Southampton fans handshakes

Re: southampton fans handshskes

davymcfc said:
Vincent said:
milo said:
I saw a Southampton supporter after the game walking back in the directionof the train station,
Well, you never
I don't believe him to be honest.

Sounds all lovey Dovey, don't get me wrong I am all for making up AFTER the GOOD banter during the match, however I draw the line when some clown uses the word "OUTSIDE" I asked his age & just said grow up! Some things never change!
Re: southampton fans handshskes

Good Thread. Met a few Southampton fans at Frankley services on the way home, good bit of banter with them, chatted about their prospects and how they feel being back in the top tier and as we parted they said they hope we win it again :)

This is what makes football great, we are all human and have our own allegiances.. I enjoy the tribal feeling walking out on to the terraces home/away EVERY time as even though I don't know everyone, I feel like I belong or am a part of something great.

When in the stadium we can chant, sing, dance, banter against the opposition fans whatever - but when we come out we should talk, laugh and share an experience, win lose or draw - preferably win though :)

This is what sets our club above the rest!
Re: southampton fans handshskes

Did you happen to see the Southampton fan I saw heading in the direction of the station?
It would be nice to think that this could become the norm,but we all know it won't.
Every club,(including ours),has it's fair share of complete fucking idiots.
Some clubs,(like Manure,Stoke,Millwall,Leeds and Birmingham),seem to have somebody else's share as well.
By the law of averages,in a crowd of 40.000,at least a couple of hundred will be utter dickheads,and sadly that's all it takes.
Re: southampton fans handshskes

milo said:
Did you happen to see the Southampton fan I saw heading in the direction of the station?

Yeah, I wasn't sure at first but been told by a few people that that's what they were doing, mad fukkas

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