Social Media - is it really a good thing?

Its a toxic place that on the whole causes far too much misery. I use bluemoon far too much in all honesty, but on the whole i enjoy my time on here. The same cannot be said for facebook or twitter. Deleted twitter a few years ago and was much better for it. Found myself falling out with total strangers over rediculous things and even mates. Facebook i very rarely touch now as all it is seems to be adverts for thing me and the wife were discussing and other than my mates chat we have on messenger id quite happly delete the thing.

People feel the need to be seen on social media and stand out and that usually means people acting like total bellends when in normal life they are perfectly sound. I fear for my kids growing up and how any young person copes in the current world of social media.
You can deactivate your account and keep messenger for chatting to people. I did it a while ago
Definitely affects mental health, I know some people who are genuinely upset if they don't achieve what they beleive to be a satisfactory like count!

A problem i dont have thankfully.
Up there with the worst inventions ever made.

The rise in various extremists are linked to the lies and distortions on social media sites. The biggest being Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, which have amplified conspiracy nonsense found on reddit and 4chan etc.

It's utterly destroyed political debate, objectivity and what is excepted as truth by monetising lies and hate.

I binned Facebook when people I thought were decent were sharing anti-Semitic stuff, others that Turkish people were coming to flood the country with crime.

No story was true but Facebook earned money from those posting it.

Understand the sentiments but it’s the total opposite to what you say in my opinion, and I detest it.

It’s like everything in life, there is good and bad and it depends how you use it.

For every bad thing you have mentioned (and I could add twice as many to that) there is a good thing to it as well.

Missing animals and people have been found, small and start up businesses have thrived, people have truly connected.

The worst of the lot is Twitter, that place is really toxic and the cesspit not only of the social media world but also the modern world. Everyone is shouting, you are marked as far something for the views you hold, those insignificant people who have blue ticks seem to think it’s a badge of honour and their views are more important, then there are the bots and the pseudonym profiles. I liken it to shouting from a rooftop and no one can see you yet you hear everything.

You get the same views albeit on a lot lesser scale on Facebook but those people have always had those views and always will, they just have a platform to air them. You just mark them down as uncle knobhead or the bellend from work.

Twitter is different, you cannot get away from it. It has made people who they are, it has shaped their personality. You will get someone who has an agenda, maybe they have feminist views, at home or in the local community it would all be about promoting women with maybe a rant now and again but on Twitter it is a constant daily attack on anyone who doesn’t agree with them, promoting any news or story as if it’s the worst thing in the world.

Think of two prominent twitter users at both ends of the political scale, Owen Jones and Paul Watson, what do they put down as their job? All they do is spout OTT shite that gets people riled and divides them. Take away twitter and they would be that gobshite that you’d pass on the street next to the weirdos who proclaim that judgement day is upon us waving a bible.

That’s the biggest bug bear of mine, it’s made nobodies think they are a somebody.

I detest twitter but it’s great for football news and updates.
One of my mates has fallen down the rabbit hole a bit in recent times. He’s convinced white people are now under attack and will be slowly marginalised. First noticed it when he started posting random far right stuff from Twitter in the WhatsApp group. A lot of its fake but he falls for it every time. It’s led to him joining up to that new reform party.

The whole social media thing is complete poison on the whole. Whenever I look at the comments section of the MEN when it comes to a covid vaccines, it’s full of randoms talking about how they’ll refuse to take the vaccine as it’s part of a plan to control us all. Some of these people look like they struggle to spell their own name so I can only imagine how they come to these conclusions. The social media rabbit hole no doubt.

Even trivial things get turned into ‘fact’. The whole ‘Emptyhad’ thing is a complete creation of social media. I once came across a Norwich City fan who thought Norwich got bigger crowds than us and had a bigger fan based, all based of the narrative that he picked up from Twitter. He was completely confused when I showed him the figures that we get nearly 30k more than they do per match.
Finally deleted my Facebook App. It is toxic. Feel much better for it.
I still have a profile , and I’m going to log back in t wish the Mrs a happy birthday/anniversary and my old man a happy birthday and a couple others that I know appreciates that.

so 3 or 4 log ins per year and that’s it.
Finally deleted my Facebook App. It is toxic. Feel much better for it.
I still have a profile , and I’m going to log back in t wish the Mrs a happy birthday/anniversary and my old man a happy birthday and a couple others that I know appreciates that.

so 3 or 4 log ins per year and that’s it.
Don't you live with your Mrs? Just say it to her face and/or buy a birthday card

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