Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

Their staggering arrogance never fails to amaze me.
Indeed, it is mainly because of the bizaare sums clubs like Shitty keep paying for players that has caused such an inflation in the market.
It is a good reason for utilising out value policy when going for players as we don't want to be ripped off.
So it was okay to pay big money when they were the ones that could outbid everybody else? Now they know how it feels not to be able to compete in the transfer market, suddenly it's all wrong. Double standard bastards.
Damocles said:
Brwned said:
It was never my plan, first time I'd read the forum was today, but when you have people coming from every angle with baseless, banal bullshit it's hard not to respond...

If you keep throwing out this shit, you'll go. I want to remind you as an opposition fan that you are here as a guest and should treat the forum with respect. The last two of your posts have been trolling; insulting the users of this forum with no real point to make. You are welcome to make your point as is every other user, but if you keep repeating your last two posts, just like if any City fan were to come on and tell us all how banal and full of bullshit the whole forum is, you'll be banned.

I'll by no means try and tell you how to run your forum but I know Brwned from the caf and I can vouch for him as a very knowledgeable football poster.

I see where he's coming from as a fellow Utd supporter, some of the stuff some posters here throw doesn't exactly encourage sensible or intelligent debate (which I assume you'd welcome), and will stop a lot of rival fans from posting here, not that you probably give a shit, but some of them (and Brwned would fall into this category) certainly could offer something to your site.

At the same time, Brwned, remember that this isn't the caf, and you're a newbie here, wind your neck in a bit and just ignore the more predictable mindless stuff.
Just read through these 10 pages and I don't really see why some people are getting a little wound up. I only followed the first rag cafe link but what I found was a lot of pleasantly surprising support and praise for our Joe. Then a couple of decent seeming, well mannered and (besides the glory hunting raggy fuckwittery disease that comes as standard which they're obviously good at hiding :)) intelligent rags have contributed some pretty level headed stuff about mutual obsession, the nature of the rivalry etc. Why there's any mention of a ban or owt like that is confusing me a little. If this was representative of the rag fanbase as a whole then I'd have to consider putting them below Spurs on my hate list. Of course it isn't though and I only have to sign into Facebook or go outside for proof of that, but I've got plenty of time for anyone who knows their stuff and doesn't want to be a dick.
Brwned said:
I'm aware of that.

But me trolling...have a look through the thread, was it unprovoked? Was I the one doing throwing about the initial petty insults?

I don't think so.

Oh, and I never said that this forum was full of it, I just mentioned there was a lot of it in this thread. And there was, let's be honest, a lot of pointless childish jabs. It seems a tad hypocritical to point out what I've done wrong and pretend like there was nothing on the other side.

I'm not pretending that there was nothing on the other side, I'm informing you as a new user what is expected and what isn't allowed on the forum, rather than just warning or banning straight away.<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:02 pm --<br /><br />
Buzzers said:
Damocles said:
If you keep throwing out this shit, you'll go. I want to remind you as an opposition fan that you are here as a guest and should treat the forum with respect. The last two of your posts have been trolling; insulting the users of this forum with no real point to make. You are welcome to make your point as is every other user, but if you keep repeating your last two posts, just like if any City fan were to come on and tell us all how banal and full of bullshit the whole forum is, you'll be banned.

I'll by no means try and tell you how to run your forum but I know Brwned from the caf and I can vouch for him as a very knowledgeable football poster.

I see where he's coming from as a fellow Utd supporter, some of the stuff some posters here throw doesn't exactly encourage sensible or intelligent debate (which I assume you'd welcome), and will stop a lot of rival fans from posting here, not that you probably give a shit, but some of them (and Brwned would fall into this category) certainly could offer something to your site.

At the same time, Brwned, remember that this isn't the caf, and you're a newbie here, wind your neck in a bit and just ignore the more predictable mindless stuff.

I agree, I've seen his posts over on Red Cafe before. My point as ever though, is that when I'm on an opposition's forums such as VillaTalk (which I do post on), you have to know that some people will sling shit at you and it's best to ignore. Engage the sensible posters in debate, leave the others to it.
Buzzers said:
Damocles said:
If you keep throwing out this shit, you'll go. I want to remind you as an opposition fan that you are here as a guest and should treat the forum with respect. The last two of your posts have been trolling; insulting the users of this forum with no real point to make. You are welcome to make your point as is every other user, but if you keep repeating your last two posts, just like if any City fan were to come on and tell us all how banal and full of bullshit the whole forum is, you'll be banned.

I'll by no means try and tell you how to run your forum but I know Brwned from the caf and I can vouch for him as a very knowledgeable football poster.

I see where he's coming from as a fellow Utd supporter, some of the stuff some posters here throw doesn't exactly encourage sensible or intelligent debate (which I assume you'd welcome), and will stop a lot of rival fans from posting here, not that you probably give a shit, but some of them (and Brwned would fall into this category) certainly could offer something to your site.

At the same time, Brwned, remember that this isn't the caf, and you're a newbie here, wind your neck in a bit and just ignore the more predictable mindless stuff.

It is a public forum for people of all ages. Before you criticise about "sensible or intelligent debate", just remember some of the juvenile nonsense posted about city on redcafe.
And no, under no possible circumstances would I ever root for a United win, or a Liverpool win.

Tin hat time but personally I love city more than I hate united so if they were playing a direct rival like spuds last year I would want them to win, I'd just do it vy quietly, oh and I'm from Manchester
philinho said:
And no, under no possible circumstances would I ever root for a United win, or a Liverpool win.

Tin hat time but personally I love city more than I hate united so if they were playing a direct rival like spuds last year I would want them to win, I'd just do it vy quietly, oh and I'm from Manchester

one thing though. this year united ARE our direct rivals.
peacefrog said:
Buzzers said:
I'll by no means try and tell you how to run your forum but I know Brwned from the caf and I can vouch for him as a very knowledgeable football poster.

I see where he's coming from as a fellow Utd supporter, some of the stuff some posters here throw doesn't exactly encourage sensible or intelligent debate (which I assume you'd welcome), and will stop a lot of rival fans from posting here, not that you probably give a shit, but some of them (and Brwned would fall into this category) certainly could offer something to your site.

At the same time, Brwned, remember that this isn't the caf, and you're a newbie here, wind your neck in a bit and just ignore the more predictable mindless stuff.

It is a public forum for people of all ages. Before you criticise about "sensible or intelligent debate", just remember some of the juvenile nonsense posted about city on redcafe.

I'm not criticising, just an observation from a rival fan.... You get it on all boards and it can be hard to ignore and have a reasoned conversation when its coming from every angle.

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