So what's to be done?

BlueMoonz1977 said:
Hart, Kompany, Mangala, zabaleta, Fernandinho, Silva, Bony and Aguero can stay..... the rest of the squad offers very little and have gone way past their sell by date

We need to refresh the squad with younger quality and that includes promoting a player like Lopes into the 1st team this summer

There's this thing called FFP - even if we're off the naughty step we can only spend within our means, how many top class players do you actually think we can buy? Did you do Maths at school? Right then starting speaking sense!!! Just saying!! - if we try to replace 5/6 players we will end up looking for 'value for money' and making the same mistake again .... I'd rather us look at priority and go for the best out there even if its silly money for 2 players .... Any cheap buys for young talent with potential are not going to walk straight into the team anyway and the figures being talked about for Barkley are ridiculous on this seasons showing from him... Think we should push the boat out for Pogba and a top class winger but that would cost probably £100m+ ... With the sh*te showing of Nasri and Yaya can't see us getting big money for either of those two...
I'd focus this summer on the midfield.

For me we can keep the exact same defenders as this year, Mangala will grow into the no2 and we'll probably see a lot of games from him. A proper rest this summer for Vinny and Zabba and I expect them to have barnstorming seasons. Clichy, Sagna, DeMichelis, Kolarov are all decent enough. I would though like to see the same defence play as much as possible, less rotation unless enforced. Plus hopefully Denayer back to play in League Cups and as back up for injuries/suspensions, 2016/17 will be his season.

Strikers I'd leave as we are as well apart from Jovetic if we can get a decent fee for. If we play more 1 up front then Sergio, Bony and Dzeko are more than enough, though again I'd like to see a youngster training with these guys week in week out and get some sub time.

Midfield has been IMO the main reason we have scored so many less this season and why our defence has been under pressure in a lot of games. We have to get a grip of this. The ones to stay, Silva, Fernandinho, Navas and probably Fernando (as they won't want to take a massive hit on him by selling so soon). I wouldn't want Milner to go but it looks inevitable, which means Milner, Lampard, Toure, Nasri could all go, then we can go for two stellar name and perhaps 1 or 2 younger prospects. I suspect though that Nasri and Toure will both stay.
warringtonblue said:
bluesimon said:
City need to buy BRITISH - and urgently. Quite simply, there is little loyalty in the spine of the team. I am not questioning their specific abilities, but many of the foreign players for City always talk about the 'project' and little about the team. Bony came coz 'he wanted to win trophies', Navas came to 'play in the premiership was always an ambition' and so on.
Do the math:
BAYERN: Neuer, Boateng, Lahm, Badstuber, Gotze, Rode, Schweinsteiger, Kurt, Muller
BARCA: Pique, Alba, Iniesta, Montoya, Busquets, Xavi, Pedro, Aregall
REAL: Ramos, Arbeloa, Nacho, Jese, Casillas, Varvajal
ATH MADRID: Moya, Juanfran, Cabi, Suarez, Koko, Garcia, Niguez, Torres
PSG: Nicolas, Zoumana, Lucas, Adrien, Blaise, Cabaye, Bahebeck
JUVE: Buffon, Chielini, Pirlo, Osbonne, Bonucci, Marchisio, Padoin
LIVERPOOL: Gerrard, Sturridge, Stirling, Lallana, Henderson, Lambert, Flanagan, Johnson
CITY: Hart, Milner

One of two of these squads might not be playing every single week, but the SPINE is solid, the work ethic LOCAL (National) and understanding most importantly, the beating heart of the training pitch is HOME NATIONAL.

Until City that National ethic in the spine of the training pitch, it will constantly flip flop from good to bad to good to piss poor. The performances this season against Stoke, Middlesborough, Burnley (H&A), West Ham, Newcastle (LC), Moscow....................were a testament to the lack of a true spirit.

We need a further 4 or 5 (if not 6, assuming Milner is on his way) to build a fucking backbone. Stirling, Kane, Berahino, Barkley, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Walcott, Baines, Delph...........................there is a large list of top english players who would gladly fill their boots and play with real pride.

i am just not sure that Txiki has an 'english spine' agenda, but the evidence is clear - BUY BRITISH, BUILD LOYALTY and then sprinkle a consistent 'crack' player to keep them fresh. Aguero is absurdly brilliant but there has been no one to push him. Barca buy Suarez to keep Neymar fresh, Real buy Bale to keep Ronaldo fresh, Bayern buy Lewandowski to keep Muller fresh and so on.

Mancini was partly on the right track when he wanted to get RVP. The principle was to make sure, every season, City bring in ONE MAJOR, SIGNIFICANT, GAME CHANGING TALENT (RVP did effectively take the title from us).

Go get Stirling, Pogba, Barkley and Baines (I still think he has got 2/3 good seasons in him and I would have him in a flash over Kolarov and Clichy) for starters.................

Using the Liverpool players in your example, how loyal were they to their last clubs? ( apart from Gerrard who'd have fucked off if he hadn't shit himself after asking to move)

All I am saying is that unless City get an 'english' spine in general, we will suffer. We only have TWO and most likely only ONE with Milner most likely to go, compared to all the above sides that have a minimum 6/7 home nationality players. That is going to change occasionally but overall you have a solid back bone.

This is not about loyalty. Liverpool recognised the need for an english spine and have built that up over the last couple of seasons.
TrueBlue1705 said:
BlueMoonz1977 said:
Hart, Kompany, Mangala, zabaleta, Fernandinho, Silva, Bony and Aguero can stay..... the rest of the squad offers very little and have gone way past their sell by date

We need to refresh the squad with younger quality and that includes promoting a player like Lopes into the 1st team this summer

There's this thing called FFP - even if we're off the naughty step we can only spend within our means, how many top class players do you actually think we can buy? Did you do Maths at school? Right then starting speaking sense!!! Just saying!! - if we try to replace 5/6 players we will end up looking for 'value for money' and making the same mistake again .... I'd rather us look at priority and go for the best out there even if its silly money for 2 players .... Any cheap buys for young talent with potential are not going to walk straight into the team anyway and the figures being talked about for Barkley are ridiculous on this seasons showing from him... Think we should push the boat out for Pogba and a top class winger but that would cost probably £100m+ ... With the sh*te showing of Nasri and Yaya can't see us getting big money for either of those two...

Yes I did maths...I am fully aware of FFP, did I say buy the best talent available at any cost !!! no...I said bring in young quality players and promote at least lopes and Pozo in to the squad. If Soriano is earning his wage then we should be able to spend this summer and if txiki does his we need to maximise the revenue in outgoing sales instead of selling on the cheap

We even have a right back in Angelino who has been playing excellent in the eds - so he could be added to Lopes and Pozo being promoted next season. It ant just about buying the best, we need to have players who have come through the academy that will fight for the badge - there is no better time than next season for this to take place
bluesimon said:
warringtonblue said:
bluesimon said:
City need to buy BRITISH - and urgently. Quite simply, there is little loyalty in the spine of the team. I am not questioning their specific abilities, but many of the foreign players for City always talk about the 'project' and little about the team. Bony came coz 'he wanted to win trophies', Navas came to 'play in the premiership was always an ambition' and so on.
Do the math:
BAYERN: Neuer, Boateng, Lahm, Badstuber, Gotze, Rode, Schweinsteiger, Kurt, Muller
BARCA: Pique, Alba, Iniesta, Montoya, Busquets, Xavi, Pedro, Aregall
REAL: Ramos, Arbeloa, Nacho, Jese, Casillas, Varvajal
ATH MADRID: Moya, Juanfran, Cabi, Suarez, Koko, Garcia, Niguez, Torres
PSG: Nicolas, Zoumana, Lucas, Adrien, Blaise, Cabaye, Bahebeck
JUVE: Buffon, Chielini, Pirlo, Osbonne, Bonucci, Marchisio, Padoin
LIVERPOOL: Gerrard, Sturridge, Stirling, Lallana, Henderson, Lambert, Flanagan, Johnson
CITY: Hart, Milner

One of two of these squads might not be playing every single week, but the SPINE is solid, the work ethic LOCAL (National) and understanding most importantly, the beating heart of the training pitch is HOME NATIONAL.

Until City that National ethic in the spine of the training pitch, it will constantly flip flop from good to bad to good to piss poor. The performances this season against Stoke, Middlesborough, Burnley (H&A), West Ham, Newcastle (LC), Moscow....................were a testament to the lack of a true spirit.

We need a further 4 or 5 (if not 6, assuming Milner is on his way) to build a fucking backbone. Stirling, Kane, Berahino, Barkley, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Walcott, Baines, Delph...........................there is a large list of top english players who would gladly fill their boots and play with real pride.

i am just not sure that Txiki has an 'english spine' agenda, but the evidence is clear - BUY BRITISH, BUILD LOYALTY and then sprinkle a consistent 'crack' player to keep them fresh. Aguero is absurdly brilliant but there has been no one to push him. Barca buy Suarez to keep Neymar fresh, Real buy Bale to keep Ronaldo fresh, Bayern buy Lewandowski to keep Muller fresh and so on.

Mancini was partly on the right track when he wanted to get RVP. The principle was to make sure, every season, City bring in ONE MAJOR, SIGNIFICANT, GAME CHANGING TALENT (RVP did effectively take the title from us).

Go get Stirling, Pogba, Barkley and Baines (I still think he has got 2/3 good seasons in him and I would have him in a flash over Kolarov and Clichy) for starters.................

Using the Liverpool players in your example, how loyal were they to their last clubs? ( apart from Gerrard who'd have fucked off if he hadn't shit himself after asking to move)

All I am saying is that unless City get an 'english' spine in general, we will suffer. We only have TWO and most likely only ONE with Milner most likely to go, compared to all the above sides that have a minimum 6/7 home nationality players. That is going to change occasionally but overall you have a solid back bone.

This is not about loyalty. Liverpool recognised the need for an english spine and have built that up over the last couple of seasons.

Liverpool? you do realise that we beat them to the title last season? and they didn't exactly shine in Europe either. Not trying to be an arse, we clearly have issues which need fixing, but trying to copy liverpool is not the answer, in my humble opinion.
Oh, and Leighton Baines, really?
Manchester City need a plan to restructure the squad for years to come. Our goals should be to bring in talent while increasing our homegrown quota as well as bringing in players from our youth teams. Patrick Viera should be our next manager but not for at least another 2 seasons, maybe look into bringing him in the summer of either 2016 or 2017, depending on if he is willing to wait. For now, Pellegrini should remain manager as he brings stability to the squad before Patty V begins his long era.

We need to sell or release a lot of our squad as we need to get rid of the dead wood in order to improve on our squad.
To sell, I believe should be;
Rrichard Wright (GK), Willy Caballero (GK), Boyata, Clichy, Kolarov, Sagna, Demichelis, Fernando, Fernandiniho, Nasri, Navas, Yaya, Dzeko, Jovetic and Guidetti (Assuming that Nastasic has already left the club as well as Richards, Milner and Lampard will leave).
Those sales will likely bring in roughly 120million+ as revenue that can be used to invest in our next squad.

We should be getting homegrown goalkeepers, I believe Angus Gunn should be promoted and we look into a homegrown option for a second choice (Maybe Jack Butland).

In defense, To partner Zabaleta, maybe Danilo can be an option, otherwise we should target Nathaniel Clyne. In the center of the park we just need to use Mangala and Kompany together to give them time, as well as utilise Rekik and Denayer and bring them into the squad. On the left, Clichy could stay for maybe another season or two until Angelino breaks into the squad, but to replace Kolarov we should get Kurzawa.

The Midfield is our biggest area of improvement as we look to control the ball better and make more chances as well as add pressure when defending. Koke, Pogba, De Bruyne, Witsel and Barkley should be our targets as replacements for the above. As much of those players we can get the better, although they will cost the most. To add more fire power to the wings, Wallcott might be a cheaper alternative than Sterling and can definitely fit in with a 4-3-3 formation on the right.

Strikers, Lacazette should be our first target as well as back up options for the future with Embolo and Martial as potential targets.

So, to summaries, IN;
Butland, Danilo/Clyne, Kurzawa, Lacazette, Embolo/Martial, Koke, Pogba, De Bruyne, Witsel, Barkley.
(This looks to be roughly 150-200 mil depending on who of those we sign.

If these transfers were to happen by the time Viera becomes manager, the squad should look like:
Clichy* (Angelino*)
De Bruyne

This squad would make just about HALF our first team composed of English Players/ Homegrown Players and still a formidable squad with plenty of depth to play 4-3-3
bluesimon said:
City need to buy BRITISH - and urgently. Quite simply, there is little loyalty in the spine of the team. I am not questioning their specific abilities, but many of the foreign players for City always talk about the 'project' and little about the team. Bony came coz 'he wanted to win trophies', Navas came to 'play in the premiership was always an ambition' and so on.
Do the math:
BAYERN: Neuer, Boateng, Lahm, Badstuber, Gotze, Rode, Schweinsteiger, Kurt, Muller
BARCA: Pique, Alba, Iniesta, Montoya, Busquets, Xavi, Pedro, Aregall
REAL: Ramos, Arbeloa, Nacho, Jese, Casillas, Varvajal
ATH MADRID: Moya, Juanfran, Cabi, Suarez, Koko, Garcia, Niguez, Torres
PSG: Nicolas, Zoumana, Lucas, Adrien, Blaise, Cabaye, Bahebeck
JUVE: Buffon, Chielini, Pirlo, Osbonne, Bonucci, Marchisio, Padoin
LIVERPOOL: Gerrard, Sturridge, Stirling, Lallana, Henderson, Lambert, Flanagan, Johnson
CITY: Hart, Milner

One of two of these squads might not be playing every single week, but the SPINE is solid, the work ethic LOCAL (National) and understanding most importantly, the beating heart of the training pitch is HOME NATIONAL.

Until City that National ethic in the spine of the training pitch, it will constantly flip flop from good to bad to good to piss poor. The performances this season against Stoke, Middlesborough, Burnley (H&A), West Ham, Newcastle (LC), Moscow....................were a testament to the lack of a true spirit.

We need a further 4 or 5 (if not 6, assuming Milner is on his way) to build a fucking backbone. Stirling, Kane, Berahino, Barkley, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Walcott, Baines, Delph...........................there is a large list of top english players who would gladly fill their boots and play with real pride.
i am just not sure that Txiki has an 'english spine' agenda, but the evidence is clear - BUY BRITISH, BUILD LOYALTY and then sprinkle a consistent 'crack' player to keep them fresh. Aguero is absurdly brilliant but there has been no one to push him. Barca buy Suarez to keep Neymar fresh, Real buy Bale to keep Ronaldo fresh, Bayern buy Lewandowski to keep Muller fresh and so on.

Mancini was partly on the right track when he wanted to get RVP. The principle was to make sure, every season, City bring in ONE MAJOR, SIGNIFICANT, GAME CHANGING TALENT (RVP did effectively take the title from us).

Go get Stirling, Pogba, Barkley and Baines (I still think he has got 2/3 good seasons in him and I would have him in a flash over Kolarov and Clichy) for starters.................

Maybe there are, but we would win fuck all. British players are over hyped by the press and over priced by their clubs. Bottom line is Britich players are not on the same level as our European counterparts.

Following your suggestion would have us praised by the England Manager for being so bold to be using local players, but languishing mid table at best.

Sorry mate, until we start producing world class players, I don't buy into your argument.
bellsouth said:
I'd focus this summer on the midfield.

For me we can keep the exact same defenders as this year, Mangala will grow into the no2 and we'll probably see a lot of games from him. A proper rest this summer for Vinny and Zabba and I expect them to have barnstorming seasons. Clichy, Sagna, DeMichelis, Kolarov are all decent enough. I would though like to see the same defence play as much as possible, less rotation unless enforced. Plus hopefully Denayer back to play in League Cups and as back up for injuries/suspensions, 2016/17 will be his season.

Strikers I'd leave as we are as well apart from Jovetic if we can get a decent fee for. If we play more 1 up front then Sergio, Bony and Dzeko are more than enough, though again I'd like to see a youngster training with these guys week in week out and get some sub time.

Midfield has been IMO the main reason we have scored so many less this season and why our defence has been under pressure in a lot of games. We have to get a grip of this. The ones to stay, Silva, Fernandinho, Navas and probably Fernando (as they won't want to take a massive hit on him by selling so soon). I wouldn't want Milner to go but it looks inevitable, which means Milner, Lampard, Toure, Nasri could all go, then we can go for two stellar name and perhaps 1 or 2 younger prospects. I suspect though that Nasri and Toure will both stay.

Like it ,what about MP? And no way will they both stay yaya is off
bluesimon said:
City need to buy BRITISH - and urgently. Quite simply, there is little loyalty in the spine of the team. I am not questioning their specific abilities, but many of the foreign players for City always talk about the 'project' and little about the team. Bony came coz 'he wanted to win trophies', Navas came to 'play in the premiership was always an ambition' and so on.
Do the math:
BAYERN: Neuer, Boateng, Lahm, Badstuber, Gotze, Rode, Schweinsteiger, Kurt, Muller
BARCA: Pique, Alba, Iniesta, Montoya, Busquets, Xavi, Pedro, Aregall
REAL: Ramos, Arbeloa, Nacho, Jese, Casillas, Varvajal
ATH MADRID: Moya, Juanfran, Cabi, Suarez, Koko, Garcia, Niguez, Torres
PSG: Nicolas, Zoumana, Lucas, Adrien, Blaise, Cabaye, Bahebeck
JUVE: Buffon, Chielini, Pirlo, Osbonne, Bonucci, Marchisio, Padoin
LIVERPOOL: Gerrard, Sturridge, Stirling, Lallana, Henderson, Lambert, Flanagan, Johnson
CITY: Hart, Milner

One of two of these squads might not be playing every single week, but the SPINE is solid, the work ethic LOCAL (National) and understanding most importantly, the beating heart of the training pitch is HOME NATIONAL.

Until City that National ethic in the spine of the training pitch, it will constantly flip flop from good to bad to good to piss poor. The performances this season against Stoke, Middlesborough, Burnley (H&A), West Ham, Newcastle (LC), Moscow....................were a testament to the lack of a true spirit.

We need a further 4 or 5 (if not 6, assuming Milner is on his way) to build a fucking backbone. Stirling, Kane, Berahino, Barkley, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Walcott, Baines, Delph...........................there is a large list of top english players who would gladly fill their boots and play with real pride.

i am just not sure that Txiki has an 'english spine' agenda, but the evidence is clear - BUY BRITISH, BUILD LOYALTY and then sprinkle a consistent 'crack' player to keep them fresh. Aguero is absurdly brilliant but there has been no one to push him. Barca buy Suarez to keep Neymar fresh, Real buy Bale to keep Ronaldo fresh, Bayern buy Lewandowski to keep Muller fresh and so on.

Mancini was partly on the right track when he wanted to get RVP. The principle was to make sure, every season, City bring in ONE MAJOR, SIGNIFICANT, GAME CHANGING TALENT (RVP did effectively take the title from us).

Go get Stirling, Pogba, Barkley and Baines (I still think he has got 2/3 good seasons in him and I would have him in a flash over Kolarov and Clichy) for starters.................

Don't agree.

We should buy the right players with the right ability and the right work ethic at the right price. If they are British, then great.

But are you really advocating buying inferior or overpriced players just because they happen to be British? That's madness. Of course we have the home-grown rules to consider, but other than that, we should buy the right player, not the wrong player because of his passport.

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