Songs banned by the BBC.... and why.

This Smiths single “I started something I couldn’t finish” got pulled shortly before release because it contained the lines:
“And the pain was enough
To make a shy bald Buddhist
Reflect and plan a mass murder….’’

The planned release of the single was a week or so after Michael Ryan went on the rampage with a gun in Hungerford, Wiltshire.

Instead, “Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before” was released as a single, using the same planned video as “I started something…..” with the newer song played over the film,
i think you'll find it was stop me that contained the lyrics about the pain of crashing down on the crossbar made the buddhist plan a mass murder, though i do agree about the pain of your bollocks hitting the crossbar of your bike would have such an affect
Did they ban Blue Oyster Cults Don’t Fear the Reaper back in the day? I had a pen friend in the late 70 s ask me to send him a copy of the single…
Yes, but let's not get all woke about a song 54 years ago Bill. It was never his intention to be racist. Like I said, it was just to act out a simple life away from the stresses of every day life. And a bloody good song to boot! :)
Think you're getting me wrong here, of course Ray wasn't out to be racist, I never said he was.
All I'm saying is that today it would be banned.
i think you'll find it was stop me that contained the lyrics about the pain of crashing down on the crossbar made the buddhist plan a mass murder, though i do agree about the pain of your bollocks hitting the crossbar of your bike would have such an affect
Blimey! You are right! I’m upset now that I got a Smiths trivia wrong!

Goes off and thrashes himself 20 times with a non leather whip.

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