So what's to be done?

The most worrying thing is not just how much we have regressed, but how much our rivals have improved.

At the start of the season it was universally recognised that us and Chelsea had the strongest squads in the league. However, it's apparent that they are a much better and younger squad.

But now Arsenal are one striker away from being a better squad aswell. They have a much stronger midfield and there is not much between the defence anymore. Also, if United were to get Bale and a top CB then they would also have a better squad than us.

This summer really is crucial for us and some huge decisions need to be made. For a start if we insist on playing 4-4-2 then we need to sell Silva. As much as I love the guy, he is wasted on the wing. He is one of the best number 10s in the world but playing out wide means he doesn't defend as the team need him to.

We need to start playing as a team and not as a bunch of individuals.
MillisleBlue said:
A Nigel de Jong type of player to plug the gaping holes between our midfield and defence?

Extremely high quality is required for that kind of "plug". Bayern have Alonso, Barcelona have Bisquits, PSG have Matuidi, Chelsea have Matic... de Jong is no where near good enough, and his limited type is really not what we need.
All three players in our midfield needs to be excellent passers, both short and long range. Kondogbia would be one of my top picks. Have him sit behind the likes of Koke and Gundogan. That would be one heck of a midfield, all under 24 years of age as well.
Sack the manager, sell the shit and get back to basics.

Also promote youth to give competition for places rather than the ludacous situation we are in now where every player get a game due to 'rotation' regardless of performance
A functioning midfield with no passengers in either attack or defence, with the desire and ability to play the game at a high tempo and press the ball as a team. Our system is built around dominating the ball and moving it quickly to find gaps, but we can't do that anymore with who we have. Once that is sorted, the rest of the team should fall into place.
B and C for me personally. Being out of ALL domestic competitions by mid March is a disgrace considering the squad of players we have. Lets be honest there's no way we are going to get anywhere in the CL so this season has been a failure already and there's what 2 and a half months left.
Bad signings, players poor attitude, poor performances, poor management means changes are need at management level and squad level. I don't think the squad needs a total overhaul but it definitely needs tweaking here and there. I've never felt Clichy was consistent enough and his final ball is shocking, Fernando isn't good enough, Dzeko is consistently poor, Navas isn't at the level we expect either to be honest.
It's top to bottom for me....
Overpaying for players
2 WC players per position is ridiculous
No one gets in form
If 442 isn't working why keep playing it?
Part of your job is motivating,if you cannot with these players......
Who are the leaders
No intensity
Roma away was the last time I remember any intensity or one is having any fun
Sad really
The first thing is Pellegrini has to go. Playing 422 with midfielders ill defined to the task has undone him. Fernandinho and Navas and Milnercould play 442 but they are not our best players. Silva, yaya and Nasri are.

New manager looks at squad realizes that and decides on 4231.






Attacking midfield we are fine, Up front we are fine. It is CM where we are struggling. Yaya is a great player but he doesn't easily fit any system. He's wasted in the Busquets role. But he isn't mobile enough for box to box. Could play behind the striker as an alternative to Silva. But on balance I'd sell.

So bye to Kolarov, Fernando, Lampard, Yaya and Dzeko.


Koke and Gundongan. And a LB.
1.get 2 energetic midfielders
2.stop persisting with the useless dzeko
3.replace navas im sick of seeing him fail to beat a man and hitting a cross into a defender
4. replace clichy his crossing winds me fuckin right up

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