So what's to be done?

Just goes to show how distorted perceptions can be, but I came across this article that contradicts the idea that our players aren't trying (to a certain extent at least).
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... layer.html</a>

Statistics can lie but still it's pretty surprising.
A clear out of certain players who don't adapt to a 442 system, we simply haven't got the players to operate this system because they can't be arsed to track back and put a shift in, we need 11 tevez,s you couldn't fault his commitment once he stepped onto the pitch.
city2 said:
A clear out of certain players who don't adapt to a 442 system, we simply haven't got the players to operate this system because they can't be arsed to track back and put a shift in, we need 11 tevez,s you couldn't fault his commitment once he stepped onto the pitch.

Or how about we stop leaving ourselves wide open.......and simply play the system that best suits our players? 4-2-3-1?

How the hell can we play an orthodox 4-4-2 with undisciplined fullbacks,a core that struggles for mobility,no natural wingers and two players upfront who have zero cohesion and little desire to defend?

And all the above with a manager who is as predictable as night and day in his approach and when it comes to adaptability and tactics?

We need fresh ideas,both in the dug out and on the pitch.
We need to refresh the squad with quality players rather than horses for courses kind of signings if our aspirations is of matching the top 3 in Europe
These players have done well but its time to say good bye to them
Would want Milner to sign the deal but if he still Wana stall it then so be it ,club has done everything they could now onus is on him
Caballero (pointless signing Letting pants go and wasting that money )

Weve been to stagnant on attacking front,we need New creative players with more pace and to give us new dimension,more options
Citizen in Pakistan said:
We need to refresh the squad with quality players rather than horses for courses kind of signings if our aspirations is of matching the top 3 in Europe
These players have done well but its time to say good bye to them
Would want Milner to sign the deal but if he still Wana stall it then so be it ,club has done everything they could now onus is on him
Caballero (pointless signing Letting pants go and wasting that money )

Weve been to stagnant on attacking front,we need New creative players with more pace and to give us new dimension,more options

Can somebody remind me what the point of this was again?

Presumably it wasn't just to deny us another CL squad place
Citizen in Pakistan said:
We need to refresh the squad with quality players rather than horses for courses kind of signings if our aspirations is of matching the top 3 in Europe
These players have done well but its time to say good bye to them
Would want Milner to sign the deal but if he still Wana stall it then so be it ,club has done everything they could now onus is on him
Caballero (pointless signing Letting pants go and wasting that money )

Weve been to stagnant on attacking front,we need New creative players with more pace and to give us new dimension,more options

If we were to sell all of those players, and Milner and Lampard leave for free, we would be losing 7/8 members of the squad raising enough cash to buy 2 or 3 decent players or 7/8 £10m players.
NoahCity said:
Just goes to show how distorted perceptions can be, but I came across this article that contradicts the idea that our players aren't trying (to a certain extent at least).
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... layer.html</a>

Statistics can lie but still it's pretty surprising.

The other argument is that we shouldn't be anywhere near so high, especially given that we have a large percentage of possession per match. So why are we needing to run as much? Run as far as burnley? It shows for whatever reason we aren't opening teams up as easy and that has to be pellers tactics surely? I'd love to compare that stat with last season. Interesting that arsenal and chelsea aren't in the top half of distance covered.
I would promote Vieira next season ( if he wants it ) maybe not as manager just yet but have him as a assistant..

He will have fresh ideas and the players respect him..
NoahCity said:
Just goes to show how distorted perceptions can be, but I came across this article that contradicts the idea that our players aren't trying (to a certain extent at least).
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... layer.html</a>

Statistics can lie but still it's pretty surprising.

I don't think lack of effort is genuinely thought to be the problem in the cold light of day. As I said in another thread, we're missing 30 goals from last season which is huge and the difference between walking the title and scrapping where we are now.

I'd be interested to find out how many goals we've scored this year on the counter compared to last. We used to break at speed when the opportunity arose but packed defences and a lack of creativity seems to have slowed us down. The defending team doesn't get out of their box because we're unwilling to surrender possession and organized teams will hurt us in terms of how immobile they become, making us slow our play down even further.
Unless a miracle happens against Barca, (yeah right). Fire manuel off straight after the game because he still hasnt got it through his head you cant win a game unless you win the battle for midfield first. Then put Paddy in control with Brian Kidd till we can get Simione in.

People talk bollocks about persisting with the manager as if thats is the route to success, what a load of cock. Does that mean we should of kept Stuart and fucking Beanie, or guitar playing Frank Clarke. NO, it means when the time is right and you`ve stopped moving in the right direction you need to realise as soon as possible and take positive and decisive action.

Let`s not forget he`s been out thought by Sean Dyche`s mighty Burnley, out thought by Middlesbrough, and Newcastle in the domestic cups, and embarrassed by the mighty CSKA in Europe just to scramble into the knock out stages. mostly because of his insistence on the 442,

question, when was the last good game we played other than Stoke away certainly not at home. or Roma when he was force out of his 442 system because of injuries.

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