So what's to be done?


Zabaleta Kompany CB LB

CM Fernandinho

RW Silva LW


For me we have 5 positions that need addressing in the summer.

Huge summer ahead of us in regards to both recruiting and offloading.
Chippy_boy said:
(A) Nothing? All is well and every teams have these blips. Keep the faith and we'll win the season again?

(B) New manager? Pellegrini has shown his limitations and inability to learn from mistakes and the time has come to replace him? But who with?

(C) New players? Window after window of disappointing transfers, and now somehow - with FFP spending restrictions still in place for the next 2 windows, we are to miraculously sign star players?

(D) New management team? The team that oversaw us fail FFP in the first place and has presided over poor transfer after poor transfer?

Honestly, I don't know what to make of it, nor what we should do. But I don't think its (A), do you?

It definitely is not A

Last night regardless had we equalised last night was a turning point in where we are heading and need to go. This team has been together from the Mancini era and it has not progressed any further.

The nucleus of the team that has remained has not taken that step up that has been talked about for so long. The only decent signing we have had post Mancini has been Fernandinho. Mangala for me still needs time and I hope he proves this next season, Bony still needs time to gel into our club.

FFP has played its part in who we have had to target in the past windows, but those recruited were not the level that was required and that has now been proven. Soriano if he has done his job right should now give us the freedom to go and get the players to inject fresh impetus into the squad. Txiki needs to prove he still is the best by maximising player sales revenue so that we can off set purchases.

The 1st team has been stagnant for some time and we should in my opinion shifted some of this lot earlier, but we didn't and stood still. This summer we need to be ruthless. Keep the following but the rest can be replaced with what is now required as they have out lived their time or are now approaching the end of the this teams cycle


Time to bring in players to make the above into the feared team that we once were

Can Pellegrini be blamed, partly Ye but then looking at the bigger picture maybe he has had to work with what was available knowing that some of the squad was not what is required
We have not signed one attacking player on a par with him since Tevez left, and we now have players who probably realise that they cannot cut it, or can no longer cut it, at the very top level. Rather than admit that, though, they will feel that it is the manager who lacks that something extra which would take them to the next level.

The truth is a combination of both. The squad will need to be overhauled, but, given the circumtances, that will need to be done over three years or more, so I suspect we'll see four established players leave in the summer (Nasri, Kolarov, Dzeko, and Toure), perhaps more. However, I think we can expect Pellegrini to be still at the helm for a transitional season, at best.
SalfordCityBlue said:
e) Build a time machine and go back and stop Garry Cook sending 'that' email lol

I had to laugh when I read that but the ein lies the problem. The Spanish contingent have made many average signings when we just needed one or two key players.

I'm concerned that our form and style of play with the continual back passing and slow build up just allows the opposition to stop us. Now that has to be the managers fault.

The players recently don't seem to be giving 100%, that needs addressing as a matter of urgency.

FFP is a restriction that serves no purpose other than to protect the interests of the existing big clubs.. It needs challenging but our owners won't... Well will but within reason..

Lots happening in development. It's just going to take a few more years but look where we have come from!
Give Pellegrini another year, but more importantly, sign young energetic players with the ability to press.

The most startling thing is we have no pace, we are so slow and flat in our build up. I genuinely think we need four world class players to take us up a level.
Really get behind the team starting with WBA at the weekend

We will turn this around and a couple of players are coming back into form.
I was listening to five live after the match and Chris Waddle described us as a team of plodders - hard not to agree with him.

We have flashes of pace in the team in Aguero and Navas. Away from that, we are very very sluggish.

Absolutely criminal the money that we have spent so much money and been left with this miss-mash of a squad.
First we need to improve the team which in itself improves the squad.

Buy players of quality, it's no use having 2 players for every position if not one of them players is good enough for that position.

We then need a manager who will rotate a system/tactics to suit individual matches.

We need a leader on the field as this year too many have gone missing.

Who goes IMO are the ones who haven't the heart to fight for their positions when quality does come in.
My heart says we need a complete rebuild in the summer: New director of football, new manager and 5 new players. But my head says otherwise.

First, I am not sure we have the money to spend yet. There is STILL doubt about whether the transfer spending limit is lifted after 1 year or not (let's not get drawn into that debate here, but suffice to say, it is NOT clear. We may still have a spending cap.)

But even if we can spend what we like, if we change the manager and half the team, how long will it take us to settle down into a new playing style? The last 3 seasons we've had slow starts and next season we can expect Chelsea to be stronger again, and very likely Arsenal and Liverpool too. Even the scum might be a force.

If we make too many changes, we could be looking at a season of "building". Whilst I have no problem with that, we simply cannot risk dropping out of the top 4. That would be too costly in terms of lost revenue and ability to attract the top players.

So on balance I am inclined to say give Pellegrini another year, and bring in two or three QUALITY additions. Highest priority, and consuming all the budget if necessary should be a Yaya replacement.
babyajay said:

Zabaleta Kompany CB LB

CM Fernandinho

RW Silva LW


For me we have 5 positions that need addressing in the summer.

Huge summer ahead of us in regards to both recruiting and offloading.
Mangala needs time, and will possibly be a lot better next season. Denayer should be promoted to the first team as well. The rest I agree with, except we need two CM's if Yaya or Fernando is sold.


Zabaleta Kompany Mangala LB

CM (Yaya) CM

RM Silva LM


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