Southampton (A) - Carabao Cup | Post Match Thread

I'm genuinely disappointed about this result.
Feel sorry for the fans who've gone all the way down to Southampton to witness a performance like that. Beaten Chelsea and the dippers to basically go down there disinterested and throw it away. Almost gifting the rags a bit of silverware in the process.
As for the murmurings of whether we are better without Haaland in the team I think they were shot down in flames on that first half display. Alvarez himself only touched it once in that 45.
Secondly as much as I like Ake he simply isn't a left back. Can do a job there but doesn't think offensively at all. Constantly holds on to it too long, inevitably passes it back to the centre half and then puts his hands on his head at another missed opportunity to break. Struggles to know when he should be running forward when others are in possession etc. BUY A LEFT BACK FFS!!!
Need to be a lot better against the shower of shit.
Some absolute bed wetters in the match thread. Someone even suggested 15 of our 25 man squad should be sold.

Yes, we were poor and we were undercooked for whatever reason. Saint's had a free hit under ZERO pressure, and were on it from the first to the last whistle. And don't for one second underestimate their home advantage for an evening kick off; that would have been a completely different game at the Etihad.
Of course. That home advantage they've used all season
Cancelo had one of the worst performances from a player in recent memory. It's like he forgot how to play.

Phillips is nowhere near Rodi at controlling the game from the pivot In midfield. Overplaying the ball constantly the first half and nothing came off. Conceded twice because of it.
We bounce back against Them at the weekend and run through them.

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