So just how is Baconface going to "put this to bed"...

Buzzers said:
So after 1 season (and we did actually win the Carling Cup last year), where we lost the league by a point and have strengthened, he's off? So is he going to throw his toys out of the pram wherever he ends up every year they dont win the league?

Should he, as a senior player (particularly given his form in the past 8 or 9 months) be prepared to stand up and be counted, and be one of the world class players he's talking about rather than behave like a petulant child and blame everyone but himself?

Like I say, I dont buy it, for me its down to money. If it was about ambition or the quality of the post Ronaldo/Tevez squad then why say he wanted to stay for life in May?

oh come on. rooney can see what the rest of us can see - that the rags are skint and there'll be no more big signings any time soon. no improvement = a sharp decline in fortunes. he can also see, like the rest of us, that ferguson & gill have been continuously lying to the fans and anyone else deluded enough to believe them that the rags have a shed load of cash in a transfer fund but have chosen not to use it because there's no value in the market & they're happy with the squad they have. 100% bullshit.

united's trophy haul has been declining each year for the past 3 years from the champions league & premier league in 2008 to the prem & carling cup in 2009 to the carling cup in 2010. this season they'll win fuck all.

it sounds like you & all the other rags in denial are following the line of that balloon darren lewis on talkshite who kept denying that united are in decline because they're 3rd (sic) in the table & are unbeaten. aside from the fact that they're actually 4th, he conveniently overlooked that united haven't played a half decent team yet let alone a top 4 team. 2 of your 3 league wins this season have been against the bottom 2 teams and the best team you've played so far is west brom.

on top of that ferguson's rock solid facade crumbled yesterday when for the first time in his managerial career he'd been royally fucked by one of his players. at one point in the press conference he looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown. how long has he got before he jacks it all in?

denial & delusion play a big part in the lives of rags. anything's better than reality for them these days. enjoy the rest of the season. tick tock.
Ballet On Ice said:
There is a difference. Ronaldo wanted to leave but it was all kept in house, Ferguson did not come out and spill the beans to the press the way he did the other day, he just kept saying that he is staying there isn’t a problem and everything in the garden is rosy.
Absolutely, and this was being kept in house (Fergie knew since August) until it 'somehow' got into the papers that Rooney wanted to leave. Fergies comments were to confirm that the story was true.

The other day he laid it all bare in front of the press and dumped it all on Rooney, he could have just said that there is no problem and let it all die down, but that way Rooney could have gone for peanuts in the summer. So he has made sure that there is a Dutch auction for Rooney.

A Dutch auction is where the lowest bid wins so I'm pretty sure we're not interested in one of them. But Fergie laid it bare in response to claims in the press that Rooney was saying he wanted to leave.

As for dumping it all on Rooney.. dont think thats the case, and in his statement Rooney said what Fergie had said was true, they had met and he said he wanted to leave.

Rooney only responded to the criticism
No, the story originally broke from Rooneys camp, Fergie clarified what had been said and Rooney confirmed this and gave a reason why he wanted out, not sure what story you've been following.

I cant belive that you all still belive that everthing Ferguson says is gospel
I dont, but on this occasion the player himself said Fergie was telling the truth.

I don't even understand what point you are trying to make anymore.

The facts are that:

(1) Rooney wanted big names signings in August so that trophies would follow, but it didn't happen.

(2) Fergie backs the Glazers and is effectively prepared to tell lies for those miserable crooks whilst the debt piles up and new player do not arrive [quite the opposite].

So what do you choose, 1 or 2? Obviously, you all go with Fergie, make Rooney the scapegoat, he leaves, and then Fergie sails off to his vineyard with his agreed retirement package from Malc and his boys. SUCKERS!
Buzzers said:
coleridge said:
I understand that you want to stick up for your club and are bitter about the 'betrayal' by Wazza, but do you seriously believe that you are going to win trophies with your current squad and/or that the Glazers are going to cough up the relevant funds to buy? If so, I am going to have to place you on the delusional list [it's getting very long] and recommend that you seek medical attention. At least you don't buy this strange conspiracy theory, which seems completely illogical as Fergie spilled the beans first and Rooney has now left himself no way back. Imagine that, 'Your own fans booing you'. I'll just leave it at one LOL as you've been so understanding. Have a nice day and keep up with the medication... :-)

Name 1 professional apart from Roy 'I'm a little bit bitter' Keane thats come out in support of Rooney.... Its not just me defending the club, my attitude is that if a player wants to leave fair enough as long as its handled correctly, and despite what some people would say I'd point to Ronaldo on that, no falling out with the club... The way Rooney has behaved is whats disappointing, thats all.

Winning trophies is a bonus and can never be guaranteed, as long as we're playing good football and are competitive I'll be happy and yes I do think the current squad is capable of that, I'd point to last season, we only lost the league by 1 point and to a very strong and mature Chelsea side. If you're playing good football you always have a chance of winning trophies.

I'd like to see someone come into centre midfield and a naturally left footed winger but other than that I dont have massive problem. I'm not really one for big money marquee signings, I prefer when we sign young players and watch them develop I think Smalling and Hernandez will prove to be good signings and strengthen a squad that, as I say, finished 2nd last year.

As for those sounding the death knell of the club, again I dont agree, its a shit state of affairs we're in right now from a financial perspective but we'll survive.

Even with our 'shit squad' we've gone 16 games unbeaten. Even after a lackluster start to the season we're still there or thereabouts.

So you should be ffs - you have played TWO teams in the top half of the league (Bolton and West Brom), you also only managed two-all draws in those games.
Buzzers said:
Ballet On Ice said:
Rooney only responded to the criticism
No, the story originally broke from Rooneys camp, Fergie clarified what had been said and Rooney confirmed this and gave a reason why he wanted out, not sure what story you've been following.

Rooney did respond to criticism, from the press, former rag players and from rag supporters. Baconface did not confirm anything apart from the fact that Rooney wants to leave. Baconface said he was dumfounded and had no idea why the "boy" wants to leave

Buzzers said:
I cant belive that you all still belive that everthing Ferguson says is gospel
I dont, but on this occasion the player himself said Fergie was telling the truth.

Read Rooney's statement. He confirms that it was true that he and his representitives met with the club several times, but, he told the club and ferguson he wanted to leave and gave them the reasons.
In other words, Rooney's calling rasher chops a liar.
rassclot said:
oh come on. rooney can see what the rest of us can see - that the rags are skint and there'll be no more big signings any time soon. no improvement = a sharp decline in fortunes. he can also see, like the rest of us, that ferguson & gill have been continuously lying to the fans and anyone else deluded enough to believe them that the rags have a shed load of cash in a transfer fund but have chosen not to use it because there's no value in the market & they're happy with the squad they have. 100% bullshit.
And he's only seen all this in the last 6 months.... before that he wanted to stay for the rest of his life.... I'm even not saying its not the case (I dont by the way, things aren't ideal obviously but I dont think they're quite the stuff of City fans dreams), I'm just saying it doesn't seem quite right to me. There had been 2 transfer windows since Ronaldo left and still Rooney didn't see all this until August this year? What changed?
united's trophy haul has been declining each year for the past 3 years from the champions league & premier league in 2008 to the prem & carling cup in 2009 to the carling cup in 2010. this season they'll win fuck all.
Jesus, so now not winning the CL and Premier every year is a sign that you're in decline? We missed the league by 1 point last year, against an Chelsea side in excellent form...
it sounds like you & all the other rags in denial are following the line of that balloon darren lewis on talkshite who kept denying that united are in decline because they're 3rd (sic) in the table & are unbeaten. aside from the fact that they're actually 4th, he conveniently overlooked that united haven't played a half decent team yet let alone a top 4 team. 2 of your 3 league wins this season have been against the bottom 2 teams and the best team you've played so far is west brom.
Absolutely, our form has been dodgy at best, yet we're still 4th, and only 5 points off top.

As for the 'you've only played small teams' argument, well you can only play who your scheduled to play, lets wait and see what happens against the big boys. Complacency is what we've been guilty of in games where we've let leads slip, I doubt it will be a factor in the bigger games.

The two best teams we've played this year have been Chelsea (admittedly in the Charity Sheild) and Valencia away which is a tough test, we won both.<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:54 pm --<br /><br />
coleridge said:

I don't even understand what point you are trying to make anymore.

The facts are that:

(1) Rooney wanted big names signings in August so that trophies would follow, but it didn't happen.

(2) Fergie backs the Glazers and is effectively prepared to tell lies for those miserable crooks whilst the debt piles up and new player do not arrive [quite the opposite].

So what do you choose, 1 or 2? Obviously, you all go with Fergie, make Rooney the scapegoat, he leaves, and then Fergie sails off to his vineyard with his agreed retirement package from Malc and his boys. SUCKERS!

So in other words, dont believe a word evil Fergie says, you cant trust these people. But believe Saint Rooney....

All I've said is I dont buy the version of events or reasons being put across by Rooney, as for beliving Fergie whats to not believe, Rooneys confirmed his version of events, bar Fergie not saying he wanted to leave because he wanted big name signings, but thats the bit I think is bullshit.

At the end of the day I think it comes down to money on Rooneys part and all the spin going on now is really just a face saving exercise.
Buzzers said:
At the end of the day I think it comes down to money on Rooneys part and all the spin going on now is really just a face saving exercise.

If you don't think that it's spin from ferguson then you are truly deluded.

The rooney statement shot to bits what ferguson said.
Quote Buzzers "So in other words, dont believe a word evil Fergie says, you cant trust these people. But believe Saint Rooney....
All I've said is I dont buy the version of events or reasons being put across by Rooney, as for beliving Fergie whats to not believe, Rooneys confirmed his version of events, bar Fergie not saying he wanted to leave because he wanted big name signings, but thats the bit I think is bullshit.
At the end of the day I think it comes down to money on Rooneys part and all the spin going on now is really just a face sahving exercise."

That's about it, if the board give him a big fat contract he'll stay and if they don't he's off probably Chelsea or Madrid.
Kirkstall Blue said:
Quote Buzzers "
At the end of the day I think it comes down to money on Rooneys part and all the spin going on now is really just a face sahving exercise."

That's about it, if the board give him a big fat contract he'll stay and if they don't he's off probably Chelsea or Madrid.

Or City/Madrid whoever are going to pay me X amount, match it or I'm off.

I think thats a far more likely state of affairs than him totally changing his opinion of Utd in 6 months.

The saving face side of it would also explain engineering a public argument with Fergie, if Rooneys version of events is true it doesn't explain why he contradicted Fergie over the injury the world and his sisters knows he has/had.

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