end you're visiting property that is not yours. Whether there are laws or not, I am considerate of the wishes and expectations of the owners and if they say no smoking, fair does, I won't smoke.

A re-entry pass (or opening the spirals) for smokers would be a nice thing to do (with the buzz of a footie game, I do always feel like having a smoke at half-time)...but I'll accept it as it's not my property.

7 years (and not proud of that) under my belt of the nicotine addiction so I should be one to say.

Equally though, I disallow people smoking indoors where I live, so maybe it's just me..
Dhenry said:
How this debate is still going on, is amusing really. I'm a smoker, I don't smoke at the stadium and am annoyed by people who do. It's a sporting event and in the end you're visiting property that is not yours. Whether there are laws or not, I am considerate of the wishes and expectations of the owners and if they say no smoking, fair does, I won't smoke. A re-entry pass (or opening the spirals) for smokers would be a nice thing to do (with the buzz of a footie game, I do always feel like having a smoke at half-time)...but I'll accept it as it's not my property. 7 years (and not proud of that) under my belt of the nicotine addiction so I should be one to say. Equally though, I disallow people smoking indoors where I live, so maybe it's just me..
Well put. I'm a 30 a day man but I have respect for other people and accept there are places I just have to man up and do the right thing
Smoking is for toothless simpletons that poison others with their second hand smoke, they show no consideration to others around them
im one of these so called lepers and what makes me really laugh is the so called do gooders and non smokers
dont have a problem with pushing babies round in buggies on the street and the buggy is roundabout the same height
as the exhaust on a car but whinge when people are forced to have a sly cig at the football because of a stupid ban

To quote one, Hughes, That was 'Laughable'
TBF I hate it with a vengence but..... Why cant they allow people to smoke on the spiral's or do what Blackburn do and have a "halftime" exit that allows fans outside to have a smoke then let them back in again? Just an idea City if your reading.
rickmcfc said:
This season there seems to be so many more people smoking in the stadium toilets. It is fucking horrible when all i want to do is to go for a piss. As times its that bad you can barely breathe in there. Does anyone else feel the same way about this? I thought it was ILLEGAL to smoke in the stadium so why isnt it being enforced? Oh and a notice to all those that do smoke in there, cut it out as it is vile and i dont want to be breathing in your cancer ridden smoke, and dont come out with the bollocks that "you need one" you will have to wait until your are out of the stadium, not difficult!!!

Are you STILL banging on about this.....?????

thats nearly 40 pages........

You need a girlfriend......or a good brass house........either way you need to get out of the house more......

Dhenry said:
How this debate is still going on, is amusing really. I'm a smoker, I don't smoke at the stadium and am annoyed by people who do. It's a sporting event and in the end you're visiting property that is not yours. Whether there are laws or not, I am considerate of the wishes and expectations of the owners and if they say no smoking, fair does, I won't smoke.

A re-entry pass (or opening the spirals) for smokers would be a nice thing to do (with the buzz of a footie game, I do always feel like having a smoke at half-time)...but I'll accept it as it's not my property.

7 years (and not proud of that) under my belt of the nicotine addiction so I should be one to say.

Equally though, I disallow people smoking indoors where I live, so maybe it's just me..

Totally agree I smoke (unfortunately) but when i'm at the footy i can give it up for a couple of hours, a bit of respect for those around you and for the stewards who have to implement the ban wouldn't go amiss.

I too don't smoke in my house or in anyone elses and tbh if I had a choice of footy or a fag i'd choose the footy.
Its not allowed in the stadium so don't do it. End of discussion surely?

Noone can moan about getting kicked out for having a fag when it is known by everyone in the whole stadium that you aren't allowed to smoke in there. You must be some kind of moron to complain about being kicked out after blatently breaking the rules

Its 90 minutes for fucks sake, cane a couple before you go in or something, 90 minutes out of a 24 hour day is hardly going to kill you is it. Soft arses

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