So, here's my theory; they've obviously been wined and dined and shown a good time in Spain by someone, who has convinced them to go to Peru, all expenses paid. Who wouldn't? It's a free trip, right?
They're together as mates and it's quite likely they 'know and trust' this person showing them what they can earn as he/ she 'has done it all the time'(actually it would make more sense if a girl had got into their heads to go to Peru on a freebie, as any guy could be a rapist/ slave trader).
Their new bessie has shown them the life they can have for a few days and said how she did it and if worst came to worst what to say, but 'nobody ever gets caught and if they do the story would hold up'.
In my head, not only are they 'mules' they are also 'patsies', sold down the river to get the real drugs through. 'Sleight of hand' if you will.
Have you ever thought how ridiculous a gang of drug traders would be if their 'mules' were forever caught via flight? They would have no business!!
Nah, this is 'contingency'. £1.5 mil sounds a lot and makes nice headlines for the police and news, but actually, it's a drop in the ocean that traffickers are prepared to lose, in order to gain.
They were greedy girls and got sucked in by the quick dough.
The Perfect Patsy.